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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
I fængsel T.B.M. 20.44 Action, Adventure
P+D: The Search for Pepe, Special Edition Agent Orange, Unknown 20.12 Action, Remake, Story
P.D.S Enhanced Creator 22.97 Shooter
Pablo Mark McIntyre 15.37 Adventure
Pac-Man Lynx, WiL 14.42 Arcade
Pac-Man vs Zac-Man Gil V 999 20.07 Arcade
Pacifying Fall and Life (Modified) FunctionlessArt, Viovis Acropolis, Zenith Nadir 17.62 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, Trippy
A Pact with Poe NocturnalBirdFish 13.79 Action, Horror, Maze, Puzzle
Paintbox Snorb 58.55 Art
Palace Unknown 2.28 Adventure
Palace of Peril Engine Weaself 3.35 Dungeon, Engine
The Pancake TheBigtimeDude 5.58 Action, Comedy, Parody, Random
PancaKwest Demo Messiah 23.13 Comedy, Demo
Pandemonium Alpha Appliance 28.47 Platformer
Pandemonium:Invasion Appliance 36.04 Platformer
Panning Platform Engine DarkOktopus 2.68 Engine
Paper Dude Master Raze 18.94 Puzzle
Paradise Island Unknown 22.69 Adventure
Parallel Boonob, MadTom 41.04 Trippy
Parallel BK Boonob, MadTom 33.93 Trippy
Parallel Universe Newt 27.15 Adventure
Paranoia Master Raze 32.25 Horror, Puzzle
Parell Wars 1 ParellOne2345 5.96 Adventure
Parell Wars 2 ParellOne2345 5.77 Adventure
Parker World Parker Marcotte 1.54 Other
Parroty (Modified) Darren Hewer, Zenith Nadir 34.53 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Parter: The Parakoopa (Demo) Unknown 1.57 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
PARTIDO COCONUTMONKY 97.12 Action, Adventure
Partly Misterst12 22.13 RPG, Story
Pathways Lynx 12.51 Puzzle
Patriotism Viovis Acropolis 58.7 Magazine
Paul's Puzzle Paul Iobst 10.39 Adventure, Puzzle
PaulZone II Adam Gardner 8.0 Adventure
PaZZT 0.01 HaroldOOP 111.42 Utility
Pennsylvania News Dr. Dos 17.51 Art, Magazine
Pennsylvania: The Game Fungahhh 13.67 Adventure
Pennsylvania: The Game (Incomplete) Fungahhh 2.59 Adventure, Incomplete
People We've Never Seen Drama Dale 13.66 Adventure
Pepe + Dogo: The Search For Pepe Unknown 3.48 Adventure
Pepper Bolette Zephyre Syx 95.02 Adventure
Pepper Bolette SE Zephyre Syx 106.37 Adventure
Personal Definition Dsone 10.28 Action
Personal ZZT Worlds Neil C. Obremski 66.73 Compilation, Incomplete
Pete the Pirate(V.1.1) Steven Wade 0.02 Action, Adventure
Peter Nivek 13.1 Action, Adventure
Peter (v1.3) Nivek 13.03 Action, Adventure
Peter Cotton Tail's Trails Jeremy Kuehnau 16.65 Platformer
Peter's World Tyler Johnston 30.85 Adventure
Peter's World 2: The Journey for Your Wife Tyler Johnston 17.87 Adventure
Peter's World 3: Land of Larry Tyler Johnston 12.71 Adventure
Phil's Town Part 1 Unknown 9.17 Action
Phobos Inc toolkit collection Demon Master, Develin, ruffian 11.48 Toolkit, Utility
Phoebus Project LBC 139.94 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Phoebus Project Epilogue LBC 23.18 Cinema, Sci-Fi
Phoebus Project: ARG Files LBC 56105.85 Art, Collaboration, Compilation, Experimental, Mystery, Other, Story
Phoenix Power ZZTPhoenix 18.81 Magazine
Phsyco-Ville DarkMage 12.11 Action
phycoball joe Faulkner 14.81 Arcade
Pickachu Shootout Unknown 2.32 Fangame
Pig Fred M., Jason Foulke, Jeremy Lewis 9.41 Action, RPG
Pilk Lung Agent Orange, GorgonButt 5.96 Engine, Experimental, Horror, Random
Pilk Maker '21 Zinfandel 1.46 Cinema, Horror, Other, Trippy
Pilk MaZE MAZE IN THE MAZE MAZE MAZE MAZE... Lancer X 81.91 Horror, Maze
Pilot Wings Dr. Dos 8.91 Arcade, Engine
Ping Ball Ethan Hunt 25.02 Arcade
Ping Ball (12/12/1998) Ethan Hunt 23.96 Arcade
