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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
N XAbbott 16.82 Adventure, Demo
N (Preview - 03/14/1999) XAbbott, ZPlayer 16.24 Adventure, Demo
Nadir RPG Fishfood 9.17 Comedy, Parody
Nae-Wait Miakar 16.91 Experimental
Nameless Knightt 16.04 Experimental
Nameless Awards 2022 Award Ceremony LEAKED FOOTAGE (4K HIGH QUALITY RIP) Samantha Arantes 8.64 Art, Cinema
Nanogame 24HoZZT Nupanick, Various 17.48 Contest
NanoPack 1 gingermuffins, Nupanick 9.57 Compilation, Minigame
NAOMI Trilogy Tuvok118 79.56 Adventure
Nature's Revenge WolfBrother 22.54 Adventure, RPG
Nautilus Early Access Demo WiL 108.23 Demo, Space
The Nazi Death Camp Of 4498 Unknown 2.61 Adventure
NBA Basketball '97 Unknown 3.18 Sports
Necrosis Hayabusa 40.54 Font, Horror
Ned the Knight Jeremy LaMar, SnigWich 124.61 RPG
Ned the Knight (Shareware/Unfinished) Jeremy LaMar, SnigWich 57.39 Incomplete, RPG
Nedemai's Pseudo 3D Maze Nedemai 1.68 Engine
Need to Draw Agent Orange 49.71 Art, Comic
Neesboy's Fantastic Adventure Nees 87.22 Adventure
nEGATiVE Zenith Nadir 27.29 Puzzle
Nemesis' Demo Pack Nemesis 58.9 Compilation, Demo
Net Surf Anarchy 21.37 Comedy
Nev the Nerd Catherine Ryan, fatrat 4.63 Cinema, Comedy
Nevada Bob 1: He's On The Job goldenboy, Ryan Ferneau 58.44 Action, Adventure, Puzzle
NEW Demo bucket 76.53 Adventure, Demo
New Earth Operations Part 1 Chase Bramlage 72.06 Action, Sci-Fi
New ZZT Unknown 16.08 Utility
Newbie Eliminators Part 1 Tenguman2k 13.47 Action
Newt Interactive Preview 1998 Newt 18.97 Advertisement
Newtris Masamune, WiL 3.67 Engine, Puzzle
NextGame 33 Madguy 99.37 Adventure
NextGame Demo Madguy 30.17 Demo
Nexus II: Time's Arrow My Liver Hurtz 46.36 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nexus III: Future's End My Liver Hurtz 45.18 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nexus III: Future's End (1.0) My Liver Hurtz 47.5 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nexus: Future's Past My Liver Hurtz 41.0 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nexus: Future's Past SE Commodore, My Liver Hurtz 38.61 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nibblin' Newt 28.02 Action, Arcade, Engine
Nickideums Jeremy Kuehnau 22.12 RPG
Nigel Twigz 6.07 Action, Demo
NIGEL Demo Update 2 Twigz 6.11 Action, Demo, Platformer
Night Angel 1 Maullar Maullar 18.42 Adventure
Night Conjure Newt 22.89 Adventure
NightLife GoldenHog, Scribbit 28.5 Action
Nightmare Barjesse 45.12 Puzzle
Nightmare (May 1996) Barjesse 44.92 Puzzle
Nightplanet myth 24.51 24HoZZT, Contest, Puzzle
NikCaves Nik Logan 28.3 Action
Nine Elation Viovis Acropolis 82.43 Comedy
Ninja Fighter Kevin H. Clancy 15.97 Adventure
Nipple _ry0suke_ 19.02 Adventure
Nipple Saga _ry0suke_, Wildkarrde 89.7 Action, RPG
Nipple Zwei WildkarrdeX 21.04 Adventure, RPG
Nitemare 3-d Vik 11.42 Action
No Turning Back Now! ZZTurbo 9.4 Action
NO! _God_ 27.35 Action
NO! 2 _God_ 19.42 Demo
Noas Town Demo Edition NoaBoss 8.41 Demo
Noise Aetsch 35.07 Music
Nomead Demo Kyn 28.0 Demo
nomo7 update coolzx 2.85 Toolkit, Utility
NONDESCRIPT RAW & UNCUT Nondescript 10.76 Action, Adventure
nonexistent engines nonexistent 27.91 Engine
Noooooo Seventh Shade 14.69 Incomplete
Not As It Seems: The Morphos Filipe83 18.42 Adventure
Not of This World Goo Boo 14.54 Trippy
Nothing Constructive Zanno 69.89 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nothing Constructive Depressing Demo That Probably Sucks A Lot Zanno 29.03 Adventure, Demo
Nothing Constructive Lost Boss Fights Zanno 11.96 Action, Engine
NotroH (Modified) WiL, Zenith Nadir 41.94 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest, Mod
Nova Magazine 1 Nova Productions 29.12 Magazine
Nova Magazine 1 UPDATE TBot 22.79 Magazine
November Eve Tseng 173.33 Adventure, RPG
November Eve 2: Cherry Pie Tseng 49.26 Action, Incomplete
Nuclear Madman RobertCane 25.9 Adventure
Nuero Quest CJA 17.11 Puzzle
The Nuke Plant Unknown 7.49 Action
Number Maze David Hetrick 2.54 Adventure
Nut Trek: The Next Generation Chris Palm 8.78 Adventure, Fangame, Parody
nWo Ryan Levine 1.62 Action, Fangame
Nzenik Co. Catalog Nzenik 14.64 Catalog, Magazine
Return To Nuff Nuff Land Jawatrader 17.45 Adventure

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