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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
#loungeact Shooter davr0s 11.08 Cameo, Shooter
La La Land Mrs. Clause 85.29 Action, RPG
La Vie Moderne de CAPTAIN JEAN-LUC PICARD Snorb 21.3 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle
La Vie Moderne de III + I : IL ÉTAIT TROIS FOIS Agent Orange 13.39 Action, Engine, Fangame, Parody
La Vie Moderne de SEQUEL Snorb 62.06 Comedy, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle
La Vie Moderne de THREEQUEL Snorb 101.88 Action, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Parody
La Vie Moderne de V-QUEL Snorb 330.62 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Contest, Oktrollberfest
La Vie Moderne de [IV,+I] Agent Orange 30.04 Action, Arcade, Contest, Fangame, Oktrollberfest
La Vie Moderne IV: Je M'Apelle BITE ME Snorb 956.79 Action, Contest, Oktrollberfest
La Vie Moderne: Non Je Ne Regrette Rien Bob Pragt 8.78 24HoZZT, Advertisement, Cameo, Cinema, Contest, Fangame, Music
Labyrinth Unknown 2.75 Action
Labyrinth ZZT 3 Mathias Aegler 5.18 Action
Lalore, Land of Mystery Trilink 26.31 Adventure, Fantasy
Lame FunctionlessArt 18.58 Trippy
Lame II *Preview Edition* FunctionlessArt 24.66 Demo
The Land Before Xenon Nondescript 16.13 Action
Land O' Fun Jon Peakman 5.68 Adventure
Land of Hat WiL 3.31 Adventure, Incomplete
Land Of The Tigers: Special Edition Master Raze 21.38 Action, Remake
The Land of Traseel Graham Peet 76.08 Action, RPG
The Land of Where? he_the_great 16.27 Adventure
The Land of Where? (early) he_the_great 16.12 Adventure
The Land of YYS Nathan Ridley 29.96 Action, Adventure
Land of ZZT v2.0 Ethan Fleischer 29.9 Adventure
Landing Asgromo 35.12 Adventure
LandLand 1+2 (Decorrupted) GreaseMonkey, Joe Moone 124.34 Action, Adventure
LandLand 2 Joe Moone 40.83 Action
The Lands of the World of ZZT Joe Moone 21.17 Adventure
largoABRAXIS WiL 31.91 Action
Las Musique: 2 Draco, Viovis, Voighdt 21.61 Music
las muzique iii: disc one Dexter, Draco, jojoisjo, Knightt, Viovis, Voighdt 72.71 Font, Music
las muzique: volume one Voighdt 12.51 Music, Utility
Last Breath Demo Blazer 25.79 Demo
Last Dude Standing BigtimeDudeProductions 4.96 Comedy
Last Dynasty Demo Version BroKen 18.04 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Last Momentum coolzx 56.49 Arcade
Last November Tseng 14.37 Demo
Last November 2 Tseng 28.86 Demo
LavaMan Anthony 13.12 Action, Platformer
Lawn Man Unknown 2.75 Action
Laworde asie 163.48 Minigame
Lazer Tag Scott Miller 4.9 Action
LEADsoft Magazine #2 Unknown 4.86 Magazine
LEADsoft Magazine #3 Teraptus13, ZZTMaster2 10.91 Magazine
Leamas Glory Viovis Acropolis 18.91 24HoZZT, Contest
Learn Your ZZT's Unknown 7.36 Help
Learn ZZT Chris Jong 8.77 Help
Learning to Play Mark McIntyre 10.84 Help
Lebensraum Zenith Nadir 54.73 Action
Left In The Dark Demo Ultima 5.8 Adventure, Demo
Legacies Nivek 75.7 Adventure
The Legacy of Diowgi (Part 1 of 4) djbjrca 29.44 Adventure, Incomplete
Legacy of the Sploot Kingdom Demo BigtimeDudeProductions 7.0 Adventure, Comedy, Demo
Legacy of the Sploot Kingdom Part One Full Version BigtimeDudeProductions 28.01 Action, Comedy, Fantasy
The Legend of Aelk (DEMO 1.0) Mrs. Clause 58.38 Adventure, Demo
The Legend Of Bob Dsone 31.41 Action, RPG
