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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
B-Movie Fishfood 13.01 Demo
B-Town Redmage 22.2 Adventure
backtrax triphEd 16.79 Dungeon, Random
Backwards Nixon 14.82 Puzzle
BACONÇ 2 Asiekierka, CJA 47.11 Arcade
BACONÇ 2 [v2.1] Asiekierka, CJA 2.47 Arcade
Bad Apple!! ZZT asie 36.49 Cinema
Bad Kids Jeremy Kuehnau 12.26 Adventure
Bajs end13, end14 13.56 Adventure, Puzzle
Baloo Episode 1, The Thunder Road Jerry Ellis 44.37 Adventure, Fangame
Banana Quest WiL 222.2 Adventure, Font
Banana Quest - Rejects WiL 9.84 Other
Banana Quest Trailer WiL 17.18 Demo
Bandit Michael Hargather 8.82 Adventure
Bandit: Part 2 Michael Hargather 9.17 Adventure
Bandit: Part 3 Michael Hargather 22.5 Adventure
Bantar I:The Quest David Hetrick 3.69 Adventure
Barg Zamboni 25.46 Comedy
Barney Cooshman 7.18 Adventure
Barney Bash Unknown 8.08 Action
Barney Exterminator AKNeutron 9.71 Adventure
Barney Exterminator ][ AKNeutron 74.59 Adventure, Font
The Barney Files: I Love You Barney9651, Yenrab 5.33 Comedy
Barney Hunt Dustin Hubbard 18.51 Action, Comedy
Barney Shooting Gallery Barney9651, Yenrab 2.86 Action
Barney vs. Blarney TheDaveC 15.31 Action
Barney's Dungeon ZZFreak 9.71 Adventure
Bart's Dimension Joseph Free Reyes, Joshua Jed Fadriquela 11.31 Adventure, Fangame
BASE Master Raze 19.15 Arcade
Base Jump Nixon 16.0 Demo, Engine
Bathroom: SE _ry0suke_ 20.09 Remake, Simulation
Batman Forever Unknown 5.12 Action, Fangame
BatMonkey Warlock93 10.58 Parody
Battle Corse Unknown 5.32 Action
Battle Maze Apple McTom 10.43 Action
Battle Maze 2 Demo Apple McTom 5.67 Action, Demo
Battle Maze Advanced Apple McTom 7.91 Action
Battle Tech Alex Drelick 139.87 Action
Battle Tech (1996) Alex Drelick 84.25 Action
Battle Tech Simulator Dumgeezer 16.74 Action
Battleground Demo Ace Of Spades 18.9 Action, Demo
Battletech Simulator Expansion blindgoat 13.08 Shooter
Be Quick/Get Lucky Zephyr 1.68 Action, Experimental, Maze
Beam Optimatics 3.82 Platformer
Bear Hunting/Beer Hunting Hercules, Hydra 16.36 Arcade
Bear With Me Dr. Dos 94.8 Action, Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Bearing An Hourglass David G. Syas 3.35 Adventure, Fangame
Beast of Krakenkana coolzx 15.74 Demo
Beast Wars Trilogy Keith Seper 12.47 Adventure, Compilation
Beast Wars ZZT Maullar Maullar 26.97 Action
Beavis and Butthead vs. Ren and Stimpy Brian McFee, Keebler 15.03 Comedy, Fangame
Bebop! Unknown 6.13 Action
Beck's Footy Master Raze 15.38 Simulation, Sports
Beez The Attack Ben Moody 3.85 Action
Ben There, Made This BenW 36.07 Art
The Benco Experience Benco 133.16 Other
Berzerk 2000 Dr. Dos 26.08 Action
Best of ZZT Scott Hudson, Various 133.14 Contest, Official
Best of ZZT (May 23rd, 1992) Scott Hudson, Various 133.47 Contest, Official
The Best of ZZT 3: The best boards from your favorite ZZT games (Unofficial) Mateo Williford 12.23 Compilation
Best of ZZT Part I: The Secret of Headhunter Isle Various 43.32 Official, Puzzle
Best of ZZT Part II: Royal Treasures Scott Hudson, Various 23.37 Official, Puzzle
Betazon Demo Nuero, Travis Stone 21.17 Demo, RPG
Betra- Wait, how do you spell that? Bigman, Zandor 12 25.44 Action, Comedy, Trippy
Better Off Alone wug 2.84 Trippy
Beverage II Anonymous 1.27 Comedy, Parody, Random
BFI WiL 13.39 Engine
Big Beast in the Maze KKairos 20.4 Adventure, Puzzle
