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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
R.E.S.T.A.R.T. Raichu 15.43 Art
R.T.H. Pointless Game EvilMario 12.77 Action
Race Track Engine ZPlayer 5.08 Engine, Racing
Raceday-The Engine Arijit Sen 19.75 Engine, Racing
Ragged Blades Nzenik 29.55 Action
Raider of the Lost Gem Carlos DaSilva 62.02 Adventure
Rainbow KJCS 9.8 Puzzle
Rainbow 3 ZZT Demo Maullar Maullar 12.16 Action, Adventure, Demo
Rainbow 6 Engine for ZZT Maullar Maullar 8.35 Action
Rainbow Six -Lone wolf- Mission 1 Snuffalufucos 12.6 Action
Ralph and Moran Where's Waldo 43.45 Adventure, RPG
Ralph and Moran Demo Where's Waldo 21.19 Adventure, Demo
Ramen Quest Zephyr 39.62 Adventure, Art, Comedy, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle
Rampage Tony Rivera 34.27 Action, Arcade
Random Battlefield yllek nadnerb 16.91 Engine, RPG
Random Music Generator plasticsurgeon 2.88 Experimental, Music
Random Number Generator Alexqoft 1.33 Engine
A Random Number Generator itsmehere 1.33 Engine
Random ZZM Music Generator Hell Camino 29.39 Utility
Ranrpg Random RPG Battle Engine Shujj 11.66 Engine
the raocow art gallery Zinfandel 8.08 Art
The raoctober 2021 Collection Zinfandel 21.88 Art, Cinema, Comedy, Compilation, Experimental, Fangame, Minigame, Other, Random, Trippy
Rapa Nui (Modified) Oof, Zenith Nadir 13.58 24HoZZT, Cinema, Contest, Mod
Rat Race 2.6 Barney9651, Yenrab 12.41 Racing
Rat Race 2.6h Barney9651, Yenrab 16.65 Font, Racing
Ravenfall astral 44.35 Action, RPG
Ravenfall (v1.0) astral 44.25 RPG
Raw Stk Jhello73 17.0 Engine
Ray of H.O.P.E. Kevin Vance 18.38 24HoZZT, Action, Adventure, Contest
Raydensoft Magazine Issue 1 Gandalf769, Rayden, TymeUltima 5.17 Magazine
Raymbo Robert Huerto, Robert Pena 8.65 Action
Read This #1 Richard Goodness 3.36 Magazine
Read This #2 Richard Goodness 10.46 Magazine
Read This #3 Richard Goodness 17.99 Magazine
Read This #4 Richard Goodness 25.3 Magazine
A Really Short Dungeon Game coolzx 22.64 Dungeon
Realm of Dammak Eli Tremblay 14.6 Adventure, Beta
The Realm Part 1 Dr. J2000 27.66 Action, RPG
Realm-B Brian McFee, Keebler 41.22 Adventure
The Realmz tharxpiolit 13.12 Adventure, Demo
Rear Infection Dogbert 9.33 Adventure, Comedy
Rebel Part 1: The Escape Unknown 6.76 Adventure
Rebel Spy BrGenWreck 19.79 Adventure, Fangame
Rebirth, The Uprising jojoisjo 93.95 Adventure
Recollect Nuero 29.86 Compilation
Recovery Anonymous 22.74 Art, Edutainment
Red Aureole Demos ff6sabin, genie500, toykirby, Voighdt 67.3 Compilation, Demo
Red Deviance Dr. Dos 26.12 Action, Arcade, Contest, Oktrollberfest
Red Dwarf Unknown 2.85 Action
Red Faction Demo Master Raze 19.91 Action, Demo
The Red Green Game Redfire 3.25 Adventure, Fangame
Red Isle Oof 42.01 Adventure
The Red Ruffian Puzzle Flimsy Parkins 2.87 Puzzle
Red Wave Demo Miakar 20.66 Adventure, Demo, Puzzle, Trippy
Redcoats Admiral, Newt 4.1 Edutainment
The Redemption Marcus D. Gregio 7.57 Action
Redlight Zone Hercules, Hydra 9.89 Adventure
Rednex Hell Camino 14.35 Action, Adventure
Rednex Mech Battle Hell Camino 11.56 Action
Refridgerator Raider Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 14.23 Action
Regeneer Caverns Theta14 16.57 Dungeon
Relocation Parasite 24.01 Demo, RPG
Remnants Ando 44.0 Compilation, Incomplete
Remotely Puzzle-like Jimmy Mathews 21.53 Puzzle
Reptile House #1 Draco 21.26 Magazine
