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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
C.G. Star Wars ZZT Trilogy Xwing Red4 41.19 Adventure, Fangame
C.G. Star Wars ZZT: Part 1 (alt) Xwing Red4 9.07 Adventure, Fangame
c0pz that beat u up Knightt 7.44 BKZZT, Contest
Cactus Juice _ry0suke_ 20.14 Trippy
Cactusware Shooting Spree #cactusware, davr0s 12.87 Cameo
Calarian Billtcm 30.29 Adventure
Calvin and Hobbes in: Seasons Come and Gone Part 1 Reddragon250 25.47 Adventure, Fangame
Calvin and Hobbes: Destroy the Gork! Lysander the Great 3.17 Action, Fangame
Cameo List Boom.dk, Flaming O 10.49 Cameo, Utility
Campaign Against SZZT Timcomput 2.23 Help
Campaign Against SZZT (SZZT Version) Anonymous, Timcomput 2.63 Help
Campaign Against SZZT (ZIG Version) Anonymous, Timcomput 41.82 Help
Campaign Against SZZT: SE Anonymous, Timcomput 3.3 Help, Remake
Canada ZZT Michael Barash 6.22 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest
Canid Prod. Magazine #1 Flatcoat Lab 40.09 Magazine
Cannibal Island Todd Hamblin 17.86 Action, Adventure
Cannon Eating Cannibals Heejang Lee, Robert Guffey 13.95 Action, Adventure
Captain Cosmo: The Interactive Galactic Story Erik Sagen 15.2 Adventure, Demo, Sci-Fi
Captain Cutlass Project Dump Dr. Dos 381.82 Compilation, Other
Captain Hero: Operation Key Lime The Brothers DBZ 39.83 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Captain Nick DarkMage, Nivek 112.15 Adventure
Captain Shrunkenhead: The Game Pinklight 4.41 Action, Comic
Capture the Flag Brian McFee, Keebler 10.14 Action
Card Prime Appliance 31.74 RPG
Card Prime 2 Appliance 56.95 RPG
Carrot Wars (Modified) GoldenHog, Scribbit, Zenith Nadir 20.32 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Cartman in Blunderland: A New South Park Joke Game BigtimeDudeProductions 14.59 Action, Comedy
The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck Ezektiel Ewell 43.72 Mystery
The Case of the Banged-up Banana Truck, pt. 2: October Song Ezektiel Ewell 75.24 Contest, Oktrollberfest
Case study 1 GreaseMonkey 10.91 Help
Casino Nzenik 11.46 Other
Casino for ZZT AnthonyThW, TheDaveC 13.01 Other
Casino for ZZT (alt) AnthonyThW, TheDaveC 12.99 Other
Castaway Unknown 25.92 Adventure
The Castle Jakub Plachy 12.04 Adventure
The Castle (Early Build) Jakub Plachy 8.67 Adventure
The Castle and Kingdom of Zandia (1997 re-release) Jeremy LaMar 58.63 Action, Puzzle
Castle Dungeon Guy Srinivasan 25.06 Adventure
The Castle of Count 100 WiL 61.39 Action, BKZZT, Contest, Engine
Castle of King Lucius Eli Tremblay 12.04 Action
Castle of Metacus Patrick Gleeson 18.33 Adventure
Castle of the Llamas 0.05 ZZFreak 8.47 Comedy, Demo
The Castle of Zandia Jeremy LaMar, SnigWich 24.62 Action, Puzzle
Castle of ZZT HM 13.64 Action
Castle of ZZT David Newton 55.66 Retro
Castle of ZZT (alt) David Newton 53.89 Retro
Castle Quest I James Mizar 13.19 Adventure
Castle Search Zach Ferris 42.56 Adventure
Castle Siege Doc 15.91 Adventure
Castle Trilogy Guy Srinivasan 20.31 Action
Castle V Demo Dsone 9.57 Action, Platformer
Castlevania Mike Schroeder 1.98 Action, Fangame
Castlevania 827: Oh God not Again Venom 27.53 Dungeon
Castlevania: Episode 2 Mike Schroeder 3.22 Action, Fangame
Castleweavia 2.1 verasev 224.88 Action, Dungeon, Fangame, Fantasy, Horror, RPG
Cat Trap PSI Ninja 2.37 Action, Puzzle
