HomeZZT v3.2Super ZZT v2.0Upload Queue
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
The Rest of: The Northern Samoan War! ZZTrash 63.4 Adventure
S Emily Williams 50.98 Arcade
Sabotage Bob Pragt 81.25 Adventure
The Saga of the Purple Moose Robert Cane 9.2 Adventure
Sailor Moon Acesound 48.59 Adventure
Sailor Moon Destroyer Raichu 27.1 Adventure, Demo
Sailor Moon Destroyer v1.11 Raichu 63.48 Action, Adventure
Sailor Moon Destroyer X 2 Raichu 72.52 Action, Adventure
Sailor Moon Shooter Mew 13.89 Action
SailoRoo: Blue Version Misteroo 54.26 Font, RPG
Saint Shooters RinGames 18.52 Demo, Shooter
SaintZZT 1st RinGames 17.62 Adventure, Demo
SaintZZT 3rd RinGames 63.07 Adventure
SaintZZT 3rd: The Streets of ZZT Rinox 49.38 Adventure, Demo
SaintZZT 4th RinGames 26.25 Adventure
SaintZZT 5th RinGames 35.89 Adventure
SaintZZT 5th Ver B ZZTurok (EXPPACK) RinGames 43.02 Action, Adventure
SaintZZT 7th RinGames 82.19 Adventure
SaintZZT 7th (1999-11-09, "SuperZZT 14th") RinGames 78.9 Adventure
SaintZZT 7th Enhanced RinGames 122.02 Action, RPG
SaintZZT 8th RinGames 18.43 Adventure, Demo
SaintZZT 10th RinGames 13.69 Adventure, Beta, Demo
SaintZZT 11th RinGames 22.44 Adventure, Beta, Demo
SaintZZT 13th RinGames 28.87 Adventure
Sam Unknown 3.41 Action, Adventure
Sam Spade Demo albino, stampede76 19.25 Demo
Samantha Arantes Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk RT-55J 31.41 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Parody
Samantha Arantes is Spiritually Drained by the Gig Economy RT-55J 203.21 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Sci-Fi, Simulation
Samantha Arantes Speaks Out Against the Recent Impropriety Samantha Arantes 5.36 Art, Parody
Samantha Arantes vs. Karid-X2 RT-55J 15.66 Adventure, Contest, Demo, Oktrollberfest, Parody
Samazama Zephyre Syx 80.51 Font, Magazine
SaMM's Game SaMM, WiL 20.88 Adventure, Incomplete
The Samoan War ZZTrash 51.92 Adventure
Samuella Arangoe Captured!! Agent Orange 6.91 Fangame, Parody, Sci-Fi
Samurai Pizza Cats irounds 76.54 Adventure, Fangame, Incomplete
Sanity (Demo v1.0) The Hangman 34.71 Demo
Santa's Lil' Helper CatouttaHell, ZZDevelin 29.27 Comedy
Satan Mark Viola 4.75 Action
Savage Isle Hercules 65.24 Adventure
Savage Returns Grinch 63.43 Action, Adventure
Save Point Engine ZZTyrant 2.37 Engine
Save the World Brendan Sullivan 5.63 Adventure, Shareware
SaveLock DanDraco 51.46 Utility
Scancode 5.00 Bret Johnson 93.42 Utility
Scarlet, Green John W. Wells 35.99 Adventure
The Scepter Quest ¡¿ZZT?! 35.6 Action, Adventure, Demo
Schmukz Matt Perrotti 20.92 Adventure
School Adventure Unknown 6.66 Action
School Bhuss Hell Unknown 1.46 Action
School Sucks 3 (alt) Various 8.28 Action, Puzzle
School Sucks 6 Brian McFee, Keebler 13.98 Action
School Sucks 7 Michael Szal 14.45 Action
School Sucks Anthology Various 60.8 Action, Puzzle
School Wars PC Pirate 13.28 Adventure
School ZZT stampede76 2.81 Adventure
Scooter gerbil 22.94 Platformer
Scorched Earth Engine Aetsch 12.78 Engine, Strategy
The Scorched Earth Engine _God_ 50.91 Engine
The Score! Orange698 71.96 Adventure
Scott's Town Scott Howard 8.25 Action
Scramble Dash Dungeons Ringworm 51.78 Dungeon
SCREAM! Jordan Radloff 3.95 Action
Screen Thief v1.57 Nildram Software 65.94 Utility
Scribbit's Mini Game 2 Scribbit 25.27 Other
The Search for Dr. Weird Eurakarte 38.23 Adventure