The Pink Man in Green SaMM, WiL 26.41 Action
The Pink Pogie Club PogeSoft 31.23 Art
Pipeline MDH, Question Mark 32.5 Puzzle
PipeLine (The NL Demo) Comthought 1.96 Demo, Puzzle
Pipeline 99 (With Solutions) WiL 138.63 Puzzle
Pipeline SE Level Pack 1 WiL 54.29 Puzzle
Pipeline Special Edition WiL 24.95 Puzzle, Remake
Piranha coolzx 15.29 Arcade
Pirate Perils DinoJosh 11.46 Adventure
Pirate Perils Remake roastbeef 31.67 Adventure
Pirate Perils STK Dexter, DinoJosh 34.05 Adventure
Pirate's Story Unknown 3.11 Adventure
Pirates of ZZT Unknown 2.64 Adventure
Piromaze (and two demo-things) piroteckkie 97.19 Action, Compilation
Pivot GB 12.29 Action
Pizza Man Scott Hammack 12.42 Adventure
Pizza Man (v2.5) Scott Hammack 12.54 Adventure
PLACE Hans Woodman, WiL 22.28 Adventure, Trippy
Planet Hop (Com)Buster 44.42 Adventure, Puzzle
Planet Lemmer Industries v2.0 Lemmer 35.71 Art
Planet of the Stars (Demo) WiL 14.96 Cinema, Incomplete
Planet X Matt Thyer 2.8 Action
Planet X MJT 11.69 Action, Adventure
Planetary Defense Station Creator 3.96 Shooter
Planets Seven Seas Software 22.43 Engine, Multiplayer, Strategy
Plankton: Undersea Adventure gingermuffins 18.97 Experimental
Plastic PapaBear, WiL 1171.98 Utility
Plastic Game Files Various, WiL 631.12 Compilation
Plastic X PapaBear, WiL 333.94 Utility
Plastic: Retrofreedom PapaBear, WiL 391.12 Utility
Platon Commodore 5.37 Trippy
Platon 2 Commodore 22.56 Trippy
Play - A Collection of ZZT Music v1 WiL 10.62 Incomplete, Music
Play - A Collection of ZZT Music v2.65 WiL 33.07 Music
Play - A Collection of ZZT Music v3 WiL 37.9 Music
Play - A Collection of ZZT Music v4 WiL 28.0 Music
Play-Pen Agent Orange 30.98 Action, Demo, Engine, Incomplete, Puzzle
Pleasure Palace Sir Fukalot 13.83 Magazine
THE PLOT-LESS GAME (Or a game with no plot) NMZMaster, ZZTProgrammer 58.28 Comedy
Plumber Pipes TBot 15.62 Arcade, Puzzle
Plunger: Super Etiquette _ry0suke_ 21.34 Simulation
Point Blank (Shareware Version 1.00) Thomas Azar 15.79 Adventure, Shareware
Pointless, Stupid, And Generally A Waste of Time AmnesiA 22.5 RPG
Pokemon SAM VINCI 7.43 Adventure, Fangame
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Three Pak! Dr. Dos 14.66 Compilation, Fangame, Incomplete, Story
Pokemon OST - Prof. Oak's Lab itsmehere 0.48 Music
Pokemon Part 1 Jvalle1 6.17 Adventure, Fangame
Pokémon Twin Pak! Burakthebest 36.65 Fangame, RPG
Pokemon Ultimate 1 Nemesis 34.75 Adventure, Fangame, Font, RPG
Pokémon: Pikachu's Big Adventure MAkev, ScoutDark, SkyWalkRo 47.9 Adventure, Fangame
Pokémon: The First Musings Dr. Dos, SPAZM0016 141.1 Adventure, Compilation, Fangame, Incomplete, RPG, Trivia
The Pokey Anthology Knightt 41.59 Comedy, Compilation
Pokey's Magical Adventures: Weathered Knightt 21.06 Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete
Police Quest Lax18 3.05 Adventure
Polo Land Eric Guffey 1.73 Adventure, Incomplete
Polyphobia Promotional Packet DJ Furby 23.54 Adventure, Demo
Pong Ball 2001 Jamie Eckman 3.42 Arcade
Pongo Vs. The King Troll!!!!! Darren Hewer 26.53 Adventure
Pony Maker asie 8.88 Art, Experimental
Pop ver.2 tucan 55.0 Puzzle
Popcorn Whirligig 16.67 Adventure, RPG
Populous: The Journey to Freedom Demo Master Raze 60.15 Adventure, Demo
Portal Hermes 69.72 RPG
Portal of ZZT Jeffrey Scanlon Jr. 24.0 Action
PortalZ Some Random Nerd 123.79 Other
portalzzt Nupanick 6.74 Fangame, Sci-Fi
Possessed jojoisjo 49.81 Dungeon
Post Apopleptic Chill Hercules 29.73 Adventure
Potion Notions Bluey 11.54 Adventure, Contest, Fantasy, Oktrollberfest, Story
Power II ZPower1, ZZTurbo 30.9 Action
