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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
Macgyver ZZT Chris Allen 29.81 Action
Macism Maciavelli 23.43 Adventure, Puzzle
Macism v1 Maciavelli 21.84 Adventure, Puzzle
MAD: Alfred's Adventure Allan Gregg 22.88 Adventure, Fangame
Madam Grizelda Bruno, Filipe, Mark 21.56 Comedy, Horror
MADF Flatcoat Lab 50.51 Comedy
Madhouse Unknown 36.42 Action
MadTom Balls Anthology Various 139.84 Compilation
Madtom Balls III: Balls in Time Fungahhh 0.01 Comedy
The Madtom Crisis IV: Guns of the Madtoms Fungahhh 17.46 Other
MadTom's Balls are in a Crisis Fungahhh 512.87 Comedy
MadTom's Balls Crisis II: The Quickening Fungahhh 113.22 Comedy
MadTom's ZZT Toolboxes MadTom 15.49 Toolkit, Utility
Mage Hawk Moonpie 29.22 Magazine
Mage Slay lameo1 16.9 Action
Magi: An Epiphany Story KKairos 9.9 Adventure
The Magic Cave William Jacobs 30.96 Adventure
The Magic Journey Chris Kissam, Jeff Ehinger 45.0 Adventure
The Magic of Deff Leppard is Within us Viovis Acropolis 18.31 Trivia
Magic Warrior! Unknown 7.09 Adventure
The Magical Adventures of Andy 1 Silas Burdick 27.01 Adventure, Comedy
The Magical Adventures of Andy 2 (Demo) Silas Burdick 24.29 Adventure, Comedy, Demo
The Magical Adventures of Andy Chapter 1: SE Silas Burdick 27.51 Adventure
Magical Mystical Colourbox DeepPurple 2.96 Toolkit
Magicland Dizzy Zenith Nadir 42.58 Adventure, RPG
Magik ZZTurbo 14.27 Adventure
Magik2 ZZTurbo 19.4 Adventure
Main Gauche Anthony Testa 19.07 Demo, Puzzle, RPG
Majestic Demo NM4X 4.35 Action, Adventure, Demo
The Man (Intro) WiL 9.18 Horror, Incomplete
Man-Man! coolzx 19.57 Platformer
Manifold Destiny DPLobster 15.4 Platformer
The Mansion of Bill! Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson 106.02 Adventure
The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0) Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson 104.25 Adventure
The Mansion of Bill! (v1.1) Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson 104.31 Adventure
The Mansion of Dr. Rob Greg Catz 14.01 Adventure, Demo
Mario 64 gchucky 26.96 Action, Fangame
Mario 64 gchucky (chuke) 32.14 Adventure, Fangame
Mario and the Sapphire of Justice OSWFootball47 25.87 Adventure
Mario Bros BIll Meeks 13.52 Action, Fangame
Mario Bros: The Case of the Missing Mario Thala 1 (Aaron Decker) 26.87 Adventure, Fangame
Mario Brothers v2.0 BIll Meeks 13.62 Action, Fangame
Mario PC: Mario vs Microsoft cheezitman2001 12.29 Adventure, Comedy, Fangame
Mario RPG Rocko, skullie 23.54 Action, Fangame
Mario World Evian2, Gilbert 9.96 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Mario ZZT Bill 27.99 Platformer
Mario's Monster Mania (v1.0) Yoshi98761 10.28 Adventure, Fangame
Mark & Matt's Star Trek Mark, Matt 48.19 Adventure, Fangame
Mark Land Mark McIntyre 6.26 Adventure
Mark Land 2: The Invasion of Dr. Bob Mark McIntyre 23.71 Adventure
Mark Land 3: Escape from The Dungeons! Mark McIntyre 16.83 Adventure
Mark Town Mark McIntyre 16.86 Adventure
Marko and His Magic Soccer Ball Unknown 5.49 Adventure
Marksman (Incomplete) FYNDR 14.89 Action, Comedy, Incomplete
The Mars Rover Dr. Dos 184.99 Adventure
Marshall's Big Hairy Adventure Demo #cactusware 24.25 Adventure, Comedy
