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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
d Kaddar 86.33 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
The D.mentiaHappy Pack D. 42.78 Compilation
D3M0 Benco, coolzx 47.7 Other
Da De Da De Da wayward 44.04 Adventure, Incomplete
Da Hood Tseng 22.84 RPG
Da Hood: Special Edition Tseng 33.28 Remake, RPG
Da Shit Game Master Raze 22.42 Adventure, Comedy
Dab's Quest Penumbra Monkey 17.28 Action
DADDY'S DORMITORY _catbutt_, PUNISH_PORNSTAR, suresh 77.84 Adventure, Cinema, Experimental, Maze, Story
Daedalus' Obelisk Darren Hewer 150.74 Adventure, Platformer
Daemon Riff Nivek 18.3 Cinema, Other
Dale Earnhardt's Nascar Racing 2 (v1.0) Apollo13a 9.08 Racing
Damaged 1 Damage Inc. 28.78 Magazine
Damaged 2 Damage Inc. 25.32 Magazine
Damaged 3 Damage Inc. 18.73 Magazine
Damaged 4 breakout 11.02 Magazine
Damaged 5 Bongo 36.25 Magazine
Damaged 6 King Og 36.44 Magazine
Danger Comics bbz, JJZ 12.93 Adventure
Danger Island Unknown 3.83 Action
Danger Room Unknown 3.07 Action
The Danger Room Bob McGovern 4.04 Action
Darby Tool Kit Darby Janssen 10.56 Utility
Darby's Crazy Town David Bishop 14.77 Adventure, Official
Darbytown David Bishop 43.26 Puzzle
Dargon's Secret Castle DirkVW 41.12 Adventure
Dark Ages Nuero, Travis Stone 6.13 Adventure
Dark Citadel verasev 104.88 Action, Dungeon, Fantasy, RPG
Dark Fantasy Allen Pilgrim, Anonymous 17.9 Adventure, Fangame, Official, Update
The Dark Forest Brendy Ebel 13.9 Adventure
Dark Lands [1[Demo]] DirrCo 61.74 Adventure
Dark One's Rising Demo coolzx 28.06 Demo, Dungeon
The Dark Power, Chapter 1: The Ring of Immortality VidPaul 11.87 Adventure, Fangame, Shareware
Dark Realm 1 Atrocity 24.76 Action, Adventure
Dark Realm 2 Michael 15.92 Action, Adventure
Dark Soul Fishfood 45.02 Cinema
The Dark Wars (Version 1.4) Unknown 2.3 Action
The Dark Woods Chocko208 12.19 Action, Adventure
Dark World DarkEagle8 27.56 Adventure, Incomplete
Darkages MasterTMC 21.1 Action, RPG
DarkAges Remake Demo MasterTMC 34.57 Demo, RPG
darkdigital: the sim Vampy 39.34 Simulation
darkdigital: the sim v2.0 Vampy 42.21 Simulation
DarkMage Software Magazine 1-14 DarkMage 206.5 Compilation, Magazine
Darkness (Unfinished) Darren Hewer 16.52 Comedy, Incomplete
Darkness Falls Koopo 24.87 Cinema
Darkness Falls 2 Koopo 19.55 Cinema
Darkness Falls 3 Koopo 17.58 Cinema
Darkness Falls Demo Ibuki 11.95 Demo, RPG
Darkseekr Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 28.58 Adventure, Dungeon
Darktor: The Power of Clams Emon, Knightt 30.28 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Dart's Engine ZZTyrant 19.48 Engine
Daryl F. Gates' Police Quest GorgonButt 3.76 Adventure, Parody
Dave's Galactic Games Part 1 Davew27 37.09 Space
Dave's World 1 Barjesse 14.64 Action, Puzzle
Dave's World 2 Barjesse 15.67 Action, Puzzle