The Search For Irv! ZZTrash 36.94 Adventure
The Search for Justice Lord395 26.63 Adventure, Fangame
The Search For Nine: 4 IV Kingdoms Anonymous, Lynx, WiL 42.66 Incomplete, RPG
Search for Power David Emerson 13.32 Adventure
The Search for the Ancient John Hoelle 63.19 Adventure
Search For The Ancient Hut Pimpin177 1.75 Action
The Search For The Demon: Part One Collin Tedlock 15.98 Adventure
The Search For The Lost Brother Paul Smart 49.14 Adventure, Demo
The Search for the Lost Brother series Paul Smart 146.8 Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete, Puzzle, Random, Story
Search for the Lost City Evan Darrow 5.81 Adventure
The Search For The Lost Dog Hercules 83.1 Adventure
The Search for the Magic Flamingo Crazy Panda 36.43 Action, Adventure, Puzzle
Search Of The Power Potty Commander Pancake 22.38 Comedy
Search/Quest for the Floating Isle TymeUltima 47.56 Adventure, RPG
Sears Family X-Mas 1974 MattS 18.96 Adventure
Season's Greetings Chris Jong 12.96 Art
Second Earth coolzx 44.52 Adventure
The Secret Agent Brain Bomber 27.2 Action
Secret Agent Chronicles Billtcm, Chewy604 42.22 Adventure
Secret Agent Joe Moe JMStuckman 81.02 Action
Secret Agent Joe Moe (Christmas Build) JMStuckman 80.64 Action
Secret Agent Melvin 1.2: Story Mode Edition BigtimeDude 12.4 Action, Arcade, Experimental
Secret Agent Melvin and the Spies of ZZT BigtimeDude 5.79 Action, Arcade, Experimental, Puzzle
Secret Agent of ZZT he_the_great 23.26 Action
Secret Agent of ZZT (v1.1) he_the_great 26.97 Action
Secret Agent ZZT John Shipley 15.46 Adventure
Secret Camera Demo Parasite 15.38 Adventure, Demo
The Secret Chambers of ZZT Ken Kopp, Nathan Kopp 42.51 Action, Adventure
The Secret of Cannibal Island (1993-02-03) Alexis Janson 25.19 Adventure
Secret of Frost Stephen Burett 28.21 Adventure
Secret of Kelmar Remix (DEMO) ZZTReaper 14.65 Demo
Secret of Life Unknown 7.97 Adventure, Fangame
Secret Raid v3 gingermuffins 44.66 Adventure, Comedy
Secrets (v1.3) Kylo, Poseidon 7.31 Help
Sector 9 Archangel, Asiekierka, Bob Pragt, Commodore, Nixon, Quantum P., RCV, Schroedingers Cat, zamros 67.34 Action, Adventure
Sector 9 (December 10, 2009 prototype) Archangel, Bob Pragt, Commodore, Nixon, Quantum P., RCV, Schroedingers Cat, zamros 59.77 Action, Adventure
Security Blue*Ice 10.81 Action
Sedimental Worries Graphical Enhancement Viovis Acropolis, Zenith Nadir 36.79 24HoZZT, Contest
Self Esteem Viovis 48.38 Art, Trippy
Self-Rot Bob Pragt, Hercules 23.92 24HoZZT, Contest, RPG
The Sensu Trait Dr. J2000 19.27 RPG
Serenade Dark FLR 33.93 Action, Adventure
Series-A Moonpie 80.12 Dungeon, RPG
Series-A Moonpie 46.34 Dungeon, RPG
Series-A Demo Moonpie 66.1 Demo, Dungeon, RPG
Seven Short and Stupid Games Psychomania Productions 6.71 Action
Sewers of ZZT Belchior, Toma 47.41 Adventure
SF Mag Advertisement Sean Fitz 1.17 Advertisement
Sha-Kes HaHenka 5.41 Action
Shabalu! Ando 8.13 Adventure
Shades of Gray Flimsy Parkins, XR7 20.1 Action
Shades Toolbox Chronos30 1.96 Toolkit
The Shaft Color Tool Kit The Stag 3.0 Toolkit
Shaft Today i. 1 Datsun1958, The Stag 15.34 Magazine
Shake:The Mystical Hamster Team Smiley X 66.3 Demo, Font
Shattered Perspectives Preview DeadPhrog 35.76 Demo
Shining Forse:Rising Hero TymeUltima 45.1 Adventure
Ship Invaders Nzenik 11.42 Shooter
Shipwrecked Gandalf769 23.73 Adventure