The Martian Invasion Unknown 18.94 Adventure, Demo, Shareware
Marvel vs DC Collection T-800 6.99 Action, Fangame
The Mask Ben Anderson 19.36 Adventure
The Mask of Atlantis Jorge Nuñez, Mikel Calvo 27.21 Adventure
The Mask of Cortez David Bishop 74.26 Puzzle
The Mask of Cortez (Version 1.0) David Bishop 63.06 Puzzle
The Master 1 Redmage 57.47 RPG
Master of the T-Zone Quindo 14.08 Adventure
Math Mark McIntyre 4.41 Edutainment, Incomplete
Mathias Aegler's ZZT Mathias Aegler 12.28 Action
Mathias Aegler's ZZT 2 Mathias Aegler 14.95 Action
The Matrix ZZT Demo ror2car 12.09 Action, Adventure, Demo
Maullar_Maullar Mag Maullar Maullar 31.1 Magazine
Maullar_Maullar Mag 2 Maullar Maullar 37.11 Magazine
Maullar_Maullar Mag 3 Maullar Maullar 38.96 Magazine
Maullar_Maullar Mag 4 Maullar Maullar 37.86 Magazine
Maushi Goukansha Demo piroteckkie 52.86 Cinema, Demo, RPG
The Maxim Torture Rack Maxim 26.51 Compilation
Mayhem Ultima 13.03 Shooter
Mayhem (alt) Ultima 13.32 Shooter
Mayhem SE Ultima 12.24 Shooter
Maynard & Fritz (Modified) Hercules, Zenith Nadir 16.77 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest, Mod
Maze Jem Games 2.68 Maze, Shareware
maze Zinfandel 1.36 Art, Comedy, Maze
The Maze Unknown 1.68 Maze
Maze Unknown 8.11 Adventure, Maze
Maze 3D JMStuckman 5.78 Engine, Other
Maze Craze (v1) Aaron Linne 2.65 Action
Maze in ZZT ("Labyrinth") Brendy Ebel 9.1 Maze
Maze Mania David Schneider 2.0 Maze
Maze Maze in the Maze Lancer X 47.8 Action, Maze
Maze Minders Rabbitboots 38.89 Other
The Maze of No Return Scott Kearney 19.28 Maze
Mazes (v1.0) Daniel Tiernan 5.77 Action, Maze
Mazes and Puzzles for the Expert GAMEBOYJBF 3.31 Action, Maze, Puzzle
Mazes of ZZT Syas669 3.64 Maze
Mazi Oog WiL 22.04 Action
Mazi Oog (update) WiL 22.11 Action
McDonalds Attacks! Dunkinbean 17.01 Adventure
Me Not Dum FredTC 11.77 Adventure
Mean Girls Mag #1: Fall 2022 Edition Various, WiL 82.38 Demo, Magazine
Mean Girls Mag #2: Winter 2023 Various, WiL 127.26 Magazine
Meaningless Game 2 JDewbre 33.67 Comedy
Meaningless Game v1.2 JDewbre 48.54 Comedy
Meaningless Games 1-4 JDewbre 133.8 Comedy
Mech Trainer Blizzardog Inc 12.4 Action
Mechfight Tom Foley 6.54 Action
Mechwarrior War Nzenik 17.21 Action
Mecmetroid 2 Demo Superspy 10.09 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Mecmetroid 3: Captured By Aliens! Demo Superspy 7.45 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Medieval Part One: Spilled Blood Mr. Bob 40.89 RPG
Meet The Tardigrades! the pynk panthyr 32.22 Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Meet The Tardigrades! (v. 1.0.1) eRN56 31.35 Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Mega Color Box 2 XAbbott 2.77 Toolkit, Utility
Mega Color Box 2.1 XAbbott 2.72 Toolkit
Mega in Time Scott Betts 6.44 Adventure, Fangame
Mega Man cyborg, Master_S, Maullar Maullar 46.99 Action, Fangame, Platformer
Mega Man in Quest For The N-Team Nicholas Bucchino 8.8 Action, Fangame
Mega ZZT Chris Kohler 6.41 Engine
Mega ZZT Tools for mega ZZT Proggramers AndrewT 7.13 Toolkit
Mega-Castle John Harger 7.08 Action
Mega-Kingdom John Harger 10.26 Adventure
Mega-World John Harger 7.67 Action, Adventure
MegaFade 1.1 Mysterio3k 7.57 Toolkit, Utility
MegaHack Kev Vance 212.47 Utility
MegaSoft Magazine Issue 1 ZZZeux 4.87 Magazine
