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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
Jabe's Nightmare WiL 6.0 Incomplete, Puzzle
Jack Adventures Presents: Be Careful Where You Step! jack2496 1.73 Action
Jack Knack Danny Goodman 3.16 Action
Jack Knack X _ry0suke_, Danny Goodman 20.61 Action, Remake
Jack O' Lantern Newt 20.35 Adventure
Jack: Home end13 10.12 Adventure
Jack: Incane Street end13 21.76 Action, Adventure
Jack: Space Trip end13 9.15 Shooter
Jack: Space Trip 2 end13 8.65 Shooter
Jacky T Viovis Acropolis 27.55 Other
Jaguar: Quest for Water Cyrus 23.55 Adventure
Jail Jason Britain 1.94 Adventure
Jake's Journey fudgemonkeysuncle 17.19 Action, Adventure
James Bond Club Thanos81 7.74 Incomplete
JAMES BOND VS BLOFELD ZZT DEMO BigtimeDude 2.15 Action, Adventure, Advertisement
James Jon 007 InKane 6.24 Comedy
Jami's Undercity Anthony Testa, JamiJo 28.67 Adventure
Jami's Undercity Remix Anthony Testa, BlueMagus, JamiJo 29.75 Adventure
Jason's Adventure The Weazle 5.69 Adventure, Fangame
JAVO Leamas 38.01 Adventure
Jay's 'Hood I and ][ Jay Meagher 45.86 Adventure, Compilation
Jay's 3D Maze Jay Anderson 2.83 Engine, Other
Jazzy Likes Dresses Viovis 23.09 Cinema, Comedy
Jedi Fight (Demo, v1.1) noachnet 13.62 Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Jedi Knight noachnet 44.65 Adventure
Jeebie's Quest Darren Hewer 28.83 Adventure
Jennifer Janowski is Doomed Anna Anne Anthropy 109.31 Horror, Mystery, Story
Jeremiad _catbutt_, PUNISH_PORNSTAR, suresh 36.43 Adventure, Cinema, Experimental, Trippy
Jeremyville Unknown 9.15 Action
Jesse JJL99 8.28 Adventure
Jesus 2035 zamros 10.5 Comedy
Jet Adventure 1 Morphman 10.53 Action, Shooter
Jet Adventure 1+2 Morphman 17.5 Action, Shooter
Jex LordChimpee 30.91 Action, Shooter
Jilk Maker '22 Agent Orange 2.27 Advertisement, Cinema, Other, Trippy
Jimbo The Trippy Dsone 38.53 Action
Jinx And The Journey Graham Peet 71.07 Action, Adventure
Joe 3: Joe is Back Bobo245 24.15 Adventure
Joe Blow Socipoon froznfire 34.28 Action
Joe Blow Socipoon (June 26th, 1996) froznfire 33.57 Action
Joe City Unknown 7.25 Action, Adventure
Joe Goes To School Bobo245 5.61 Adventure
Joe's Apartment Daniel Tiernan 5.66 Adventure, Fangame
Joel Unknown 14.48 Adventure, Incomplete
Joel's World 1-6 Joel M. Smith 89.78 Adventure
Joel's World 7 & 8 Joel M. Smith 47.04 Adventure
Joey, and The Revenge of the A.O.L. Monsters J Dragster, Jason Marasco, Joey Drago 9.8 Adventure
John's World Dogbreath 10.85 Action
Johnathan Scribbit 13.96 Comedy
Johnny Smileyfingers Knightt 41.36 Action
Jordan's Quest Warlock93 7.76 Adventure
Jordan's Quest, Matt's Dream Stan Syckes 8.02 Adventure
Jordan's Quest: Version 2 Warlock93 7.91 Adventure
Josh's World Lmjmajl 1.77 Other
Joshua Town! Andrew Hartung 5.57 Adventure
Joshuwin's Super ZZT Joshuwin 5.12 Action
The Journey of BĂ©ner and Boo Thanos81 16.42 Adventure, Incomplete
Journey of Something I Give Up 10.63 Adventure
Journey of something 2 I Give Up 16.86 Adventure
Journey Part 1 Scott Miller 8.97 Shooter
Journey to Hell 1: The Arrival ZZDevelin 38.52 Action
Journey to the Centre of Nowhere Chili, Zhacolian 35.23 Adventure
Journey to the Centre of Nowhere (08/14/1998) Chili, Zhacolian 34.79 Adventure
Journey's End Doc 11.74 Adventure
Journey: City of Wizards Doc 26.83 Adventure
Journeys alank8456 9.83 Adventure
JP Tour Full Version jkpj 11.35 Help, Registered
July 4th 2003: happpy id4 fda,mnit Viovis Acropolis 20.41 Trippy
Jungle Greg Miller 2.24 Adventure
The Jungle Evil Mark McIntyre 20.56 Adventure
Junk Ethan Hunt 223.3 Compilation
Junkyard Poppa Good 14.42 Adventure
Jurassic Park Red 19.6 Adventure, Fangame
Jurassic Park Demo HM 11.76 Demo
Justice League International Steven Lyons 15.33 Action, Fangame
Justice? Miakar 29.34 Experimental

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