Shooting Gallery Eurakarte 12.87 Shooter
Shooting Gallery JoeyBHere 5.74 Action
Shootout James Mizar 10.21 Action, Adventure
Shtar Trek: Part 1 Bakes13 9.46 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
Shumumu ZZT Agent Orange 12.31 Action, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Shut Up DarkMage, difp 6.02 Cinema
Shut Up 2 DarkMage, difp 12.3 Cinema
Sid's Disaster Commodore 26.77 Adventure, Platformer
SIDSID XOFACE 63.43 Trippy
The Signal Scott Hammack 23.66 Adventure
SiK 1: Why Koopo has Green Hair Dragonlord, Voighdt 44.09 Art, Music, Trippy
Silence LowerVP 4.16 Puzzle
Silent Player Warping gingermuffins 1.28 Engine
Silent ZZT Demo Wong Chung Bang 13.68 Demo
Silly Fun! Benco 9.3 Other
The Silly World of Dan Shootwrong Bill Clark 77.21 Adventure
The Sim Paraplayer 12.6 Simulation
Sim #/mfo SE Fishfood, Lord Igsel, Scribbit 38.86 Adventure, Comedy
Sim #darkdigital III Vampy 42.83 Adventure, Puzzle
Sim Mad Scientist: Double Pack Stak 46.1 Action, Puzzle
Sim Real Estate Salesman Maullar Maullar 11.57 RPG
Sim Thief AKElectron 14.36 Adventure
Sim: Life Master Raze 35.03 Adventure, Simulation
Sim: Life 2 Demo Master Raze 22.22 Adventure, Demo, Simulation
Sim: Life v2.0 Master Raze 35.7 Adventure, Comedy, Simulation
Simon Darren Hewer 3.89 Puzzle
Simple Dice v1 Adrian Rupp 1.3 Random, Simulation, Utility
Simple Games for Simple Minds Dr. Dos 11.53 Arcade
The Simpsons Unknown 4.2 Adventure, Fangame
The Simpsons 2 John Mela 6.57 Adventure, Fangame
The Simpsons Part I: The Search for Maggie's Pacifier (V 1.5) Chris Martin 25.05 Fangame, Parody
The Simpsons' Adventure Igl00 10.43 Adventure, Fangame
The Simpsons' Adventure (Unregistered) Igl00 5.44 Adventure, Fangame
Simulation 2002 Chris Jong 13.01 Arcade
SIN Flimsy Parkins 2.89 Maze
Sisyphus Dr. Dos 3.58 Experimental
Sivion Monthigos 97.38 Adventure
Six Silver Gems Claudio Leite 13.74 Font, Platformer
Sixteen Easy Pieces Flimsy Parkins, XR7 16.63 Puzzle
SK8 3 _ry0suke_ 17.1 Action
Skate Worm 17.57 Action
Skate 2 Nixon 31.03 Engine, Sports
Skate 2 Demo Snuffalufucos 10.03 Arcade, Demo, Simulation
Sketch The MP3 Monkey: A Monkey on a Mission Insane Moose 31.59 Art
Skin ZZTyrant 31.17 24HoZZT, Contest
Skulsoft Issue #1 skullie 15.92 Magazine
Sky Guide Viovis Acropolis 23.73 Magazine
SkyQube Lynx, WiL 5.49 Action, Incomplete, Puzzle
Slam the raving Nutta Blake Walker 8.88 Demo
Slave Escape John Paul Acreman 6.45 Adventure
Sled Chickens of the North Unknown 9.25 Adventure
Sleuth Chris Kohler 5.39 Mystery, Puzzle
slicK Interfaces Will Groenendyk 17.36 Utility
Slick Willy Ben Pearson, Jeremy Pearson, Robert Pearson 5.14 Adventure
Slider Nixon 21.53 Puzzle
Slighty Morphine Power Rangers Brian McFee, Keebler 16.65 Fangame, Parody
Slighty Morphine Power Rangers (1994-04-02) Brian McFee, Keebler 16.98 Fangame, Parody
The Slim Fast Commercial that Didn't make it Parasite 10.61 Comedy
Slime Editor Unknown 1.03 Utility
Slime Line Kaddar 38.27 Action
Slime Line (03/25/2002) Kaddar 37.96 Action
Slime-afterlife Subspace (Demo 1) Zdrmonster1 2.82 Action, Adventure, Demo, Fangame
SlumberPocalypse Electrum Glitches 14.06 Action, Adventure, Contest
Smack (Demo) La Roche 33.49 Adventure, Demo
Small Spaces Agent Orange, KKairos, Lancer X, Quantum P., Rabbit Boots, Zephyr, Zinfandel 107.71 Action, Adventure, Dungeon, Experimental, Puzzle