CAT, CAT, THAT DAMN CAT Commodore 38.2 Adventure
Catalog of ZZT Games From Darrow Software! Evan Darrow 5.21 Catalog
Caterpillar D. 24.78 Action, Dungeon
CatWorld Chris Lyons 13.73 Adventure
Cavalry Anarchy 17.83 Action, Strategy
Cave of Death Unknown 2.4 Action
Cavern Adventure DarkMage 19.29 Adventure
Caverns of Zeux Music Collection Nanobot 6.75 Music
Caverns: Treasure of Gorn Alexis Janson 8.71 Adventure
Caverns: Treasure of Gorn (February 1994) Alexis Janson 10.49 Adventure
Caverns: Treasure of Gorn (September 1993) Alexis Janson 5.72 Adventure
The Caves of Carl N’ Chris Carl Farra, CS Wallace 3.13 Adventure, Puzzle
Caves of Death Bloodstar64 15.44 Demo
Caves of Fury John Shipley 46.19 Adventure
Centipede Daniel Tiernan 5.03 Action, Arcade
Centipede (Cent) Chris Kohler 3.99 Arcade
Centipede ZZT Voighdt 16.55 Action
Centipeia T-Bone 10.81 Arcade, Shooter
Centipood Abraham Forsan, Donny Scherig 40.18 Adventure
Cereal Killed the Drug Star eRN56, Homz 15.26 BKZZT, Contest
Cesidron: Episode 1: The Escape ZaPRing 57.02 Action, Sci-Fi
THE CHALLENGE Commodore 13.95 Action, Adventure
Challenge Course v1.1 Aaron Seltzer 3.62 Action
Challenge Course v1.1.3 Aaron Seltzer 3.62 Action
Challenge of the Toulouse Hacking Convention Réchèr 23.64 Edutainment, Puzzle
Channel G: Gadfly ANSItronic Video Entertainment System - Zine 2 RT-55J 418.51 Magazine
Channuka Unknown 3.14 Action
Chaos Andrew Martin 9.66 Action
Chaos (Demo) Andrew Martin 1.62 Action
Chaos Fighters Unknown 3.29 Action
Chaos II: Volcano Andrew Martin 10.23 Action
Chaos III: Escape Andrew Martin 30.63 Action
Chaos Quest Demo PandaMan 9.46 Action, Demo
Chaos Quest Demo 2 PandaMan 18.42 Action, Demo
Chaos Warrior Seventh Shade 69.82 Action
ChaosTM 1 (v2.9S) Adam P. Sharp, Daniel Wilkinson 47.01 Action
ChaosTM 2 Adam P. Sharp, Daniel Wilkinson 42.1 Action
Charles Farm's Ka Blam Charles Farm 5.34 Engine, Shooter
Cheese jojoisjo 20.68 Adventure
Chicken Run Noxin 13.98 Demo, Simulation
Chicken Shock kristomu 42.99 Action, Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Chicken Shock (Post-jam edition) kristomu 169.93 Action, Adventure
ChickenWire v1.0 Zenith Nadir 49.54 Trippy
ChickenWire v1.2 Zenith Nadir 58.26 Trippy
ChickenWire v1.5 Zenith Nadir 63.75 Trippy
ChickenWire v1.8 Zenith Nadir 72.97 Trippy
ChickenWire v2.0 Zenith Nadir 96.22 Trippy
CHIKAN WIER 3.9 GreaseMonkey 6.88 Comedy, Contest
Chowder Shane Nielsen 14.9 Action, Fangame
Chowder 2 Full Version: Whatever This Even Is BigtimeDudeProductions 19.33 Action, Arcade, Art, Comedy, Mystery
Chowder 2 improved demo BigtimeDudeProductions 4.59 Action, Comedy, Demo
CHOWDER 2: The Demo BigtimeDude 2.27 Action, Comedy, Fangame
Chris Part 2: Chris Meets The Aquanouts Nathan1212 14.22 Adventure
Chris Vs. The Terrorists Nathan1212 4.0 Action, Shooter
Chris Vs. The Terrorists (Version 2) Nathan1212 4.22 Action, Shooter
A Christmas Gone Horribly, Horribly Wrong Insane Moose 11.06 Cameo, Cinema
Christmas Land Mark McIntyre 11.36 Adventure
Christopher's Adventure Popcorner 31.27 Adventure
Chronicles Justin Taylor 7.23 Demo
Chrono Chaos 1 Scorch3000 36.35 Action, Adventure
Chrono Trigger Rory Nugent 6.53 Adventure, Fangame
Chrono Trigger ZZT DirrCo 40.57 Action, Adventure, Demo, Fangame
Chrono Wars 1-4 (Chocobo Version) Chronos30 69.44 Adventure, Sci-Fi
Chrono Wars 1-7 Chronos30 179.09 Adventure