Power Ranger Bash Zack Scott 10.54 Action, Adventure, Fangame
Power Troopers: Quest of the Crystal Keys Unknown 1.7 Adventure
Power ZZT Unknown 14.18 Catalog, Magazine
Power ZZT Issue #2 (Winter '96) Greg Gilbert 23.42 Magazine
Power ZZT: The Interactive Magazine Issue #1 Chuckgrx, Greg Gilbert 24.54 Magazine
Powerball Snorb 724.9 Arcade, Sports
PPDV Viovis Acropolis 37.85 Other
PPDVII Viovis Acropolis 95.92 Other
PQ 1 Lax18 2.73 Action, Fangame
Predator Spock 36.29 Action, Demo
Preposterous Machines Drake Wilson 28.54 Compilation, Engine
The Pressman King Bat 8.65 Adventure
Primus Land METAL97 6.25 Action, Trivia
Prince of Neezlebutt Man of Swine 5.85 Adventure
Princess Polyanas Descent into the Perilous Underground Jude Tulli, Trish Sanders 54.1 Adventure
Prison CBXXXX 10.63 Action
Prison (translated) Darkfame, kristomu 10.74 Action, Adventure
PRISON BREAK Bent 13.46 Action
Prison [no] Darkfame 5.71 Action, Adventure
Prisoner T.B.M. 15.72 Action, Adventure, Demo
Prisoner Question Mark Team 58.2 Cinema
Prisoner (translated) kristomu, T.B.M. 41.56 Action, Adventure
Pro Wrestling Tournament Brian Davison, John Davison 12.06 Adventure, Fangame, Fighting
The Prodigy Alex Stefanelli 10.76 Adventure, Comedy
Professor Lurifax kristomu, Tormod F. Vegge 43.67 Action, Adventure, Incomplete
Professor Q 1-4 starbrand 26.06 Action
Proggis EngineerHarry 12.29 Engine
Project dQw4w9Wg Dr. Dos 2.46 Cinema, Contest, Experimental, Music, Oktrollberfest
Project G yllek nadnerb 22.42 Demo
Project Omega Copperhead, James Holub 22.29 Adventure, Demo
Project X Ben Moody 4.1 Action
Project ZZT Emon 23.04 Action, Adventure
Promise Demo A _God_ 13.64 Demo, RPG
The Prophecy blindgoat 20.56 Sci-Fi
The Prophecy Demo blindgoat 7.89 Demo
the prophecy: remake Nuero, starbux 23.34 Remake
Prototype: Official Weapon of the 22nd Century Lord Kadro 16.28 Adventure
Pshyco Sewer ZZTurbo 6.63 Action
psyche Zenith Nadir 73.43 Dungeon
Psychic Solar War Adventure Commodore 50.78 RPG
Puke's World Firehawk 9.38 Adventure
Puke's World 2 Firehawk 10.28 Adventure
Puke's World 3 Firehawk 2.69 Adventure, Incomplete
The Punctuation People Newt 25.64 Platformer
Punisher The PC Pirate 5.76 Action
Punnland Heejang Lee, Robert Guffey 12.41 Adventure, Fangame
Pupemon Gold Avi Schranz/Rin Rinox Avi Schranz, Rin Rinox 47.92 RPG
PUPeMON Gold:Half One! Avi Schranz, Chris Shaft 31.95 Adventure
PUPeMON Gold:Half Two! Avi Schranz, Chris Shaft 37.87 Adventure
PUPeMON Gold:PUPeMON League Championship Avi Schranz, Chris Shaft 22.88 Adventure
Pupemon Silver Part One Avi Schranz, Chris Shaft 44.17 Adventure
Pure Evil Nuero 32.23 Action, Mystery
Pure Funk Soup 19.59 RPG, Simulation
Pure STK Alexis Janson, Chronos30, Dr. Dos, WiL 61.55 Utility
The Purple Files II MadTom 20.37 Comedy
Purpose WiL 138.56 Art, Experimental, Help, Magazine, Puzzle, Trippy
PUSHEEN ZZT GOOBOOZOO 3.03 Art, Comedy, Fangame
Puzmatic T-Bone6 18.2 Puzzle
Puzzle Shujj 21.82 Puzzle
Puzzle Bobble engine (11/17/2021 version) Zdrmonster1 2.17 Engine, Fangame, Puzzle
Puzzle Land Mark McIntyre 4.47 Puzzle
Puzzlemania! Demo Jimmy Young 20.45 Demo, Puzzle
Puzzler's Hell (Demo, Corrupt) eJECTION13 9.42 Demo, Puzzle
Puzzles Pyro184 4.44 Puzzle
Puzzles and Mazes and More Katherine Wade 27.65 Puzzle
Pynball dave2 29.13 Arcade, Puzzle
Pyramid Stephen Wooster 12.14 Adventure
Pyramid of Pyroa Leinad, Miakar 17.75 Demo
The Pyrosoft Magazine Joshua Hoffmaster 35.59 Magazine
Pythagoras Matthew Vecchio, Patrick Lockwood 18.16 Other

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