small stuff Zenith Nadir 161.38 Art
Smart series Paul Smart 91.37 Adventure, Comedy, Compilation, Incomplete, Puzzle, Random
Smash or be Smashed Choco, Nivek 38.83 Adventure
Smashed Anarchy 21.56 Trippy
Smef: The Story of Canadian Joe Big-Mack, LordE'lrond III 38.28 Adventure, RPG
Smiley Guy Al Payne 25.55 Adventure, Official
Smiley Guy & Toxic Terminator Al Payne 155.38 Adventure
Smiley Guy (remake) Zenith Nadir 33.62 Action
A Smiley's Life Anarchy 21.27 Simulation
A Smiley's Life : Christmas Expansion Pack Anarchy 22.08 Simulation
A Smiley's Life : Christmas Expansion Pack (fix) Anarchy 22.15 Simulation
Snake triphEd 14.95 Arcade
Snoozefest Dr. Dos 24.38 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Parody, Puzzle
Snorb's Dungeon Crawl Snorb 116.82 Action, Dungeon
Snowballs Chris Jong 9.75 Arcade
So Long and Thanks For All the Yiff Dr. Dos 1140.18 Compilation
So, You Want To Be A Hero 2-5 Damien Wellman 135.25 Adventure
Soccer Snika 22.11 Action
The Society of Acequia La Roche 10.87 Contest, Story
Soda Moonpie 24.28 Adventure
Software Visions ZZT Pack Alexis Janson, Matt Williams 547.51 Adventure, Compilation
Software Visions ZZT Pack (Registered) Alexis Janson, Matt Williams 567.4 Adventure, Compilation, Registered
Software Visions ZZT Pack (Registered, April 1996) Alexis Janson, Matt Williams 519.48 Adventure, Compilation, Registered
Software Visions ZZT Pack (Registered, April 1996) - Disk Image and Contents Alexis Janson, Matt Williams 1686.39 Adventure, Compilation, Registered
Solar Quest GameMstr1 39.14 Action, Shooter
Solder of Fortun Scrotch 2.58 Action
SolidHUD v5 Dr. Dos 49.03 Utility
Sombrero Dark FLR 71.04 Adventure
Sombrero (Demo) Dark FLR 35.57 Adventure, Demo
Sonic Chris Schasse 36.15 Fangame, Platformer
Sonic #2 Avery Morrow 35.11 Action, Fangame
Sonic (revised) Chris Schasse 47.84 Fangame, Platformer
Sonic (Test World) Graham Peet 12.68 Experimental
Sonic 1 Avery Morrow 6.4 Adventure, Fangame
Sonic Adventure ZZT Beta MYoshiH 17.25 Action, Adventure, Beta, Comedy, Fangame
Sonic and Friends DRG4 33.84 Fangame
Sonic and Knuckles DRG4 26.43 Adventure, Fangame
Sonic and Tails DRG4 40.68 Adventure, Fangame
Sonic the Hedgehog Demo MyuuKNUX 20.7 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Sonic The Hedgehog Part 1 Michael Lawson 50.6 Adventure, Fangame
Sonic the Hedgehog ZZT Brain Bomber 57.96 Action, Fangame
Sonic the Hedgehog ZZT Blast OrangeFox 32.4 Action, Adventure, Fangame, Platformer
Sorve:First Blood Stephen Williams 4.72 Demo
South Park Apple McTom 26.77 Comedy
South Park ZZT Beta MYoshiH Productions 27.94 Action, Beta, Comedy
South Park: The Game 1 & 2 Puffy99911 22.9 Adventure, Fangame
sp@ng@s Zenith Nadir 29.27 Compilation, Puzzle
Space Unknown 19.75 Adventure
Space 1-6 Flatcoat Lab 122.74 Action
Space Blaster 2000 Bakes13 4.87 Shooter, Space
Space Capsule The Tantrum 16.18 Action, Adventure
Space Case Jason Parker 19.69 Adventure
Space Code 1 Beta Wild Thang 21.22 Beta, Shooter, Space
Space Crud Adventure 5 WeaselFeathers 46.42 Adventure, Space
Space Crud Adventure 6 WeaselFeathers 41.79 Adventure, Space
Space Crud Adventure 7 WeaselFeathers 67.28 Adventure, Space
Space Crud Adventure 7 Disk 2 Demo WeaselFeathers 53.04 Adventure, Demo
Space Ducky v1.2 Chris Jong 29.32 Action
Space Escape Scrubba150 13.12 Action