The Legend of Bob Complete Dsone 70.95 Action, Comedy, RPG
Legend of Brandonia Riegs 42.85 Adventure
The Legend of Golbez, Part 1: The Quest for the Orb Patrick Stephens 7.58 Adventure
The Legend of Lichevex one 8.7 Adventure
The Legend of Midna: DEMO VERSION BigtimeDude 26.1 Action, Comedy, Dungeon
The Legend of Pikachu: Pokeflute of Time: Part 1 SkyWalkRo 41.08 Adventure, Fangame
The Legend of Pikachu: Pokeflute of Time: Part 2 SkyWalkRo 53.33 Adventure, Fangame
Legend of the 3 Gems Part I: The Ruby of Resurrection Carlos DaSilva 58.91 Adventure
Legend of the 3 Gems The Ruby of Resurrection Carlos DaSilva 59.46 Adventure
Legend of the Wishing Light Appliance 29.08 Action
The Legend of Zelda Darby Janssen 35.14 Adventure, Fangame
The Legend of Zelda Demo Darby Janssen 35.19 Action, Demo, Fangame, RPG
The Legend of Zelda ZZT: Hero's Quest (Demo) Phoenix 14.35 Action, Adventure, Demo, Dungeon, Fangame, Fantasy, Incomplete
The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of the Triforce Unknown 11.68 Adventure, Fangame, Incomplete, Shareware
Legend of Zelda: Termina's Eclipse Demo Version BigtimeDudeProductions 16.3 Action, Adventure, Comedy
The Legend of Zelda: The Land of Gannon Demo (original upload) EvilMario 26.09 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Legend of Zeldar: Bored of the Rings Pentium 20o1 49.3 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
The Legend of ZZT J. J. Foote 10.84 Adventure
Legendary Series 1: Battle On Upitoonur Jag 59.53 Action, Beta, Puzzle
Legends 1 Unknown 3.48 Action, Adventure
Legends of the Hidden Temple Chris Kohler 8.81 Arcade
Legends of ZZT RinGames 27.69 Adventure
Lemmer Will Kill You Bitch Micr0wave 26.6 Other
Lemming Hunter 2 and Other Worlds Dsone 37.09 Action, Puzzle
Lemming Hunter Demo Dsone 20.49 Action, Demo, Platformer, Puzzle
Lemming Hunter Full Dsone 48.97 Action, Platformer, Puzzle
Lemmings ZZT Stephen Gula 20.29 Platformer
LEO Demo Josh Cooper 3.36 Action, Demo
Let The Circle Be Unbroken Dr. Dos 15.04 Edutainment
Let The Seasons Echo Miakar 80.47 Adventure
The Library of the Green Herring, Volume I The Green Herring 205.73 Art, Magazine
Life Collection Asiekierka, Drake Wilson, GreaseMonkey 12.12 Engine
Life of a Demon! Develin z3 22.51 Comedy, Demo, Simulation
Life of a Player Oddjob, Ringworm 39.98 Adventure, Parody
Life of a Player 2 Oddjob, Ringworm 75.43 Adventure
The Life of a Scotter Hercules, Hydra 16.1 Comedy
Life of a Scotter - Nederlandse versie Hercules, Hydra, Niels, Sander, Tom 16.08 Comedy
Life, don't talk to me about life! Joe McManis 58.56 Action, Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi
Lift Stuart Shum 1.38 Engine
Light 1: Dreams of Light Demo Knightman 64, TOMan2000 47.4 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Lil Buddy Microwave, Viovis Acropolis, Vork, WiL 108.08 Font, Remake, Trippy
Line Wars, ZZT Style: Part One T ChonG 2.42 Arcade, Engine
Link's Adventure (Trilogy Pack) Rotaj Russell 115.92 Adventure, Fangame
Link's Adventure 1 Rotaj Russell 35.0 Adventure, Fangame
Link's Adventure 2 Rotaj Russell 30.42 Adventure, Fangame
Link's Adventure 3 Rotaj Russell 48.36 Adventure, Fangame
Link's Heritage (Demo) WiL 16.57 Action, Adventure, Incomplete, RPG