MegaSoft Magazine Issue 2 ZZZeux 10.11 Magazine
MegaZeux Adventure ZZTDude 86.04 Adventure
meh triphEd 11.23 Trippy
Melborp's Casino Knightt 50.75 24HoZZT, Contest
Melborp's Casino 2 Knightt 48.34 24HoZZT, Contest
Merbotia Sonic256 23.22 Adventure
Merc: Final Score Cameron Currie 7.54 Action, Demo
The Mercenary Wong Chung Bang 31.78 Dungeon, RPG
The Mercenary 2 Wong Chung Bang 10.98 Action, Incomplete, RPG
Merlin Jeff Conroy 21.51 Font, Incomplete
Merry fuckin' Christmas Ibuki 13.39 Simulation
Metal Demo Version Dustin Davidson 13.45 Action, Adventure, Demo, RPG
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions ZZT (v2.50) q2k2k 27.47 Action
Metal Gear Solid ZZT (Incomplete) q2k2k 11.69 Action
Metal Saviour Bia Agent Orange 29.13 Action, Retro, Sci-Fi
Metal Saviour Bia v1.2 Agent Orange 28.14 Action, Retro, Sci-Fi, Update
Metamorphine Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 19.47 Adventure
Metroid ZZT Demo Jake Stuff Entertainment 4.91 Demo, Fangame
The Mewtonia Expedition Agent Orange 20.34 Action, Contest, Oktrollberfest
MGM World Unknown 13.45 Action
Michael McDonald's House of Horror Unknown 2.82 Action, Incomplete
Micr0wave's BKZZT Anthology jojoisjo, Micr0wave 40.69 Contest
Middle Earth Kyle Perry 41.39 Adventure, Fantasy
Midnight Sean Stapleton 22.21 RPG
Midnight 2 ThatGuyInPanama 45.62 Action, RPG
Might Be More Than Power Rangers Aric M. 12.06 Action, Fangame, Parody
Mightey Power Rangers Unknown 8.44 Action, Fangame
The Mighty Adventures Of Timo Timo82 12.4 Adventure, Incomplete
Migjoke Unknown 3.46 Comedy
Mike's Fitness Nation LoonyMike 65.68 Sports
Mike's Magical Mystery Mansion Mike Bomba 16.84 Action
Mike's Quest 3 Unknown 72.26 Adventure
Mike's Rampage Michael Thomas 16.76 Adventure
Mike's World St. Catherine's School 36.64 Adventure
Mikey and the quest for love! Jared Whittington 41.5 Adventure
Mimic Pub Aaron Linne 42.96 Action, Compilation
Mind Bender Aaron Jaques 6.37 Adventure
Mind Scientist (Modified) Kaddar, Zenith Nadir 13.66 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, Platformer
A Mind to Retaliate Master Raze 42.99 Action, Horror
A Mind to Retaliate: Sniper Edition Master Raze 47.49 Action, Horror
Mind Vomit Zandor 12 56.66 Art, Cinema, Trippy
Mindset #1 _ry0suke_ 20.02 Magazine
Mindsoft Mag Issue 1 Daniel Auchenpaugh, kev-san 13.29 Magazine
Mine Fishfood 18.64 Magazine
Mined Out Lord Igsel 55.71 Action, Puzzle, Strategy
Minefield Nixon 11.23 Engine
Mini Unknown 1.67 Action
Mini RPG Demo Mr. Smith 42.93 Demo, RPG
Mini-Adder Engine Vacek 0.66 Engine, Experimental, Other
Mini-ZZT Game Pak! Burakthebest 8.52 Compilation
Minigame Collection 1.0 TheonlyPKMNfanleft 30.75 Compilation, Minigame
Mirror Hall Engine ZztGuy45 5.11 Engine
The Misadventures of Mega Job: The Epic Tag Team Tseng 88.61 Adventure
Misc. Garbage: A Game of Nothing Boxtop11 14.96 Comedy, Other
Misclany Unknown 0.77 Toolkit, Utility
Mission Knight I Tommy Thompson 6.61 Adventure, Shareware
Mission R Billtcm 35.89 Action, Adventure
Mission Renaissance Noctrocide 40.35 Edutainment
Mission Torch Prakash Padole 9.85 Adventure
Mission: Clean Room Kev Vance 6.88 Adventure
Mission: Doom Rick Toboz 21.06 Adventure
Mission: Enigma Alexis Janson 38.01 Adventure