Space Farce John Doty 9.04 Adventure, Fangame
Space Fighter 2000 FieryBlade 19.04 Shareware, Shooter
Space Fighter 2004 Anonymous 2.54 Arcade, Space
Space Fighter: Mercenary Nivek 30.55 Shooter, Space
Space Fighter: Mercenary 2 DarkMage 28.16 Shooter, Space
Space Fork Commodore 24.87 Incomplete, Sci-Fi, Space
Space Ghost HeRb 2.29 Action, Fangame
Space Invaders Jim Thies 4.81 Shooter
Space Invaderz Agent Orange 9.83 Shooter
Space Invasion 2000 Theta14 13.04 Shooter
Space Nino DarthVagrant, Scribbit 24.83 24HoZZT, Contest, Trippy
Space Prison 2050 ZZTurbo 11.69 Puzzle
Space Quest 1 Cameron Currie 4.75 Action, Adventure
Space Quest ZZT: Escape From Someplace (Demo) Domen Novak 18.58 Adventure, Demo
Space Shooter Zack Scott 0.86 Arcade, Shooter
Space Shooter II Zack Scott 1.09 Arcade, Shooter
Space Sider Mysterio3k 11.23 Platformer
Space Slug Unknown 10.91 Action, Sci-Fi
Space Station Colorus Brian Schweitzer 27.77 Adventure
Space Station Nariss Flatcoat Lab, Madeku 21.57 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest
Space Station Z Carlos Barreto 8.66 Action
Space Station ZZT Jerry Hsu, Jesse Chang 20.79 Adventure
Space Time is Now Demo StarDreamer 28.63 Adventure, Demo
Space Trek James Holub 31.36 Action, Adventure
Space Trilogy: Part One Avery Morrow 19.11 Adventure, Space
Space War Jonathan Kayes 23.84 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Space Wars Robert Martinez 7.89 Shooter
The Space Way Unknown 8.4 Action
The Space Way (1996) Unknown 8.4 Action
Spaced Out! Burakthebest 24.58 Adventure, RPG
Spaceman Jones in Ordeal on Glaxnard XII KKairos 17.9 Platformer
Spam Man roastbeef 8.6 Cameo, Demo
Spam Man vs. The Dino Bros GrandSpam 12.26 Adventure, Parody, Shareware
Spamland Brian Palmer 21.94 Adventure
Sparrow - Return to Earth Question Mark Team 50.08 Action
Spaze Invaders (Modified) Koopo, Zenith Nadir 21.61 24HoZZT, Arcade, Contest, Mod
Special Forces Nixon 8.67 Action
Speed Racer X Smiley X (EdC) 33.93 Action, Racing
Speed Racer X 2 EdC 43.25 Action, Racing
Spider Man Capdoorag 7.21 Adventure
Spin Gun: The Game! (v1.0) LtDeMiz, LtJgRemlk 4.64 Action
Spion (series) Unknown 8.33 Action
Spirit Season (Modified) Lynx, Zenith Nadir 29.13 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, RPG
Splat Paint Cheez Munky, Clecky 4.04 Engine
Splatterhouse ZZT Demo Axikal 16.21 Action, Adventure, Demo, Fangame, Horror
Spode Moonpie 18.03 Puzzle
Spode/Demo Moonpie 18.49 Adventure, Demo, Puzzle
Sponge-Bob And The Missing Krabby-Patties!! Unknown 5.61 Adventure, Fangame
Sponge-Bob-Square-Pants Unknown 5.17 Adventure, Fangame
Spork Man 2 Demo Pyro 7.75 Action, Demo, Shooter
Sports World V.R. Unknown 7.2 Adventure
Spring 2002 #russia BKZZT pack Various 33.76 BKZZT, Contest
Spy Guy WiL 10.33 Action
Squink! Scott Miller 11.71 Puzzle
SSDS: The Ultimate? Challenge Unknown 10.67 Adventure
Staff Unknown 4.25 Action, Incomplete
StaidSoft Mag #1 Maullar Maullar 27.15 Magazine
StaidSoft Mag #2 Maullar Maullar 18.38 Magazine
StaidSoft's Greatest Hits Maullar Maullar 135.65 Compilation
STAIN Engine 2 Nova 2.92 Engine
Stairway to Da Hood Tseng 20.99 Art
Star Blast roastbeef 3.46 Arcade
Star Bores Jason Hurd 6.41 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
Star Coffin Pizza Time 5.75 Action
star craze Wiki 1.41 Action, Arcade
Star Cruiser: Intrigue in Outer Space Joe Zarrow 41.29 Action, Puzzle
