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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
G-Fighter Ryan Williams 10.15 Action
G-Fighter 2 Kevin Anderson 6.38 Action
G-Fighter II: Hidden Evil Fungus Shark 10.68 Action
G-Fighter II: Hidden Evil version 1.2 Fungus Shark 11.01 Action
G-Fighter: Combat Flight Simulator Fungus Shark 5.73 Action
G-Help: Funugs Shark's G-Fighter Series Help and Info Fungus Shark 4.69 Help
G.I. Joe Unknown 4.04 Action, Fangame
G.I. Joe Unknown 1.4 Action, Fangame
Gadfly Goods Grab Bag 2021 RT-55J 46.61 Magazine
Galactic Foodtruck Simulator 2999 LOVELOVEKITTY, WiL 454.09 Engine, RPG, Simulation, Space, Story
Galactic Foodtruck Simulator 2999 (Extras) LOVELOVEKITTY, WiL 19860.11 Compilation, Other
Galactic Foodtruck Simulator 2999 v1.8.21 LOVELOVEKITTY, WiL 472.46 Engine, RPG, Simulation, Space, Story
Galactic Games Magazine 1 Lamuzak 11.76 Incomplete, Magazine
Galactic War Lord Kadro 21.72 Action, Shooter
Gambit (No. 1 of 3) MDBowers, SMokey666 5.3 Adventure, Fangame
The Game Unknown 0.85 Action
The Game AlanSo 6.23 Adventure, Fangame
Game Collection #1 Alex Ho 5.04 Arcade, Beta
The Game of XYZABCDE zzo38 37.87 Adventure, Puzzle
Game Pack for ZZT Unknown 16.39 Adventure, Compilation, Help
Game Pak (Bladeware) Bladeware 5.86 Minigame
The Game Room And Other Places Sonic1126 15.21 Minigame
The Garden Juliette Porée 4.34 Trippy
The Gargoven Alliance Scott Betts 14.86 Sci-Fi, Shooter
The Gate of Time Chris Matthews, Devin McDougall 26.42 Action, Adventure
GATTACA Dogbert 36.83 Action
The Gauntlet of ZZT BigtimeDudeProductions 6.68 Action
The GCS nooodl 6.7 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Puzzle
Gem Hunter Tseng 40.52 Adventure
Gem Hunter 2 Tseng 64.52 Adventure
Gem Hunter 3 Tseng 141.95 Adventure
Gem Hunter 3 (01/17/2000) Tseng 141.54 Adventure
The Gem Hunter Anthology Tseng 633.64 Adventure
Gem Hunter II: Special Edition Kevin Carter, Tseng 70.09 Adventure, Remake
Gem Hunter II: Special Edition: Reprise Three Tseng 77.21 Adventure, Remake
Gem Hunter SE 1.5 Tseng 50.97 Adventure
The Gem Thieves Jerry Ellis 23.39 Action, Adventure
Gemhunt Graham Peet 84.8 Action, Platformer
Gems and Pipes jojoisjo 10.2 Puzzle
General Anger Dark FLR 51.54 Adventure
Generic Lynx 29.96 Adventure, RPG
The Genesis Matrix Eli Tremblay 23.12 Adventure
Geneva Andrea Landt 31.62 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi
Gengar Iyengar Reads the Newspaper Agent Orange 8.63 Other, Random, Story, Trippy
George and Tom 2 Dustin Davidson 40.67 Adventure
George And Tom | Episode 1 Mrs. Clause 35.44 Adventure
George Badluck Scribbit 43.0 Adventure
George Badluck Demo Scribbit 13.03 Adventure, Demo
Get Out of the Mental Hospital Maullar Maullar 36.86 Action
Get Psyched Unknown 16.25 Action, Adventure
Get That Dollar DeadPhrog 100.85 Adventure, Contest, Experimental, Oktrollberfest, Parody, Trippy
Get to Work on time- THE GAME! Darby Janssen 18.74 Other
Ghost D. 5.93 Action