Chrono Wars 5 (Chocobo Version) Chronos30 11.66 Adventure, Beta, Sci-Fi
Chrono Wars 8 Chronos30 26.19 Adventure
Chrono Wars 9 Chronos30 42.33 Adventure
Chrono Wars 10 Chronos30 84.35 Adventure
Chrono Wars 11 Chronos30 40.91 Action, Adventure
Chrono Wars 12 Chronos30 27.08 Action, Adventure
Chrono Wars 13 Chronos30 61.14 Adventure, Puzzle
Chrono Wars 13 (Beta) Chronos30 57.35 Adventure, Beta, Puzzle
Chronos's Utilities Chronos30 110.9 Utility
Chrysilis David Syas 4.63 Adventure
City Adventure AHMorrow 33.02 Adventure
City of Darkness Demo Blade 17.27 Adventure, Demo
The City of Monsters Emon 16.7 Adventure
City of the Darned Trilogy Patrick Cheng 30.34 Adventure
City of the Stupid 1 Bongo79 17.92 Adventure
City Of The Stupid 1 (Gold) Bongo79 20.71 Adventure
City of the Stupid 2 (Demo) Bongo79 12.71 Adventure, Demo
City of the Stupid: Road Trip Bongo 37.77 Adventure
The City of ZZT Tim Preager 2.28 Adventure
CJ Wuzzle Catherine Ryan, fatrat 39.73 Adventure
The CKit ChocoboKick 20.32 Toolkit
Class Wars Master Raze 35.2 Action, Strategy
Class Wars Demo Master Raze 32.59 Demo, Strategy
Classic Arcade Chris Kohler 4.79 Arcade
Classic Arcade 2 Chris Kohler 5.57 Arcade
Claude zee Invento' (Modified) El Capitan, Kosh, Zenith Nadir 36.2 Comedy, Mod
Clausmas Mrs. Clause 52.15 Other
Claw's Adventure Jesse Dolan 12.51 Adventure, Incomplete
CleanZZT Nanobot 45.15 Utility
CleenZZT The Green Herring 150.82 Utility
Cliche: a Guide for the Advanced ZZTer JoE 18.93 Help
The Cliff John Shipley 26.12 Adventure
Clock Engine Vacek 1.68 Engine
Clone Tim13 19.96 Adventure
Club - Part 1 itsmehere 0.95 Other
COCO BANDICOOT ZZT FULL VERSION GAME BigtimeDudeProductions 33.82 Action, Adventure, Arcade, Comedy
Coconutmonky's Unfinished Old Games and Oddities Colllection COCONUTMONKY 308.53 Beta, Compilation, Demo, Engine, Incomplete
Code Red Alexis Janson 184.75 Adventure
Code Red (1993-04-07) Alexis Janson 187.91 Adventure
Code Red (Demo) Alexis Janson 17.34 Adventure, Demo
Code Red: Special Edition Alexis Janson, Zenith Nadir 200.16 Adventure
Code Red: Special Edition (v2.1) Alexis Janson, Zenith Nadir 196.85 Adventure
Codename Pickle Booth 43.43 Puzzle
Cold WiL 118.81 Adventure, Simulation
Cold (Demo) WiL 67.43 Adventure, Demo
Coliseum Steven Backus 7.28 Action
Coliseum Luke Drelick 18.15 Action
Collabyrinth 1.0 Various 19.63 Puzzle
Collabyrinth Mock-up/Example (One Board Each collab) Nupanick 2.55 Incomplete
A Collection of Games Jeff Wiles 4.11 Minigame
Colonies WildFire 16.5 Adventure
Color Blast JDanWin 36.9 Adventure
Color Revival (Modified) Theta14, Zenith Nadir 23.29 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod
The Colors! Caelin-da-Great 33.91 Toolkit, Utility
Com Fight (v1.5) Syas669 5.94 Action
Combat trainer Caspar 13.11 Help
Come as You Are Dr. Hoot, Nuero 93.25 Compilation
Comet Matt Evans 17.69 Action, Adventure
Commodore 64 Xmas Demo Viovis Acropolis 27.91 Art, Remake
A Community X-Mas Hercules, Leamas 119.44 Adventure, Comedy, Fangame
The compl-eat AKWare 24HoZZT Collecti-On AKNeutron, Dunkinbean, Misteroo 71.29 24HoZZT, Compilation, Contest
The Complete Color Library CaliDrmn 93.43 Toolkit, Utility
The Complete Guide to Become a ZZFreak Millenium ZZFreak 32.52 Help
Compound Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 33.38 Adventure