David's Quest 1: The Search For The Autographs NL Matt1 9.11 Adventure
David: Beast Wrestler Agent Orange 5.07 Action, Fantasy, Fighting, Retro
The Day After The Apocalypse (Demo) ZZDevelin 15.45 Action, Demo
The Day Odin Got Up on the Wrong Side of Bed Flimsy Parkins, XR7 33.78 24HoZZT, Contest
Daymare DPLobster 40.6 Dungeon
Dead Moon: Demo starbux 62.57 Action, Demo, RPG
Dead on Arrival: An X-Files Mystery Adventure Joyce Cheuk 8.21 Adventure, Fangame, Mystery
DeadLand TcThrash 5.98 Adventure
Death Darren Hewer 53.99 Action
Death Saxoland 33.6 Action
Death Wantchat8 2.39 Action
Death (05/25/1997) Darren Hewer 53.4 Action
Death and Destruction Dustmite X 11.31 Adventure, Demo
Death Basketball 2020 Schuyler Frey Schuster 4.61 Sports
Death Decay and Other Stuff Like That The Madman 15.72 Action
Death Demo Unknown 9.4 Action, Demo
Death Gate Aetsch, Hercules, Hydra, WiL, Zenith Nadir 72.8 Adventure
Death Hockey James Ralston 3.86 Sports
Death Muppet Demo TheBigtimeDude 3.09 Comedy, Fangame
The Death of a Cockrum Demo PresHGSI 15.23 Action, Adventure, Demo
Death Prison 2000 ZZFreak 0.01 Adventure
Death Prison V1.1 ZZFreak 5.88 Action
Death Row Jacob, Wiz Kids Productions 10.11 Action
Death Squad Justin Raynard 7.71 Adventure
The Death Star Trench Sim AHMorrow 8.21 Fangame, Shooter
Death To Barney 1 Greg Gilbert 8.9 Adventure
Death To Barney 2 Greg Gilbert 4.27 Adventure
Death Treasure Unknown 5.05 Action
Death, Destruction, War, Bloodshed, Terror, and other stuff JDewbre 176.23 Adventure, Comedy
Death, Destruction, War, Bloodshed, Terror, and other stuff 2 JDewbre 105.31 Action, Adventure
Decay Demo Mooseka 15.37 Cinema, Demo, Horror
Deceiving Guidance Hercules, Hydra 112.05 Action, RPG
Decide The Green Herring 5.53 Art, Trippy
The Deed of Ged in Earthsea Clarence Yojimbo 11.47 RPG, Trippy
Deep Blue 1 : Divided StarDreamer 23.72 Adventure
Deep December Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 21.95 Action, Adventure
Deep December (08/20/1999) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 22.52 Action, Adventure
Deep Space v1.2 Chris Jong 60.04 Adventure
DeepZone I Seo Bryn, Tyrannous 21.02 Trippy
Defence Station Theta14 29.64 Shooter
Defend Your House Emon 19.88 Adventure
Defender of Castle Sin Nivek 31.54 RPG
Defender of Castle Sin (June 1997) Nivek 30.6 RPG
DEFENESTRATOR (v1.1) Bob Pragt 13.51 Arcade
Delivery Rider Madness GorgonButt 3.27 Arcade
Demo II: ZZT-OOP Programming Language David Pinkston 30.75 Help
DEMO VERSION: Batman and the Mystery of the Talking Mouse of the Multiverse TheBigtimeDude 10.07 Adventure, Comedy
Demolition Man Candice Wilson 4.65 Action
Demominer 1.1 MasterTMC 134.25 Multiplayer, Shooter
Demominer Multiplayer V 1 MasterTMC 40.28 Strategy
Demon Attack JAM1013 4.58 Action
Demon City: Act 1 ruckle, SKC Soft 18.0 Adventure, Horror
The Demon Part 1: The Hunt Kicker 13.58 Adventure