Ghostbuster's ZZT Adventure Chris Carrick, Patrick Carrick 3.21 Action, Fangame
Ghostbusters Demo Commodore 12.2 Demo
Ghoulish ZZT Brent Stone 20.34 Adventure
Giant Flaming Tree Productions Logo Unknown 2.09 Art
Gigolo Engine Creative 10.67 Engine, Simulation
Gilbert and Sullivan ZZT John W. Wells 36.81 Music
Gilligan's Island The PC Pirate 88.85 Action
Gladiator Cliff Hensley 34.2 Adventure
Gladiator: Knight's Saga Cliff Hensley, Josh Rogalski 61.26 Adventure
GNOME CHEESESE!!!!!! DirrCo 17.6 Trippy
Gobadug Viovis Acropolis 10.07 Adventure
Gobble_d_Gook WiL 29.43 Adventure, Engine, Incomplete
Godzilla vs. Planet X5 Jpasc123 90.71 Action
Going Down Jeff Parkes 37.31 Adventure
Going Down (Early) Jeff Parkes 24.28 Adventure
Goldeneye ZZT Demo Daniel Hutson 14.01 Action, Demo, Shooter
Goo! It's Alive! (Summer DoZ 2010) Unknown 1.79 Incomplete
Goober FutureWARE 4.53 Adventure
The Good Ones - Volume 1 Nuero 251.55 Compilation
Goop WiL 12.74 Action, Puzzle
Goose Step Grape Vine Devi, WiL 27.63 Arcade, Incomplete
Goosebumps GAMEBOYJBF 2.88 Action
Gothem Episode 1: The Knight Awakens Jerry Ellis 30.36 Adventure, Fangame
Grade A Milk Viovis Acropolis 20.82 Adventure
Grand Theft Auto ZZT ZZTechno 10.62 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Grand Theft Auto ZZT Adam Flynn, Terry Bates 101.38 Action
Graphix Shite coolzx 20.68 Art
The Great Co-Co Caves of Bratha Bobo 8.53 Action
The Great Co-Co Caves of Bratha (1991-07-25) Darren Hewer 8.76 Adventure
The Great Egyptian Adventure Game Darren Hewer 7.93 Adventure
Great Pyramid of ZZT Wong Chung Bang 25.7 Puzzle
GREED Part One MadTom 54.08 Adventure, RPG
GREED Part Two MadTom 56.59 Adventure, RPG
GREED Soundtrack MadTom 1.25 Music
The Green Dark Knight 21.94 Action, Sports
The Green (06/01/1997) Dark Knight 21.62 Action, Sports
Green Commando Anarchy 22.24 RPG
Green Commando 2 Anarchy 33.32 Action, RPG
The Green Dragen Hayabusa 42.3 Adventure, Contest
The Green Rabbit Demo BigtimeDudeProductions 5.93 Experimental, Trippy
Greenday ZZT Viovis Acropolis 19.57 Trippy
Greg's Vill Unknown 5.16 Adventure
The Griffins Cyrus 8.31 Adventure
Grow Your Funds itsmehere 1.42 Contest
Growing Up Hax Shannon 17.27 Art, Experimental, Other, Puzzle, Story
Groz Jono 14.03 Adventure
GRPG v0.0a Nondescript 9.93 Demo, RPG
Grubville Mark Appleby 12.33 Adventure
The Guardian Question Mark 56.58 Dungeon, RPG
Guerrila 2000 Unknown 11.08 Action
Guide to the Everything Vork 9.53 Cinema
Guinea Pig Ryan Tyrrell 23.8 Adventure, Puzzle
Gumby Must Die Unknown 4.16 Action, Fangame
Gundam Wing Redmage 36.75 Action
Gunfire Zagooky 17.36 Demo, Shooter
Gunmetal hyde` 21.22 Action, Contest, Puzzle, WoZZT
Gunsmoke Nzenik 27.85 Comedy
Guymaker: 3! dave2 14.06 Engine
GUYS WHO LOOK LIKE GIRLS #cactusware, davr0s 16.24 Trippy
Gymnázium Jana Nerudy Trilogy prebral 282.35 Action, Adventure, Compilation
This Game Has No Point Noctrocide 17.82 Adventure
This Game Has No Point 2: Plague of Pointlessness Noctrocide 39.1 Adventure

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