Mission: Enigma (September 1993) Alexis Janson 74.22 Adventure
Mission: Frog Aric McKeown 14.81 Adventure
Mission: Impossible Part 1 & 2 Unknown 5.37 Action, Fangame
Mission: Possible Greg Gilbert 22.99 Adventure
Mister Hero Decoy 18.35 Action, Adventure
Misteroo Rebellion/AKWare Toolkit (RooKit) Misteroo 7.25 Toolkit
Mix-Weeni Jcsmith90 12.87 Adventure
MM Trapbocks 3.01 Maze
MMPR Squigiman 7.77 Action, Fangame
MNMN Justin Delp 3.43 Action
Mo' Paint, Mo' Box Snorb 53.01 Art
Mobius Manta1000 2.33 Adventure
mod2zzt Quantum P. 18.07 Utility
Monarch Magazine Issue One Fragmentiz, J Hayfield 52.51 Magazine
The Monk, Beta 1 Clecky 10.07 Fantasy, RPG
Monkey Man Gabriel Rocklin, Sarah 7.21 Action, Adventure
Monster Alley Part 1 Deathwatch Bone-Breaker 4.07 Action
Monster Battle Emon 12.55 Engine
Monster Damage Noxin 10.07 Action, Adventure
Monster Damage 2 Noxin 12.23 Action
Monster Damage Revised Nixon 23.92 Action
Monster Invasion in Las Vegas Disc 1 Soup 31.71 Action, RPG
Monster Training, Part I (Restored) Unknown 15.08 Action
Monsters 2 Demo PresHGSI 28.4 Adventure, Demo
Moogle Quest: The Dark Moogles Chris Carrick 23.5 Adventure, Fangame
Moon Dusted roastbeef 3.96 Comic, Fangame
Moon Factory Easy Cyan 11.57 Action, Incomplete, Platformer
Moon Game Zephyr 3.86 Action, Adventure, Art, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Trippy
The Moonpie Treat Moonpie 183.73 Compilation
Mooseka Rules With An Iron Fist Dr. Dos 46.68 Cinema
Mooseka Rules With an Iron Fist: 3rd Reich Edition Dr. Dos 131.1 Cinema
More STK Chronos30 25.71 Toolkit
More STK (January 1997) Chronos30 23.76 Toolkit
More-Than-Complete ZZT Instructions Markman 20.26 Help
MoreStuff GameMstr1 19.57 Utility
Mortal Wound Demo Parasite 25.42 Demo, Help
Mosaic Flatcoat Lab 16.9 Art
Mosaic! 2 Flatcoat Lab 17.23 Art
Mosaic! 2 (update) Flatcoat Lab 17.33 Art
The Most Ancient Atrocity Part I Joseph Austin 123.81 Adventure
Mostly Morphine Powder Strangers Barney9651, Yenrab 25.11 Action, Comedy, Fangame
The Motivational Speaker Viovis Acropolis 28.73 Other
Motor World Wide Racing Apollo13a 5.84 Demo, Racing
MOTORBOAT _catbutt_, PUNISH_PORNSTAR, suresh 151.22 Adventure, Cinema, Comic, Mystery
Mount ZZT Part 1 Darren Hewer 13.71 Adventure
Mouse Selection Engine TBot 5.18 Engine
Mouse Selection Engine v2 TBot 5.22 Utility
Moustache Aeris 43.31 Experimental
Moustache II: Goatee Aeris 57.67 Experimental
Moustache III: The Whiskers of Death Aeris 11.67 Experimental
Moustache IV: The Fall of King Saturn Aeris 88.1 Experimental
The Movie Channel beep 21.82 Demo
Mr Red and Mr Blue: Driving Lessons _ry0suke_ 1.54 Art
Mr Red and Mr Blue: The Key Dispute _ry0suke_ 15.67 Art
Mr. Coffee roastbeef 3.13 Comic
Mr. Happy 2 Jason Harding 9.31 Adventure
Mr. Happy 3 Jason Harding 17.06 Adventure
Mr. MI Secret Agent Billtcm 25.04 Action, Adventure
Mr. Red and Mr. Blue 3-7 _ry0suke_ 11.76 Art
Mr. Shapiro Cares Not For Jumping Eurakarte 2.89 Engine, Platformer
Mr. Shapiro Cares Not For Lies Eurakarte 89.03 Adventure
Mr. Shapiro Cares Not For Snakes Eurakarte 28.39 Action
MST3K Adam LaChapelle 30.18 Action
MST3K (Modified) Adam LaChapelle 29.76 Action
MST3K (Original Upload) Adam LaChapelle 29.63 Action