The Demon Part 1: The Hunt Patrick "/ 14.28 Adventure
Demon Pogie 3.97 Agent Orange 89.04 Action, Adventure, Update
Demon Pogie III Agent Orange 75.02 Adventure
Demon Town ZZDevelin 18.95 Story, Trippy
Demons Night bbz 6.79 Adventure
Demonstration of ZZT Pseudorandom Number Generators Quantum P. 5.95 Engine
Despair Part 1 Axikal 36.19 Action, Horror
Destroy (Demo) Mysterio3k 13.02 Demo, Platformer
Destroy Barney 2 Mr Kabal 10.77 Adventure
Destroy Barney III MechMerc 19.22 Adventure
DESTROY BARNEY!!! Mr Kabal 8.54 Adventure
Destroy Big Bag Unknown 1.88 Action
Destroyer Yoshi011 2.95 Puzzle
The Destruction of Malok Ben Berryman 8.82 Adventure
Destructo Guy 1 Darcy Laycock 3.23 Action, Sci-Fi
Destructo Guy 1: Level Pack Darcy Laycock 2.98 Action, Sci-Fi
Destructo Guy 2 Darcy Laycock 9.66 Action, Sci-Fi
Detectiv' Dan RRT190 7.91 Adventure, Demo
Determination Engine Dr. Dos 2.61 Engine, Remake, RPG
Detrot Corey Garriott 36.0 Adventure
Devastate (Demo) Unknown 2.56 Adventure, Demo
Devils Island Part I: The Conjuring PnkFld001 10.72 Action, Adventure
DEXDRAC.zzt Dexter, Draco, Jujubee 12.18 Cinema
Dexkit Dexter 13.98 Toolkit, Utility
Dexture Dweeb Eric Heibi 4.89 Adventure
de_dust v1 Adrian Rupp 4.76 Action, Arcade, Fangame
DGN Tower KKairos 6.41 Dungeon
DGN Tower 2.0 KKairos 13.66 Dungeon
Diab Mag diab 10.92 Magazine
Diablo Nixon 16.78 Action
Diablo: The End Scott Miller 7.15 RPG, Shooter
Dick Ben Baca 24.11 Adventure
Dictum - Chrons of the Ug Viovis 33.93 Other, Trippy
DIE UltraX 15.58 24HoZZT, Contest
Die Anna Master Raze 170.54 Action
Die Hard: Killing The Beast Unknown 1.97 Action
Dig It! ZZTurbo 4.73 Arcade
Diggaman Lynx 43.2 Adventure
Digger Dave triphEd 22.73 Engine, Puzzle
DiGi Charat Miniature Theatre (Modified) Lord Igsel, Zenith Nadir 17.15 24HoZZT, Contest, Fangame, Mod
Digital Bondage Story Maxim 21.53 Action, RPG
Dillius: The Voyage of Four Coward, WiL 25.36 Cinema, Dungeon, Engine, Incomplete, RPG
DilloLand MKIntaro2 13.61 Adventure
Dimensions Elmo1127, Greg Gilbert, J Hayfield 34.89 Adventure
A Dink in the Grass DeadPhrog 196.55 Action, Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Parody, RPG
Dinner Time Messiah 18.07 Adventure, Story
Dino Decimation Boozhound 18.75 Adventure
Dino Decimation Boozhound 22.09 Adventure
DIOWGI djbjrca 769.9 Adventure
The Diplomat (Demo) WiL 16.56 Demo
The Disgruntled Elf (Modified) gerbil, Viovis Acropolis, Zenith Nadir 18.77 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod
Distraction (Demo) WiL 13.21 Demo
Disturbe 1 Evil 29.26 Demo
The Diversions THMiles 13.72 Action, Minigame
The Dividing Axe Demo PAUL9LYN 18.52 Adventure, Demo
DMSoft Font DMSoft 10.04 Font
Do you think that makes you a better person? Bob Pragt 42.89 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest
Dogfight Barney9651, Yenrab 28.33 Shooter
Dok Land Ariel Fradin, Steven McCarter 61.55 Adventure