Big Beast in the Maze 2.0 KKairos 21.62 Adventure, Maze, Puzzle, Story
Big Brother Unknown 6.67 Adventure
The Big Dragon GAMEBOYJBF 44.31 Puzzle
The Big Leap: One Step Into The Future Chris Jong 93.7 Adventure
The Big Leap: One Step Into The Future (Demo) Chris Jong 21.88 Adventure, Demo
Big Rigs ZZT Eikko Torip 15.5 Action, Racing
The Big Stink Demo WeP 20.85 Demo, RPG
Bigger Demo: James Bond Vs Blofeld TheBigtimeDude 24.21 Action, Adventure
BIN LADEN!! Clecky 10.74 Other
Binary Kevin Vance 8.53 24HoZZT, Contest, Other
Biohazard ruckle, SKC Soft 32.21 Action, Horror
Biosmart! Pen-Pen, Plank 23.48 Adventure
Bit Punk NEO Monster Art Compilation PogeSoft 48.51 Art, Compilation, Incomplete
Bizanloo Special Edition Booth 24.81 Adventure
BKZZT 7/17/2020 - The Discord of ZZT Various, Zinfandel 66.11 BKZZT, Contest
BKZZT 11/21/1998 - Color Koopo, roastbeef, Unknown 9.16 BKZZT, Compilation, Contest
BKZZTer's Anonymous WiL 13.79 BKZZT, Compilation, Contest, Minigame
A Black Carriage Was Drawn 2: Electric Boogaloo _ry0suke_ 27.78 Action
A Black Carridge Was Drawn: Chapter 1 _ry0suke_ 25.47 RPG, Story
Black Hole FredTC 27.51 Adventure
The Black Library HM 20.78 Adventure
The Black Ranger's Adventure The Weazle 17.43 Adventure, Fangame
Blade Runner: The Blade Takers Michael Joe Braun 4.09 Adventure
BladeWare Magazine #1 JAM1013 9.41 Magazine
Blak Evil GB 34.57 Action, Demo
Blastoid Mr.Happy, Ringworm 28.84 Shooter
Blastoid Demo Mr.Happy, Ringworm 21.68 Demo, Shooter
Blending Kits Various 24.04 Toolkit, Utility
Blight Sword ZZT Mr. J 36.8 Action, Adventure
Blind Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 20.73 Adventure, Horror
Blink X Veit Kannegieser 12.28 Utility
Block Runner (Demo v1.1) Vidwiz127 4.38 Action, Demo
Blood and Steel Lynx, WiL 19.51 Adventure, Trippy
Blood Bath jakob_666 10.38 Action, Horror
Blood Oath: Trials of the Wyrm Nivek 42.4 Action
The Blood War Unknown 14.16 Action, Adventure
Bloodlines 1 & 2 Chase Bramlage 170.48 Fangame, RPG
Bloodlines Disc 1 Chase Bramlage 71.84 RPG
Bloodlines Disc 2 Chase Bramlage 60.46 RPG
Bloomy Prequel V2 BigtimeDudeProductions 11.91 Adventure, Advertisement, Cinema, Comedy
The Bloomy Prequel: Legend of Bloomy and Rallassa the Cat Magicians BigtimeDude 9.81 Action, Adventure, Cinema, Comedy, Fantasy
Bloomy: The Feloriah Chronicles TheBigtimeDude 27.61 Action, Comedy
blue door puzzle Zephyr 1.86 Puzzle
The Blue Maze Flimsy Parkins 8.82 Experimental, Maze
Blue Moon Zenith Nadir 77.29 Action
The Blue Town end13 25.36 Action, Adventure
Bluelloween '00 Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 29.14 Compilation
Bluelloween '99 Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 50.34 Compilation
BmpToZZT4 TTTPPP 14.6 Utility
Bob Shaun100 1.47 Action
Bob 2 Newt 17.42 Adventure
Bob 2 (Preview) Newt 1.67 Adventure, Demo
Bob 2: Abducted! BoothWare 21.85 Adventure
Bob The Builder ZZT Unknown 31.75 Adventure, Trippy
Bob the Slug Andrew Wagster 11.4 Comedy
Bob's Adventure in Nowhere Land (BKZX) emmzee 5.23 Adventure
Bob: The Adventure Newt 11.12 Adventure
Bobbo the Corporate Spy (Modified) Aetsch, Zenith Nadir 21.8 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Bobo JamiK, Kev Vance 22.05 Adventure
Bobo (Original) JamiK 21.55 Adventure
Bobo 2 JamiK 34.47 Adventure
The Bocco11 Experience Bocco11 30.33 Story
