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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
F-Banden kristomu 39.64 Action, Adventure, Incomplete
Fabrication breakout 20.18 Demo
Facility Alek Fleischer 4.97 Action, Adventure, Incomplete, Puzzle, Sci-Fi
The Factory! Corey Garriott, Mark McIntyre 24.66 Puzzle
The Factory! 2: The Ghosts of the Factory Corey Garriott, Mark McIntyre 38.54 Puzzle
Faito Collection (April 1996) Micah Paul 17.15 Action, Comedy
Faito Trilogy Micah Paul 29.19 Action, Comedy
Falcon Wing ZZTurbo 16.3 Adventure, Demo
Fall 2005 Weekend of ZZT Various 29.36 Contest
The fall of Loraedon Demo FFDZZTER 7.52 Demo, RPG
Fallen Realms Arcade Edition 1 [STT] Seeker 12.21 Arcade
Fallout: Special Edition eRN56 16.34 Action, Adventure, Remake
Fantastic Four vs. Molecule Man T-800 8.64 Action, Fangame
Fantasy Allen Pilgrim 20.45 Adventure, Official
Fantasy Game I D. 33.94 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
Fantasy Game II D. 49.7 Adventure, Comedy, RPG
Fantasy of Freedom v2.0 Hydra 30.1 Adventure, Comedy
Fantasy World Dizzy Zenith Nadir 55.78 Adventure, RPG
Far East of Eden: Eating Pie lonesomedwarf 44.23 Trippy
Far Trek Unknown 30.99 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Farming: The way of life Crazy Panda 41.6 Action
Farming: Winter Edition Crazy Panda 15.13 Action
Fat Ghetto Bastard (Modified) DoggyShop, Hercules, Zenith Nadir 21.83 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Fatal Quest file 1 eJECTION13 43.91 Demo, RPG
Fatman Rage DPLobster 29.73 Action, Adventure
Faux Amis Rabbitboots 145.53 Adventure
Faux Amis (v1.01) Rabbitboots 490.39 Adventure, Puzzle
Faux Amis (v1.01) Rabbitboots 214.79 Adventure, Puzzle
Faux Amis (v1.02) Rabbitboots 147.8 Adventure, Puzzle
Fear Misteroo 16.49 24HoZZT, Action, Contest
Fear Demo Master Raze 20.27 Demo
Fear The Cactus #cactusware, davr0s 11.19 Cinema, Trippy
Feintuch Mag #1 GAMEBOYJBF 4.56 Magazine
A Few More Hours Downtown _ry0suke_ 34.95 Adventure
FF9 Demo Blazer 36.88 Demo
FFSoft Casino Redfire 11.71 Arcade
FFSoft Mag 1 Redfire 16.38 Magazine
FFSoft Mag 3 Redfire 41.02 Magazine
FFSoft Mag 4 Redfire 40.05 Magazine
FFSoft Mag 5 Redfire 39.77 Magazine
FFSoft Mag 6 Redfire 24.85 Magazine
Fighter Karma 39.52 Adventure
FILTERware Adventure Pack Gold Monthigos, myth 209.1 Adventure, Compilation
Final Fantasy Fishfood, Wildkarrde 13.87 RPG
Final Fantasy 2 Daya 8.57 Action
Final Fantasy Disc One Chase Bramlage 86.34 RPG
Final Fantasy Extreme Luke Drelick 76.57 Adventure
Final Fantasy II 1/4: Return of Golbez DarkMog25 25.04 Adventure, Fangame
Final Fantasy XLII (Modified) Blazer, Zenith Nadir 45.64 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, RPG
Final Fantasy ZZT MKIntaro2 34.61 Adventure
Final Fantasy: Kefka Returns, Part 2 Tusk 777 20.41 Adventure, Fangame
Final Fantasy: The Return of Kefka Tusk 777 13.16 Adventure, Fangame
Final Fate Demo Ultima 32.78 Action, Demo, Puzzle
Final Fate Demo (Jun. 2001) Ultima 16.54 Action, Demo, Puzzle
Final Quest of Fury John Shipley 33.31 Adventure
Final Trigger Tseng 17.75 Adventure, RPG
Final Trigger 2 Tseng 20.12 Adventure
Final Trigger 3 Tseng 21.5 Adventure
Final Trigger 4: Fast Forward Tseng 26.35 Adventure
Find as you go Maze Apage43 1.1 Engine
Fire 1000 DeadPhrog 67.57 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Fire Fury Michael O'Reilly 17.77 Adventure
Firefly: Timewarp Charles Farm 10.25 Adventure
FireFox Skates Ryan Ferneau 4.19 Arcade, Comedy
Fireworks Pyro184 5.31 Other
The Firing Squad Game Unknown 3.17 Shooter
First Rob Bourgoin 21.24 Adventure
First Reality Legend Demo Maullar Maullar 6.96 Adventure, Demo, RPG
First Reality Part 1 Maullar Maullar 31.94 RPG
Fish Master Anarchy 17.48 Simulation
Fish Master Version 2 Anarchy 19.35 Simulation
FishTrap JunkPile 22.34 Comedy, Dungeon
Five Card Draw dw817 1.93 Strategy
Five Card Draw 2 Unknown 3.55 Strategy
Five Years of Maximum ZZT Scott Hammack 180.43 Compilation
The Five-Minute Game Stak 10.88 Action
Flame Frost Blade Flatcoat Lab 34.18 Demo
Flame Games Mag 1 Nydark 7.15 Magazine
