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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
Kaboom Chris Jong 25.07 Action
Kaboom! Zandor 12 15.56 Arcade, Engine, Trippy
Kaddar's Engines Kaddar 4.19 Compilation, Engine
The Kakapo of Love Agent Orange 44.43 Cameo, Comedy, Random
Kamek coolzx 29.35 Puzzle
The Kane Project Master Raze 22.68 Action
The Kane Project 2 Master Raze 51.26 Action, Adventure
The Kane Project 2 - Disc 2 Master Raze 55.26 Action, Adventure
The Kane Project 2 Demo Master Raze 38.74 Action, Demo
The Kane Project 2 Disc 1 & 2 Master Raze 78.23 Action, Adventure
The Kane Project 3 Master Raze 109.64 Action, Adventure
The Kane Project 4 Master Raze 46.49 Action, Adventure
The Kane Project 4 Demo Master Raze 26.53 Action, Demo
Kane Project 5: The Final War (Demo) Master Raze 26.17 Action, Adventure, Demo
Kane Project 5: The Final War (Incomplete) Master Raze 44.93 Action, Adventure, Incomplete
Kane's Maze Maddog 1.37 Maze
Karateka + James Ashby, Matthew Vecchio 94.13 Adventure, RPG
Karro Wars Part One: Bounty BlacKat, JM 30.68 RPG, Sci-Fi
Karro Wars Part Two: EXILE (demo) BlacKat, JM 9.79 Demo, RPG, Sci-Fi
Kart Racing Demo Code255 14.57 Action, Demo, Racing
Kate 1 Bobo245 26.15 Adventure, Incomplete
The Kave Zenith Nadir 26.26 Adventure
The Kave: Special Edition Zenith Nadir 34.52 Action, Remake
Keesh's Quest Al Riccitelli 38.61 Adventure
Keesh's Quest 2 Al Riccitelli 45.49 Adventure
Keg O' Rum Crazy Panda 16.72 Comedy, Parody
Kekie's Casino World Viovis Acropolis 68.5 24HoZZT, Compilation, Contest
Kerbie's Quest Richard Goodness 11.91 Adventure
Kerfuffle! KKairos 13.32 Action, Arcade, Minigame
KevEdit v0.1 Kev Vance 78.34 Utility
KevEdit v0.5.0 (DOS) Kev Vance 168.97 Utility
KevEdit v0.5.0 (Windows) Kev Vance 502.82 Utility
KevEdit v1.1.3 (Windows) Kev Vance 1078.93 Utility
KevHelp2 he_the_great 14.62 Help
KevHelp3 he_the_great 17.75 Help
Kevin's Magical Quest LeMMO14 32.61 RPG
KevQuest Nivek 26.23 RPG
KevQuest II Nivek 27.77 RPG
Kewlio Font Kewlio 8.66 Engine, Font
Kewltown ZZTurbo 12.81 Action
Kiddy Fun _ry0suke_ 24.58 Art
Kiki's Quest LowerVP 11.18 Action, Adventure
Kill Barney David Hetrick 2.56 Action
Kill Barney Unknown 1.46 Other
Kill Mr.Beast rules of nature 1.35 Fangame, Fantasy, Trippy
Killer ZZT WiL 0.84 Utility
Kim's Revenge Kimberly Marie Capella 12.4 Adventure, Puzzle
Kimchi Revolution applebaps, Gamma Lyrae 54.82 Experimental
Kinderspiele Zephyr 43.57 Action, Adventure, Compilation, Incomplete
King Hawk vs. Earthlord T-800 5.21 Action
The King in Yellow Borders VRose, WiL 810.08 Adventure, Horror
King Ironhammer's Legacy DarkMage 39.38 Adventure, RPG
The King of ZZT John Reef 13.11 Action, Adventure
King Trethain's Heir Nivek 120.3 Font, RPG
King's Quest ZZT Hydra, MeBo 71.34 Fangame, Remake, RPG
King's Quest ZZT 2 Hydra, MeBo 183.09 Adventure, RPG
The Kingdom of Zandia Jeremy LaMar 34.01 Action, Puzzle
The Kingdom Of ZZT Joseph McIntosh, Kevin Smith 5.71 Action, Adventure
Kings (Version Demo.1) Matthew D. 16.46 Adventure, Demo
Kirby's Adventure To Save Dreamland Again Yoshi011 13.79 Platformer
Kissy Kissy Bang Bang Anonymous 4.26 Art
Kitten Evolution TripleFox 1.68 Action, Contest, Ludum Dare
Kitten Hallway LOVELOVEKITTY 692.26 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Kitten Hallway 2 LOVELOVEKITTY, WiL 18.23 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle, Story
Kitten Hallway ]I[:Return of Kitten Hallway:End of Kitten Hallway:Kitten Hellway LOVELOVEKITTY, WiL 82.34 Action, Arcade, Contest, Engine, Experimental, Oktrollberfest, RPG
Kitty File 1 Parasite 63.4 Adventure
The KjKit Kjorteo 26.8 Toolkit
Klide's Adventures In The Amazon Fire City TheUnknown 33.91 Action, Adventure, RPG
Klide's Adventures in The Amazon Fire City Demo TheUnknown 25.24 Demo
KM'S verden (very early version) kristomu 3.64 Action, Adventure, Incomplete
A Knife and a Stick Extended Edition Asiekierka 20.08 Adventure
KNIGHST OF MARS Commodore 6.95 Action, Adventure
Knights & Wizards Ross Werner 40.7 Adventure, Beta
Knoxville - BoB Kuno 35.08 Adventure
Kobold Quest Unknown 2.7 RPG
Kobold Smoocher Bluey 16.1 Action, Fantasy, Retro
Kohler's New ZZT Game Chris Kohler 7.91 Action
Kohler's New ZZT Game V1.1 Chris Kohler 7.86 Action
Kohler's New ZZT Game V1.2 Chris Kohler 9.27 Action
Komputerwelt WiL 22.29 Action, Incomplete, Puzzle
Koopo The Lemming Koopo 89.61 Platformer
Koopo's ... Koopo 101.76 Compilation
KramerVille starbrand 8.86 Adventure
Kudzu clysm 22.73 Adventure
Kudzu 2.1 (update, not sequel) clysm 34.26 Adventure, Update
Kwest Michael Goldman 22.74 Adventure
Kwest Oryx-de-Cow, Voighdt 16.77 Adventure, Incomplete
Kyler's Adventure Demo ][ Kyler Daugherty 7.33 Adventure, Comedy, Demo

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