Star Dorks Patrick Hustis 9.99 Action
Star Fighter Bloodstar64 15.77 Action
Star Fox ZZT BigtimeDude 38.79 Action, Comedy
Star Fox ZZT 2 Demo BigtimeDudeProductions 23.75 Action, Arcade
Star Guardian John Shipley 12.74 Action
Star Heck Brian McFee, Keebler 8.54 Action, Fangame, Parody
Star Snors: A Lost Hope Scott1 3.81 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
Star Trek Unknown 3.81 Adventure, Fangame
Star Trek Adventure: Marooned on Sigma Alpha II Protoknuckles 104.3 Adventure, Fangame
Star Trek: Battle Commander NMZMaster 1814.05 Action, Fangame
Star Trek: Battle Commander v0.0003 NMZMaster 1923.13 Action, Fangame
Star Trek: The Next To Last Generation Unknown 11.77 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
Star Troopers Spock 75.92 Action
Star War(s) ZZT Elliot Manning 18.99 Adventure, Fangame, Parody, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars Unknown 6.87 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars Joshua Hoffmaster, Peter Kuyatt 45.37 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars Unknown 16.68 Action, Fangame
Star Wars Ryan Roth 9.08 Action, Fangame
Star Wars City Austin Abrams, Barry Abrams 18.26 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
The Star Wars Combat Simulator v1.0 Bryan St. John 4.68 Action, Fangame, Shareware
Star Wars Episode VII NMZMaster 61.62 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars Episode VII Demo NMZMaster 45.88 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Star Wars Episode VII: The Empire has Gas Jonathanfilm 17.03 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
Star Wars Main Theme Matt Thyer 0.46 Music
Star Wars Mode CLAbles 8.17 Font
Star Wars Mode (August 1996) CLAbles 5.05 Font
Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition Joshua Fadriquela 4.26 Action, Fangame
Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition (Update) Joshua Fadriquela 25.9 Action, Fangame
Star Wars X-Wing Unknown 14.0 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: A New Hope Dan Page 3.27 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: A New Hope Master_S, Redmage 30.55 Fangame, Platformer
Star Wars: Dark Jedi Demo Fungus Shark 11.05 Action, Demo, Fangame
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope: Part One Blake Darlin 13.23 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope: Part One (alt) Blake Darlin 12.75 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire Brian Harbron 33.47 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker Missions Unknown 13.16 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Owen's Revenge Wookiee986 3.48 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Dan Page 3.6 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Patrick Wade 11.72 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Dan Page 3.69 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: The Arcade Joshua Fadriquela 8.34 Action, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: The Empire Gets Even Rayden9999 6.67 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: The Empire Gets Even Again Rayden9999 7.42 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: The Mission on Frandoria Lord 39 10.63 Adventure, Fangame