Don't Do This! Unknown 3.13 Help
Don't Get Cornholed Demo zamros 17.19 Action, Demo
Donkey Kong 4: TV Tantrums SmartGamer 39.98 Adventure
Donkey Kong Brunchery BigtimeDudeProductions 38.22 Action, Adventure, Arcade
Donkey Kong Brunchery 2: Dixie's Pong Quest BigtimeDudeProductions 16.65 Action, Adventure, Arcade, Art
Donkey Kong ZZT dave2 21.66 Action
Donny's Little Feast Tony Clifton 33.1 Puzzle
Doobie Magazine 1 elninbo 30.3 Magazine
Doodad 2020 Rabbitboots 16.17 Art, Engine
Doodads 2018 Rabbitboots 37.96 Engine, Experimental
Doodads 2019 Rabbitboots 20.18 Art, Compilation, Experimental
Doom Robojim 12.38 Action
Doomed World ZZDevelin 21.14 Action, Adventure, Demo
Doomsday Nicholas S. Midolo 18.55 Adventure
Doomsday 2: Nick's Revenge Nicholas S. Midolo 34.5 Adventure
Doomsday Arena Nicholas S. Midolo 11.23 Action, Adventure
Doomsday: Reign of the Supermen Patrick Rills, Sean Jandle 5.22 Action, Fangame
DOOT.ZZT (Untitled) Unknown 15.02 Adventure
The Dot WiL 6.08 Arcade, Puzzle
Double Take Journey Alan R. Zeman 8.69 Action
Double Weird Scott Hammack 11.07 Comedy
Doug the Sheep: A Joke "Game" BigtimeDudeProductions 1.84 Comedy, Demo
Doug Tudeap in: The Ore Gone Trail Dr. Dos 18.54 Arcade, Contest, Engine, Ludum Dare
Down Town: Four Year Anniversary Edition _ry0suke_ 33.73 Adventure, Comedy
Downtown Nautilus 32.67 Action
Downtown (12/16/1998) Nautilus 17.84 Action
DPD DPLobster 26.72 Dungeon
DPLobster Does ZZT DPLobster 54.91 Compilation
Dr. Sam's Big Failure MarkLu 5.59 Action, Adventure
Dr. Who Episode 1 The Doctor 87.32 Action, Adventure, Puzzle
Dr. Zacari Trilogy The Master 13.26 Adventure
Dr. Zeebo's Mystic Quest (v2.0) Darren Hewer 35.65 Action, Puzzle
Dr. Zeebo's Mystic Quest (v2.5) Darren Hewer 37.03 Action, Puzzle
Dr. Zeebo's Mystic Quest (v3.0) Darren Hewer 46.84 Action, Puzzle
The Draco Experience Draco 243.59 Compilation
Dragon I Give Up 0.02 Adventure
Dragon Ball Z:Saiyin and Namek Saga Blue*Ice 17.45 Fighting
Dragon Ballz Agent Orange 16.62 Action
Dragon Eye mini_maul, qndeb 19.7 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Dragon Fire ZZT SPAZM0016 26.45 Action, Adventure
Dragon Hunt Modified ManaX 5.96 Action
The Dragon of Gretopy Village Paul Smart 19.9 Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete, Story
Dragon Rage Shadow 43.68 Action, Adventure, Puzzle
The Dragon Slayer (Restored) Unknown 10.47 Adventure
Dragon Warrior Demo Lynx 15.44 Demo, RPG
Dragon Wars Demo Grinch 28.86 Demo, RPG
Dragon Woods Zenith Nadir 99.87 RPG
The Dragon's Den Demo NinjaC86 28.83 Adventure, Demo
Dragonball 2: Quest For The Namek Dragonballs GIJOEEOJIG 7.55 Action, Fangame
DragonBall Z ZZT Nydark, Zenryoku 32.49 Action, Comedy
Dragonball Z: Gokou's Quest GIJOEEOJIG 3.3 Action, Fangame
Dragons; Disc 1 Nixon 22.53 Action, RPG
Dragonway WiL 65.04 Adventure, Experimental, Other