Flame Games Mag 2 Nydark 16.47 Magazine
Flame Games Mag 3 Nydark 75.12 Magazine
Flame Games Mag 4 Nydark 27.56 Magazine
Flame Games Mag 5 Nydark 12.97 Magazine
Flaming Kitty Parasite 11.82 Magazine
Flik! Creator 8.71 Adventure
Flimsy's Castle of ZZT David Newton, Flimsy Parkins 59.21 Mystery
Flimsy's Town of ZZT Flimsy Parkins 74.19 Parody
Flimsy's Town of ZZT (Original Upload) Flimsy Parkins 231.51 Parody
Flint's ZZT Town Flint Million 13.42 Adventure
Flower of Light Shujj 21.32 Action, Adventure
FOF Master Raze 27.43 Action, Arcade
FOINSHWAIG U R GAME (Modified) Oof, Zenith Nadir 24.84 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, Trippy
Font Mania REXXCOM 80.43 Utility
FontEditor 2.0 BlackLight 364.3 Utility
Food Fort applebaps 11.14 Experimental
The Fool's Quest Alexis Janson, John W. Wells 44.46 Adventure
For Elise Lancer X 69.27 Dungeon, RPG
For Elise (v1.5) Lancer X 75.25 Dungeon, RPG
The Forbidden Island Mark McIntyre 26.53 Adventure
Forest Bullshit (Demo) Knightt 17.28 Adventure, Demo
Forest of Doom Jacob Parslow, Thomas Parslow 16.88 Action
The Forest of Magic Mark McIntyre 16.57 Adventure
Forest of the Damned (Modified) Blazer, Zenith Nadir 32.62 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Forest of ZZT The Agonizer 30.6 Platformer
Forest of ZZT Unknown 29.22 Adventure
Forests of ZZT Demo Agent Orange, Unknown 51.71 Action, Contest, Demo, Fantasy, Remake
Forests of ZZT Project Dump Agent Orange 662.74 Action, Fantasy, Incomplete, Remake
The Forests Will Echo With Laughter Leonard Richardson 26.8 Adventure
The Forests Will Echo With Laughter (1994-02-13) Leonard Richardson 29.82 Adventure
Fortress of ZZT (FORTRESS.ZZT) [it] Al "Chefredd", G. Men 207.58 Action, Adventure
Four Seasons Jason Harding 5.35 Adventure
The Four Seasons Revival Ringworm 19.31 Adventure, Remake
The Four Seasons Revival (earlier v1.x) Ringworm 17.47 Adventure, Remake
Fox Force Five _ry0suke_, GoldenHog 28.5 Adventure, Trippy
Freak Da Cat Hydra 33.61 Platformer
Freak Da Cat 2 Hydra, MeBo 39.41 Platformer
Freakish Town ZZTurbo 11.51 Adventure
Freaks Freak409 13.8 Adventure
Freaky ZZT GoldenHog 9.75 Adventure
Freaky ZZT Remake Dexter, GoldenHog 18.16 Adventure
Fred and Jeremy Jason Foulke, Jeremy Lewis, LHS13 17.79 Adventure
Fred! Episode 1: Space Fred! (v2.00 Gold) myth 26.99 Adventure
Fred! Episode 2: Ffreddiannia (v1.00) myth 59.36 Adventure
Fred! Episode 2: Ffreddiannia (v2.00 Gold) myth 79.44 Adventure
Fred! Episode I - Space Fred! (v1.1) myth 20.4 Adventure
Freedom kev-san 28.26 Cinema, Music
Freedom Fighter Shujj 21.45 Action, Adventure
Freedom Soundtrack kev-san 1.17 Music
Freelance Dungeon dave2 78.56 Action, Simulation
FreeTime TBot 15.9 Art, Music
FreeZerBurn's ARt FreeZerBurn 33.63 Art, Compilation
Frenge Nautilus 19.49 Demo
FRG Gary Febbi 11.25 Engine, RPG
The Friend Abusal Game NMZMaster 17.72 Comedy
The Friend Abusal Game v2.1 NMZMaster 17.32 Comedy
Frost 1; Power Zenith Nadir 80.85 Cinema, RPG
Frost 2: Bread Flimsy Parkins 21.24 Cinema, RPG
Frost 2: Ice (incomplete) Zenith Nadir 98.27 Cinema, Incomplete, RPG
Frost 2: Ice (Leaked) Zenith Nadir 97.38 Cinema, RPG
FROZEN coolzx 60.54 Magazine
frozen Soundtrack coolzx 1.05 Music
Fuck, It's Hot Agent Orange 22.6 Other
FULL VERSION: STAR FOX ZZT BigtimeDude 50.26 Action, Comedy
FULL VERSION: The Legend of Zelda: Great Eclipse of Termina BigtimeDudeProductions 42.23 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Full version: The West of ZZT BigtimeDude 39.71 Action, Adventure
Funhouse Jim Goodnight 15.47 Adventure
Funland Karl Germyn, Morgen Germyn 15.18 Adventure
Funny Farm Collection nsinj 54.05 Adventure
Funny Farm Memorial Justin Dushkewich 20.35 Action
Funtown Dustin Hubbard 27.89 Action, Font
Fury Boy! Ajc1490 6.04 Adventure
Fury Spell eJECTION13 38.47 RPG
Futureware 1 Jeff Conroy 50.35 Magazine
Futureware 2 Jeff Conroy 20.26 Magazine
Futureware 3 Jeff Conroy 18.39 Magazine
Futureware 4 Jeff Conroy 16.95 Magazine
Fuzzy Love Horror Dr. Dos 15.7 Cinema

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