MST3k Adventures of Tom/Crow/Gypsy/Cambot Tim McDavitt 54.37 Comedy, Compilation
MT Toolkit 1.0 Michael Lawson 6.83 Toolkit
Much Ado About Nothing (Modified) Tony Clifton, Zenith Nadir 29.94 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest, Mod
MUI Jotz 18.49 Adventure, Comedy
Murder Mystery Charlene Wilson, Christopher Scharbnch, Jennifer Spadafora, Michele Diaz, Richie DiLallo 8.15 Mystery
Muses of Sdarknes Miakar 13.9 Experimental
Music Author SaxxonPike 12.63 Music, Utility
Music Author v0.7 SaxxonPike 7.31 Music, Utility
Music Box Lanie Lamb 1.81 Music
Music Isle 1 & 2 Shawn Hunt 21.77 Music
Music Test Unknown 5.32 Help, Music, Utility
Musique Voighdt 1.5 Music
Must we all moo? Demo Zechs 5.63 Action, Adventure, Demo
Mutant Citadel verasev 732.61 Action, Font, Sci-Fi
Mutant Citadel Final Version verasev 732.5 Action, Font, Sci-Fi
Mutant Middle Aged Killer Commandos From Mars Unknown 14.73 Adventure
My Really Super Cool Place!!! The Quest For Knowledge!!! Lauren Belella 4.07 Adventure
My World (v1.2) Unknown 3.13 Action
My World 2 Jago360, Jesse Murphy 20.54 Adventure
Myseri FYNDR 74.02 Adventure, Puzzle
Myst Clone Engine (Demo) WiL 2.75 Demo, Engine
Myst Portal Chefchen HK 22.04 Adventure
Myst ZZT Demo Ian McMahon 8.99 Demo, Puzzle
Mysteries Of The Cinema ZOrangeCow 44.78 Adventure, Incomplete
Mysteries Of The Cinema (July 2000) ZOrangeCow 50.69 Adventure, Demo
Mysterious Art Apple McTom 12.79 Art
Mystery The PC Pirate 9.14 Adventure, Mystery
Mystery Manor Alan R. Zeman 48.65 Action, Official
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents: Aceland John W. Wells, Prakash Padole 64.51 Adventure, Parody
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents: Despair John W. Wells 63.63 Comedy, Horror
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Third Turkey Day Aric McKeown 18.85 Action, Fangame
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Third Turkey Day Tweeked Aric McKeown 19.4 Action, Fangame
Mystery Science ZZTheater 3000 Noser 29.73 Action, Parody
Mystery Science ZZTheather 3000: Police Quest PeanutsPat 28.89 Parody
Mystic Blade Chronos30 42.53 Incomplete, RPG
Mystic Blade (v0.2) Chronos30 42.21 Demo, Incomplete, RPG
Mystic Quest Dr. J2000 20.98 Comedy, RPG
Mystic Woods KCJS 18.6 Puzzle
The Mystical Barrier Dr. J2000 11.62 RPG
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.0 Nanobot 61.06 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.1 Nanobot 75.73 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.2 Nanobot 90.05 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.3 Nanobot 132.66 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.4 (Original Upload, Restored) Nanobot 356.85 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.4 (Updated) Nanobot 360.7 Engine, Utility
Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.4 Update 2.0 Nanobot 130.52 Help, Utility
Mystical Winds ZZT Nanobot 197.99 Utility
Mystical Winds ZZT Icon Set v1.0 Nanobot 4.81 Utility
Mystical Winds ZZT Icon Set v2.0 Nanobot 108.45 Utility
Mystical Winds ZZT v1.1 Nanobot 80.6 Utility
MystickCal's Toolkits MystickCal 8.24 Toolkit
mzc2com HM 7.65 Utility
MZX/ZZT Online Forum Ad Brian Palmer 1.36 Advertisement, Utility

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