Lion Heart: The Quest for Gothian Tommy Thompson 8.97 Adventure, Shareware
Lion Tiger Gem KKairos 1.62 Action, Arcade, Maze, Minigame, Random
Lion's Den Daniel Lynn 17.55 Adventure
Lion's Den Collection Schuyler Frey Schuster 23.24 Action, Adventure, Compilation, Fangame, Sports
Lion-King Demo Shujj 22.84 Demo, Platformer
Little Orphan Annie Gets Shot in the Forehead ZZT DPLobster 8.29 Action
Little Square Things craNKGod 38.9 Puzzle
Little Square Things Level Designer craNKGod 11.53 Action, Engine, Puzzle
Live At The London Trash Receptical _ry0suke_ 257.02 Compilation, Incomplete
Live Throwing Copper Tour Unknown 8.35 Adventure
Liverwurst and Roses he_the_great 12.18 Story
Liverwurst and Roses (original upload) he_the_great 12.39 Story
The Living Dead Commodore 42.82 Adventure
Living Hell Eric Hoppe 9.02 Adventure, Puzzle
Llama Masters 1 Scott Hammack 14.16 Action
Llama Masters 2 Scott Hammack 30.69 Action
Llama Masters 3 Scott Hammack 276.11 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete, Parody
LLLL Adventures The Vex 8.69 Adventure
Lois and Clark BIll Meeks 10.96 Adventure
LOME Intro Leamas 26.43 Adventure, Demo
LOME: The Legends of Matt Eatingham Leamas 100.18 RPG
Lonezr goosedaemon 43.59 Action, Puzzle
Lonezr v2 goosedaemon 44.72 Action, Adventure, Trippy
The Long Voyage Chris Jong 80.31 Adventure
The Long Voyage (v1.2) Chris Jong 75.76 Adventure
The Long Voyage 2: Outerspace Chris Jong 53.41 Adventure
The Long Voyage 2: Outerspace (v1.2) Chris Jong 48.58 Adventure
The Long Voyage 3: Underwater War (Demo) Chris Jong 10.79 Adventure, Demo
Longest ZZT Game Ever Unknown 0.81 Other
Looky THIS!! Kewlio 4.33 Action, Help
LOOMzzt 1.1.3 (MS-DOS) Kev Vance, WiL 1045.47 Utility
LOOMzzt 1.1.3 (Windows) Kev Vance, WiL 1846.43 Utility
Looneytown Craig Kapp 5.19 Action
Lord of the Rings Battle Ground (v1.0) Nixon 7.14 Action, Fangame, Fantasy
Los Refritos 1 gchucky 24.57 Font, Story
Los Refritos 6 gchucky 42.04 Cinema, Font
Los Refritos 7 gchucky 40.02 Cameo, Cinema
Los Refritos 8 gchucky 39.24 Cameo, Cinema, Font
Los Refritos 9 gchucky (chuke) 105.07 Adventure, Cinema, Font
LOST Benco 20.2 Action, Dungeon, Random
The Lost Caves I Give Up 19.5 Adventure
Lost Caves ZZFreak 5.13 Puzzle
Lost Caves Graphic Renewal Zenith Nadir, ZZFreak 9.51 Puzzle, Remake
The Lost Crown Chris Lane 19.65 Adventure
The Lost Crown (1991-12-12) Chris Lane 19.74 Adventure
The Lost Crown 2 Chris Lane 41.18 Adventure
The Lost Crown 3 Chris Lane 47.05 Adventure
The Lost Demo Moonpie 47.78 Demo
Lost Keys Quintez D. Goodrum 7.89 Adventure
The Lost Monkeys Chris Jong 66.22 Adventure
The Lost Pyramid James Holub 43.17 Adventure
The Lost Treasures of Digital Reality Chris Jong 1000.19 Action, Adventure, Compilation
The Lost World of ZZT Josh Szepietowski, Ryan Bowling 35.58 Adventure
Lucidity FYNDR 52.18 Adventure, Puzzle
Luigi Land Luigi128 42.78 Adventure, Comedy
Luigi: Agent of Princess Daisy IronWilledMuffin 14.51 Action, Comedy
Lunatix ZZT Mike Snyder 30.62 Adventure
LURK: what lies belief WiL 29.46 24HoZZT, Contest, RPG
Lynx's ZZT Graveyard Lynx 166.41 Compilation
Lyon Saxxon 279.27 Utility
LZZTUtil 0.3.1 Daemon_Lotos 140.17 Utility
LZZTUtil 0.3.3 Daemon_Lotos 141.07 Utility

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