DrCrab's Engines DrCrab123 11.97 Font, Other
The Dream 1-3 Andrew Wagster, KingBat 20.57 Action, Mod
The Dream 1-3 (original) Andrew Wagster 19.61 Action
The Dream 3: The Final Chapter Andrew Wagster 7.27 Action
Dream World Dean Camera 29.03 Adventure
Dreamling Darren Hewer 28.15 Adventure
Dreams Demo Clecky 13.46 Demo, Puzzle
Dreamz Demo DPLobster 42.73 Adventure, Demo
DRGNDNGN phunk 2.43 Adventure, Incomplete
Drip Flimsy Parkins 23.56 24HoZZT, Contest, Mystery
Drip triphEd 12.9 Action
Driving Slamice 27.67 Arcade, RPG
Drumset Engine v1.0b MB 3.36 Engine, Music
Drunk Hippies: Hippies to be drunk J0sh 16.13 Engine
Dry Blood Demo Commander Pancake 22.97 Adventure, Demo
DuckTales: The Quest for Gold!!! Unknown 2.74 Adventure, Fangame
Dufus's Adventure in Space 2 METAL97 6.15 Adventure
Duke Nukem Teraptus13 40.73 Action, Fangame
Duke Nukem (05/11/1997) Teraptus13 39.92 Action, Fangame
Duke Nukem II Dopefish7590 21.91 Action, Fangame
Duke Nukem II (Update) Dopefish7590 28.74 Action, Fangame, Update
Dumb Stuff Nathan Williams 6.42 Adventure
Dungeon Nathan Ridley 15.14 Adventure
Dungeon 2 Hectik 7.99 Action, Puzzle
Dungeon Dave Jacob, Wiz Kid Productions 18.56 Adventure, Comedy
Dungeon Escape Whirligig 12.65 Action, Puzzle, RPG
Dungeon Glory _ry0suke_ 12.37 Action
Dungeon Guru Nostalgia KKairos 11.61 Dungeon
Dungeon Guru Nostalgia Maximum KKairos 17.55 Dungeon
Dungeon Guru Nostalgia X2 KKairos 16.42 Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Gallery Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 32.75 Adventure, Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Gallery (v1.0) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 32.27 Adventure, Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Gallery (v1.1) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 36.87 Adventure, Dungeon
Dungeon Master's Gallery (v1.2) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 34.69 Adventure, Dungeon
Dungeon of Doom Unknown 16.35 Adventure
Dungeon of Dysel LowerVP 12.8 Adventure, Dungeon
Dungeon RPG Jeremy Kuehnau 18.41 Maze, RPG
The Dungeon! Darren Hewer 4.84 Dungeon, Maze
Dungeons of Despair Dragonlord 29.13 Action
Dungeons of Despair 2 Dragonlord 21.92 Action, Dungeon
Dungeons of Doom Alexis Janson 36.72 Puzzle
DUNGEONS OF DOOM Matthew Vecchio, Patrick Lockwood 8.47 Adventure
Dungeons of Zhil Demo Nivek 24.94 Demo, RPG
Dungeons Part 2 Alexis Janson 37.42 Adventure
Dungeons, Part II (1993-02-17) Alexis Janson 38.26 Adventure
Dutch Collection Various 64.24 Compilation
Dutch Collection 2 Various 54.59 Compilation
Dutch Collection 3 Various 125.03 Compilation
Dutch Stuff Promotion Pack Apple McTom 14.99 Edutainment
A Dwarvish-Mead Dream coolzx 86.14 Dungeon, RPG
A Dwarvish-Mead Dream Demo coolzx 22.84 Action, Demo
Dysan's Temple Demo MasterTMC 17.7 Action, Demo

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