Computer Adam M. 7.77 Action
Computer Dungeon Slash: ZZT KKairos 43.31 Action, Dungeon, Random
Computer Dungeon Slash: ZZT 2.0 KKairos 43.17 Action, Dungeon, Random
Confidence Man TripleFox 2.65 Adventure
Conspiracy Aaron Greene, Benco 73.16 Adventure, Puzzle
The Continent Dsone 15.62 Cinema
Contra SS Igl00 15.83 Action, Fangame, Shareware
Cookies! Raichu 37.52 Action
Cool Mazes 2 Chris Palm 3.15 Maze
Cool Stuff Unknown 14.63 Adventure, Compilation
Cool Stuff Shadow 15.31 Other
The Cool World John Mela 6.13 Adventure
Coolart Darby Janssen 16.71 Art, Utility
Coolgame: Quest for the Heart of the Cool Tony Clifton, WiL 4.29 Experimental, Puzzle
Coolness Matt Williams 61.87 Adventure
Coolness Demo Matt Williams 21.27 Adventure, Demo
Coolzap part 2: The Tigers Revenge! Darren Hewer 8.67 Adventure
Coolzap Part: 1 Darren Hewer 10.3 Adventure
Corn: Save the Cornfields j_hunter 44.24 Adventure
Corndog (Project Dump) Darren Hewer 54.64 Incomplete, Utility
Corrupt Mind AKNeutron 28.5 Adventure
Cosmic Wars RazorBlade 6.92 Action, Shooter
Council of the Paladin Brian Cavner 52.94 Adventure
Court Or Die Jack1032 3.52 Adventure
COVID Maker 19 Dr. Dos 4.33 Art, Experimental
Cow Crap Almighty Cow 132.45 Compilation
Cowhead Robert Huerto, Robert Pena 16.75 Action
Cowhead: The Wholesome Search Anonymous, Robert Huerto, Robert Pena 16.44 Action, Mod, Update
Cowquest Andrew Wagster, Roberta Ettel 8.28 Action
Cowquest (original) Andrew Wagster, Roberta Ettel 8.1 Action
Cowquest 2 Andrew Wagster 6.01 Action, Comedy
Cowquest 3 Andrew Wagster 7.21 Action, Comedy
Cowquest 4 Decoy 33.06 Adventure
Cowquest Trilogy Special Edition Andrew Wagster, KingBat 22.48 Action, Comedy
craNKGod RPG Demo _ry0suke_, craNKGod 37.06 Demo, RPG
Crash Landing Nuero 28.55 Action, Adventure
Crash TV Starring Crash Bandicoot and Coco BigtimeDudeProductions 12.86 Action, Arcade, Comedy
Creation WiL 63.03 Incomplete, Simulation
Creatures of the Neon Moon INVID 5.35 Action
Crim A$$A$$IN 44.15 Adventure
Crime Ring James Holub 45.55 Adventure
Crossfire Dan Kurtz 9.94 Adventure
Crunchy clysm 22.83 Adventure
Crunchy (v1.4) clysm 22.35 Adventure
Crusade Josh Goldstein 19.63 Action, Adventure
The Crypt Adam Rixey 15.75 Adventure, Official
The Crypt Mark McIntyre 10.4 Puzzle
The Crypt - Renewed Jhen 26.6 Puzzle
Crystal Cave John Fred Pope 16.87 Adventure
The Crystal Mountain Sejuay 73.39 Action, Adventure
Cuban Adventure LoonyMike 66.46 Adventure
Cult of Milo Bob Pragt 24.66 Action, Adventure
The Curse of the Empty Queue! The Green Herring 5.61 Cameo, Comedy
The Curse of the Empty Queue! II The Green Herring 61.97 Cameo, Comedy
Cursed Cammy Leamas 30.28 24HoZZT, Contest
Cut-Scene Adventures #1 Demo jimbob 16.69 Cinema, Demo
Cyber Purge The Green Herring 100.26 Action, Puzzle
Cyber Purge (old versions) The Green Herring 1391.88 Action, Compilation, Puzzle
Cyber Purge v2 The Green Herring 313.47 Action, Puzzle
CyberDuck Hates Fakes! Darren Hewer 17.68 Puzzle
Cyberia 2: Return of Cyberia Unknown 8.91 Action
Cyberworld James Wong 54.85 Adventure
Cyberworld Demo James Wong 17.08 Adventure, Demo
Cyborg Squad JDewbre 7.56 Arcade, Engine, Maze
The Secret of Cannibal Island Alexis Janson 23.43 Adventure
The Secret of Cannibal Island Remake Alexis Janson, Matt Williams 37.72 Adventure, Remake

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