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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
W-Pets 1: Pork's Quest Alec Scharff, Alex Reese, Casey Ayer, Willy Ogden 6.5 Adventure
Wacky World History 1 Lemmer, Viovis Acropolis 11.95 Story
Wake Up and Save the World Dr. Dos 19.92 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Parody
Wake Up and Unlock the Door Dr. Dos 23.96 Engine, Experimental
Wakk Meantee 29.28 Art
Waltër ZZT Knightt 13.22 Platformer
Walter's Quest 1: The curse unleashed Caspar 79.91 Action, Adventure
Wanted Greg Gilbert 12.57 Advertisement
WAR Caspar 49.79 Action
War Cave Travis Rezka 35.88 Adventure, Shareware
War of Myseri (Incomplete) FYNDR 31.33 Adventure, Incomplete, Puzzle
The War of ZZT Unknown 8.1 Action, Incomplete
War of ZZT Chris Jong 19.51 Adventure
War of ZZT (v1.2) Chris Jong 19.92 Adventure
War! Demo OddBoink 14.6 Action, Demo
War-Torn Madguy 115.9 Adventure, RPG
Warcraft Justin G. 16.32 Simulation, Strategy
Wargames Tamon 21.33 Action
Warlock Domain Alan Chan 82.32 Adventure, RPG
Warlock's Unfinished Games Warlock93 65.58 Adventure, Compilation, Incomplete
Warlord's Temple - Final Matt Williams 53.23 Adventure
Warlord's Temple Beta Matt Williams 43.83 Adventure, Beta
Warrior Nixon 18.11 Action
Warriors of Seven: Chapter 1 Knightt 56.4 Adventure, RPG
Wasteland Commodore 46.04 Action, Adventure
Water Works Geno201 2.44 Action
Water World Unknown 3.35 Action
Wayne Carr Master Raze 19.56 Arcade
Wayne's Adventures Demo catfriedrice 25.65 Adventure, Demo
Wayne's Adventures Demo (Update) catfriedrice 28.86 Adventure, Demo
Wayne's World Hockey starbrand 1.77 Sports
We All Suck Master Raze 15.23 Art
We Have Court At Home Dr. Dos 17.71 Cinema, Edutainment
Weapons of Mass Destruction RCV 14.38 Action, Adventure
Weave 2.2c (Soft) WiL 57.52 Utility
Weave 2.2e (Firm) WiL 109.08 Utility
Weave 2.5n (Soft) WiL 58.37 Utility
Weave 2.5p (Firm) WiL 111.77 Utility
Weave 3.0i WiL 1820.45 Utility
Weave 3.0k WiL 689.18 Utility
Weave Example Object Library (W.E.O.L.) v0.1 WiL 89.21 Engine, Toolkit
Weaver Pixel Twenty-Eight Noser 216.38 Action, Engine, Sci-Fi
Web Killers Alex Drelick 17.18 Adventure
Weeee!! Unknown 21.17 Action
Weekend Nydark 34.37 Adventure
Weekend of ZZT February 2004 [Sacrifice] Mooseka, Various 327.0 Contest
Weekend of ZZT January 2006 Celine Kalante, ChocoboKick, Kjorteo 191.54 24HoZZT, Contest
Weekend of ZZT January 2007 [Crime] MadTom, Various 287.81 Contest
Weekend of ZZT May 2006 [Mystery] Quantum P., Various 70.04 Contest
Weekend of ZZT November 2004 [Authority] MadTom, Various 272.29 Contest, WoZZT
Weekend of ZZT October 2005 [Exception/Fascism] Ando, Dr. Dos, Kjorteo, Nedemai, Nondescript, Stak 30.71 Contest, WoZZT
Weird Mark McIntyre 1.79 Adventure
Weird 0.01 Scott Hammack 17.17 Action
Weird 0.03 Scott Hammack 7.65 Action
The Weird Adventure Chris Lewis, Joshua Vail, Tim Steinmacher 28.88 Adventure
The Weird Adventure 2 Chris Lewis 36.21 Adventure
Weird Al In 3-D Tim Labonte 5.95 Adventure
Weird STK Chronos30 11.34 Toolkit
Weird STK (earlier) Chronos30 11.11 Toolkit
Weird World Lukster 12.62 Comedy
Weird World, The: Improved (SZZT) Chris Jong 11.1 Adventure
The Weird World: Improved Chris Jong 11.2 Adventure
WeirdGames Alec Scharff 7.88 Sports
Weirdland I: The Breakout misterhaan 23.06 Adventure
Weirdland I: The Breakout (v3.3) misterhaan 23.25 Adventure
The Weirdness Conspiracy TBay213 35.7 Adventure
Weirdo Vs. All Of Normality TChiaramon 5.67 Action
WeirdVille - Original AOL Version Kid Vid2 109.38 Action
welcome to hell Tseng 46.85 Cinema
Welcome to Seasons (Modified) Grinch, Leamas, Zenith Nadir 40.46 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, Simulation