Star Wars: The Rescue of Leia, Episode 1 of 3 Lord 39 9.15 Adventure, Fangame, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Space
Star Wars: The Trench Battle Steve Reed 9.73 Fangame, Shooter
Star Wench Anna Anthropy 16.45 Adventure
Star Wench (version 2.0) Anna Anthropy 16.63 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Star ZZT Matthew Darragh 7.29 Font
Starbase ZZT Jerry Hsu, Jesse Chang 59.73 Adventure
Starbux: The Hits vol.1 (2001-2002) starbux 185.3 Compilation
StarFire TheTantrum 23.98 Platformer
Starfleet Battles: Top Secret New Ships Unknown 4.42 Other, Sci-Fi
Starship BIll Meeks 3.47 Action
Starship Troopers Adam Fourney, Chris Fourney 16.06 Action, Adventure, Fangame
Stasis Qube Unfinished Tseng 50.09 Font, Incomplete, RPG
Station 101 Scribbit 25.71 Demo
Station 202 Scribbit 18.65 Adventure
Steel Commando: A Soldier in Training Quintez D. Goodrum 7.92 Action
Stewaby Snorb 280.67 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest
Stewaby+ Snorb 297.31 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest, Update
STFU RPG Fourth Fanny _ry0suke_, friends of knightt inc. 3.13 RPG
Stick Dudes Development Kit Stak 22.77 Platformer
Stick Up chelsmels49 10.55 Action
Stickman Comix Game File 1 Maullar Maullar 35.44 Action
Stinky the Sock Munching Ocelot tucan 54.79 Demo
Stinky the Sock Munching Ocelot (Preview) tucan 84.09 Advertisement
The Stolen Gems James Holub 27.83 Action
Stone Cold Tseng 16.72 Demo
Stop Thief! BryanS7287 2.91 Action
The Story of Bob The Stag 49.37 Comedy
Stranded SpellWeavre 11.18 Adventure
Stranded (Modified) WiL, Zenith Nadir 36.43 Contest, Mod, Puzzle
Strange Suzy T. 13.37 Adventure
The Strange City SAM VINCI 10.34 Action, Puzzle
The Strange Mystery Of The Oof-Da! LARRYXXXXX 20.26 Comedy
Strange Trek Scott Hammack 9.63 Action, Fangame
Strange Trek (alt) Scott Hammack 10.04 Action, Fangame
Strange Trek 2 Scott Hammack 15.61 Adventure, Fangame
Stratego bitman, nick_of_time 15.53 Puzzle
The Streets ChRiSyBoY 24.54 Action, Adventure
STROOD FIARWORKS DISPLAY 2001 Lord Igsel, Wildkarrde 51.67 Action, Adventure
Struggle For Balance file one NMZMaster 40.75 Adventure, RPG
Struggle For Balance Sneak Peek NMZMaster 19.33 Demo
Struggle for Balance: File One NMZMaster 35.47 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Stupid RPG Knightt 50.82 Comedy, RPG
Stupid RPG 1-3 Knightt 241.18 Comedy, Compilation, RPG
Stupid RPG Disc Two: Silver Silicon Cartridge Edition Knightt 66.91 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
Stupid RPG II (Demo) Knightt 26.03 Comedy, Demo, RPG
Stupid RPG Too EBSSCE Dexter 1.71 RPG
Stupid RPG: Disc Two Knightt 61.47 Comedy, RPG
Stupid RPG: File One Complete Knightt 74.64 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
Stupid RPG: File Two (Demo) Knightt 20.06 Comedy, Demo, RPG
Stupid RPG: Silver Silicon Cartridge Edition! Knightt 54.75 Comedy, Remake, RPG
Stupid RPG: Third Flavor Knightt 100.4 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
Stupid RPG: Third Flavor (Demo) Knightt 37.75 Comedy, Demo, RPG
Stupid the Dog roastbeef 13.29 Platformer
Subterranean Quest Nomad 38.42 24HoZZT, Contest
The Suckiest Game Ever Matt Perrotti 3.12 Other
Sudden Death I Daniel Sigman 32.27 Action, Demo
Sugartits gingermuffins 72.54 Adventure, Comedy
SUGARTITS demo gingermuffins 10.97 Demo, Engine, Story
Suicide Jawatrader, Vampy 28.73 Adventure