The Bocco11 ZZToolkit Bocco11 4.65 Toolkit, Utility
bogart zzt Viovis 21.66 Trippy
Boizone Ando 1.52 Experimental
Bomb Squad! 1 Icaeres 75.98 Action
Bomb ZZT Voighdt 20.4 Action, Font, Strategy
Bomber Nixon 18.99 Action, Engine
Bombs! Demo! Lightning 2.55 Action, Demo
Boof-1 Chase Bramlage 57.65 Action, Adventure, Comedy
BoOf: Remix Chase Bramlage 224.53 Action, Adventure, Comedy
BoOf:REMIX v.1.2 Chase Bramlage 224.61 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Booplop Guy Srinivasan 27.33 Adventure
Booster Gold Steven Lyons 7.08 Action, Fangame
Boretown Michael Evans 16.81 Adventure
Boss 3 Demo Daniel Sigman 32.71 Action, Demo
Boss 3 Incomplete Dan Death 48.17 Action, Incomplete
Boss 3:Final Boss Daniel Sigman 74.03 Action, Adventure
Boulder Dash Nixon 52.08 Puzzle
Boulder Xod Dexter 16.6 Puzzle
The Box and The Blob (Prototype) Nupanick 3.02 Engine
Box Climber Nanobot 11.6 Puzzle
Box Land Green Jimmy Y 12.13 Puzzle
Boxland 0 Scribbit 10.72 Comedy
Boxtop11's Bargain Bin o' Crap Boxtop18 128.7 Compilation
Boy's Zone Wispy13372 7.55 Adventure
BoyHump Mrs. Clause 22.41 Demo
Brain=Dead AuroraCougar 10.93 Action
Brainfirm asie 60.23 Engine
Brainfuck Jonathan Duerig 8.54 Engine
BRAND NEW LEGEND OF MIDNA NEW VERSION OF DEMO WITH PURE INSANITY BigtimeDudeProductions 26.17 Action, Adventure, Demo, Experimental
Brawlers Demo (Restored) Bob Pragt, Evan Darrow, kristomu, PogeSoft 51.83 Action, Fighting
Break Out (Restored) Unknown 8.87 Adventure
Break Point Blazer 24.09 Action
Breakanoid Chris Kohler, Dan Kohler 5.43 Arcade
Breakout! kcnrogers 20.3 Arcade
Breakthru ZZTurbo 23.99 Action, Puzzle
Brian's (Crappy) Life Two Firebug 33.71 Adventure
Brian's Life (v1.0) Firebug 16.6 Adventure
A Brief History of Zeux majiCk, piman 16.02 24HoZZT, Contest, Puzzle
brongic/moog/hunjod carpets, triphEd 31.54 Compilation
BSV2BRD Theta 318.25 Utility
Bubbas Bubbles WiL 822.05 Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle
Bubble Butt Viovis Acropolis 17.33 24HoZZT, Contest
Buck Russel: Private Eye Almighty Cow 24.61 Adventure, Demo
Buck Russel: Private Eye Demo Almighty Cow 5.41 Adventure, Demo
Buck Russel: Private Eye v2.0 Almighty Cow 41.82 Adventure
Bugdoo Chris Rose 62.1 Action, Adventure
Bugs Bunny's Safari Faith Ann Passaro, Mike Fennell 5.67 Action, Fangame
Bugs! kcnrogers 47.03 Action, Comedy
Bulbasaur's Online Pokemon RPG Randomizer Jason Stein, Nick Stein 56.85 Other
Bullet coolzx 15.69 Action
Bully Brawl Chane__Link 10.15 Minigame
Bum Squirrel: Part 1 Tenguman2k 31.43 Comedy
Bumbling Adventure Super Geek 14.41 Action
Burger Digital Holiday Special Zephyr 5.04 Art, Music
Burger Joint Madguy 52.23 Simulation
Burglar Collection skullie 9.88 Action, Puzzle
Burglar! MadTom 121.56 Adventure
Burn Acid tucan 44.63 Compilation, Demo
Business Bob Robin Miller 15.05 Action
Business Bob 2 Robin Miller 8.37 Action
Business Bob Update Viovis Acropolis 124.87 Action
Busted Geno201 3.34 Action
Busy City Engine Boxtop11 3.08 Engine
But Can I...? Agent Orange 41.59 Art
Butchenstein 2D Nate Warren 3.47 Action
Butt Blokeware 43.76 Adventure
BUYSO RT-55J 17.67 Simulation
BUYSO (v1.2) RT-55J 82.74 Simulation
bxod iii Dexter 66.65 Art, Puzzle
BZZT1 Unknown 9.64 Font
The Underground Bugtown of ZZT Alexis Janson 21.62 Adventure

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