Wer Ageeenst thar mzxers Scrotch 3.02 Action
What Do People Think All Day Quantum P. 11.29 Art, Contest
What do you Want? Matt Perrotti 3.57 Magazine
What happened to Clinton Ultrasal 4.92 Adventure, Comedy
What's new in the city of Insane Inc.? Insane Moose 7.12 Magazine
What? Anarchy 24.68 Adventure
When East Met West: The Pact of Steel Halogen185 90.37 Adventure
When East Met West: The Phoenix Reich Halogen185 98.84 Adventure
When There Is No More Maze WiL 13.99 Horror, Maze, Parody
When There Is No More Snow DeadPhrog 280.33 Adventure, Art, Other
Where Are The Cowboys??? Ando 14.55 Adventure
Where Did I Go Wrong? AKNeutron 4.83 Help
Where In The World Is Carmen Sanfransisco Zach Wolter 6.9 Adventure, Fangame
The White Album Dwa 33.58 Adventure
Who Da Man Viovis 129.69 Trippy
Who Wants To Be On A Gameshow Demo BroKen 22.38 Demo, Trivia
Why is 6 Afraid of 7? Corey Garriott, Mark McIntyre 25.19 Puzzle
Why The Mickey Mouse Club Show Was Cancelled Nuero 8.32 Cinema
WidderShins Version 3 Demo Matthew Vecchio 8.99 Action, Demo
Wierd Al's Dream Bob D. Janitor 5.31 Adventure
WIETH (demo) bucket 46.83 Demo, RPG
WiL STK WiL 9.13 Toolkit
WiL's Best :: Atrocity Atrocity, WiL 7.12 Music
The Wild Chase Chris Jong 62.23 Adventure
The Wild Chase (original) Chris Jong 60.73 Adventure
The Wild Chase 2 Chris Jong 27.64 Action
Wild Thang Demo Wild Thang 26.34 Action, Demo
Will they like me? Agent Orange 8.37 Other, Random
Willow Wars Appliance 68.12 Action, Adventure
Winders 98 Insom 6.9 Adventure
Window Fragments Dr. Dos 6.78 Story
Windu dark_visions 39.26 Adventure, RPG
Winter myth 37.48 Puzzle
Winter '25 2.4HoZZT Results Various, WiL 70.23 BKZZT, Compilation, Contest
Winter Worlds Greg Edwards 48.85 Adventure
The Wise Man Patrick C. McCarthy 26.68 Action
The Wise Man (October 1993) Patrick C. McCarthy 27.3 Action
The Wise Man 2 Patrick C. McCarthy 27.94 Action
Wish V 1.0 Will Groenendyk 65.15 Other
Witch's Curse Leamas 31.24 24HoZZT, Contest
Within wayward 29.79 24HoZZT, Contest
Within v1.9 wayward 72.9 Remake, Trippy
Wizard Demo Unknown 9.18 Action, Demo
Wizard's Apprentice Spock 21.34 Adventure
Wizard's Tale Jeff Conroy 79.25 Adventure
Wizard's Tale (Beta) Jeff Conroy 10.45 Adventure, Incomplete
WMD Quindo 12.58 Action, Adventure
Wonderous Wizardry Josh Newsom 8.83 Adventure, Fantasy
Wongroom Wong Chung Bang 4.75 Adventure, Cameo, Incomplete
Wordles of ZZT Dr. Dos 46.06 Engine, Puzzle
World WiL 36.89 Adventure
World (alt) WiL 38.41 Adventure
The World of Cheaters + Bomb Unknown 5.69 Action, Compilation
The World of Fun Jeff Hanson 24.24 Adventure
The World of Fun (alt) Jeff Hanson 23.9 Adventure
The World of Joe Shmoe Shadow9600 30.03 Adventure
World of LA - Part 1: MonsterMAN Brian Reigle, Jim Perry 24.78 Adventure
The World Of Milo Fento Darren Hewer 13.26 Adventure
Worlds of ZZT v3.56 Stuart Hardwick, Tim Sweeney 61.96 Utility
Worlds of ZZT v3.57 Stuart Hardwick, Tim Sweeney 62.64 Utility
Worm Eli Tremblay 2.9 Demo
Worms: A Love Story John Thyer 17.27 Adventure, Comedy, Comic, Experimental, Fantasy, Sports
The Worse Adventure Part 1 (v1.0β) WorseInc 33.46 Adventure
Worx Dexter 227.02 Demo
The Wrath of the Color Eraser Vacek 4.45 Arcade, Experimental, Minigame, Puzzle
WWF Denny Brown 2.49 Action, Fangame
WWF and STK reconciled Miakar 19.79 Action, Puzzle
WWF In Your House Ryan A. Levine 1.33 Action, Fangame, Sports
WWF King of the Ring Unknown 3.88 Action, Fangame
WWF King of the Ring (Incomplete) Unknown 0.79 Fangame, Incomplete
WWF Warrior's Rage Jason Gironimi 2.94 Action, Fangame
WWF: Total Carnage Demo Master Raze 54.45 Action, Demo, Shooter
Wyteon Blue, Episode 1: The Little Wyte Lie WiL 55.44 Incomplete

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