Summer 2022 2.4HoBKZZT - All Entries Various, WiL 1080.89 24HoZZT, BKZZT, Compilation, Contest
Super Adventure THKikr 29.43 Adventure
Super Adventure Unknown 23.9 Adventure
Super Archaeologist Simulator Commodore 56.24 Action, Adventure
Super Colors Unknown 2.79 Help
Super Face Paul Smart 25.24 Incomplete, Platformer
Super Fighter Victor Lin 34.97 Action
Super Frog ZZT Geofrog, Michael Barash 27.52 Action, Adventure
Super Geek's Bumbling Adventure Part 1: The City Darren Hewer 14.24 Action
Super Geek's Bumbling Adventure Part 1: The City (1992-02-24) Darren Hewer 13.42 Action
Super Hang Up Dr. Dos 15.77 Arcade, Contest, Engine, Oktrollberfest, Platformer, Racing, Retro, Shooter
Super Mag Evan 26.8 Magazine
Super Mario 2 DarkMage 28.4 Adventure, Fangame
Super Mario Demo Superspy 16.9 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Super Mario RPG Daemon_Lotos 32.66 Fangame, RPG
Super Mario RPG 2 Rocko, skullie 13.27 Action, Fangame
Super Mario Travel Unknown 7.4 Fangame
Super Mario ZZT Michael Crowley 20.49 Adventure, Fangame
Super Mario ZZT: A Side Scrolling Adventure! DJ Furby 32.44 Fangame, Platformer
Super Maze MIK042 2.84 Maze
Super Mega Ultima 14.29 Cinema
Super Meh #cactusware, Leamas 12.03 Trippy
Super Neato All Color Kit (SNACK) 4.0 Disco 7.73 Toolkit
Super Stunt Flying Greg Gilbert 7.68 Shooter
Super Tool Kit Alexis Janson 28.3 Utility
Super Unlock Test World! mboxall 0.94 Help
Super Wall Puncher DeadPhrog 76.45 Adventure, Comedy, Contest, Experimental, Oktrollberfest
Super Yoshi's Road Apple (Prototype) Chris Kohler 2.1 Engine, Incomplete
Super ZZT (Cracked) Pirates Cove, Tim Sweeney 108.64 Adventure, Utility
Super ZZT Color Mania David Pinkston 43.05 Toolkit, Utility
Super ZZT v1.1 (Shareware) Tim Sweeney 100.96 Adventure, Official, Shareware, Utility
Super ZZT v1.1 (Shareware, U.K. Version) Tim Sweeney 100.42 Adventure, Official, Shareware, Utility
Super ZZT v2.0 (Registered) Tim Sweeney 158.44 Adventure, Official, Registered, Utility
Super ZZT v2.0 (Shareware) Tim Sweeney 101.12 Adventure, Official, Shareware, Utility
Super ZZT v4.0 (Unofficial) Tim Sweeney, WiL 87.01 Utility
Super ZZT: The Card Game (v0.2) q2k2k 2.31 Engine, Incomplete
SuperBowl: A Mini Game Apple McTom 2.33 Minigame
SuperSoft Mega Magazine Issue 1 Ryan Baker 5.89 Magazine
Superspy Demo Superspy 8.71 Adventure, Demo
SuperWAD 1.7cα PresHGSI 139.89 Utility
SuperWAD v3.10 Atrocity 82.76 Utility
SuperZZT Encyclopedia 1A Gentoo 26.59 Utility
SuperZZT Tools HM 70.14 Utility
Supper Man #1 Master Raze 14.49 Comedy, Comic
Survival DeadPhrog 49.81 Adventure, Comedy
Survivor ZZT Episode 1 Ringworm 29.37 Cinema
Svynar's 2nd Quest Lincoln Sayger, Tony Sayger 53.23 Adventure, RPG
Svynar's Quest Lincoln Sayger, Tony Sayger 43.42 Adventure, RPG
SW Software #1 StrWarsNut 5.76 Magazine
SW Software #2 StrWarsNut 4.65 Magazine
SW Town StrWarsNut 12.17 Fangame
Swap World Engine Lancer X 2.52 Engine
Sweden end13 9.51 Adventure, Platformer
Sweet Dreams RT-55J 3.55 Art, Minigame
Sword Combat!!!! Unknown 1.43 Engine
The Sword of Destiny Unknown 11.79 Incomplete, RPG
The Sword of Khan 1 Unknown 6.33 Adventure
Sympathetic Coloring Viovis Acropolis 41.14 Utility
Szechuan Chicken myth 24.57 24HoZZT, Action, Contest
SZZT RPG Soundtrack Theta14 0.63 Music
[sic] zorkboy 32.77 Puzzle

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