Reptile House #2 Dexter 36.38 Magazine
Republic Unknown 3.39 Action
Rescue awebs 67.84 Action
Rescue Nixon 20.59 Action, Demo
Rescue (December 2000) awebs 52.41 Action, Incomplete
The Rescue of Planet Plibble TheBigtimeDude, Zooshy Fruit 17.7 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The Rescue of Princess Alexia (2.0) Marcus D. Gregio 10.59 Adventure
Resident Alex Maullar Maullar 32.77 Comedy, Horror
Resident Alex II Demo Maullar Maullar 15.53 Action, Demo
Resident Alex SE Maullar Maullar 33.75 Comedy, Horror
Resident Evil bucket 26.25 Action
Respite MadTom 52.95 Dungeon
The Return of ZeeZeeTee Zxyer 17.57 Adventure
Revenge JaCyL 6.66 Adventure
Revenge RastsaK 19.0 Adventure
The Revenge and Redemption of Anthony Scapelli DEMO VERSION BigtimeDude 3.29 Action, Comedy
Revenge of the Ruffians Caspar 73.46 Action
revenge of the zombie Dexter 48.34 Adventure
Revenge of Your Death Lord Igsel 71.02 Adventure
Revenge One: The Pit (v1.1) Nik Logan 13.71 Action
Revival Jhen 29.43 Action, Shooter
The Revival of Richard Ravenshead (Modified) Flimsy Parkins, Zenith Nadir 29.31 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest, Mod
Revokery Anonymous 7.56 Art, Edutainment
REZZT Danny Baxter 13.9 Action
Rhubarb Pie (Modified) Tony Clifton, Zenith Nadir 40.02 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, RPG
Rhygar 1 plus Bongo 73.35 Adventure
Rhygar 2 Bongo 127.28 Adventure
Rhygar 3 Bongo 175.95 Adventure
Rhygar 3 Demo Bongo 20.31 Adventure, Demo
Rhygar 3 Demo 2 Bongo 23.55 Demo
Rhygar 3 Original Soundtrack King Og 15.22 Music
Richie Quest I Crono4444 5.63 Adventure
Richman 1 & 2 Joel M. Smith 22.89 Adventure
RinGames Music Shrine RinGames 1.03 Music
RinGames Music Shrine ZZT RinGames 12.68 Music
Rings of Power Josh Bovia 9.0 Action
Rings of the Elements Gregory Teodoro 59.13 Adventure
Rings of the Elements 2 Gregory Teodoro 66.01 Adventure
Ripped Off Benco 15.59 Minigame
Ripped Off 2 Benco 21.89 Minigame
Ripped Off 3 Benco 29.77 Minigame
Rippled Flesh Agent Orange 39.62 Horror
The Rise of New Mario ZZT Stuff V1.4 WARIO VS SCAPELI TheBigtimeDude 21.85 Action, Arcade, Comedy
Rites of Passage: End of the Dawn (Preliminary Version) Ralse 27.26 Demo, RPG
River City jojoisjo 48.63 Adventure, RPG
Rivercity Demo jojoisjo 33.89 Demo
Roach Motel Tseng 108.41 Compilation
Road 2 Heaven Viovis Acropolis 5.26 Trippy
Rob Tropicana's Really Big Hope Quest AKElectron, AKNeutron, Misteroo 24.77 24HoZZT, Comedy, Contest
Robin's Hood _ry0suke_ 30.69 Adventure
Robot SeaSerpent 26.95 Adventure
Robots of Death!!!! Flimsy Parkins 28.28 24HoZZT, Contest
The Robots of Gemrule Alexis Janson 28.59 Adventure
The Robots of Gemrule (1993-02-06) Alexis Janson 30.44 Adventure
RoboWorld Warp Zone 68.37 Action, Adventure
Rocker Moonpie 11.73 Adventure, Simulation
Rocket Xnight Koopo 41.21 Action
Rocko Alias 14.51 Adventure
Rocks Demo InsertNameHere 23.44 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Rocks Demo v0.41 InsertNameHere 18.8 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Rogue Three bitman 59.34 Adventure
Role Play Evan Darrow 5.12 RPG
Rolie the Polie Demo Lil Pee Brain 9.38 Demo, Platformer
Rolie the Polie ZZT Lil Pee Brain 30.06 Platformer
Roller Blade Ninja'z Josh Dotson 5.95 Adventure
Rontor jimbob 11.14 Demo, RPG
Rontor Re-Release jimbob 13.16 Demo, RPG
Room of MAGUS _MAGUS_ 9.18 Adventure
ROSA PARKS Ando 2.78 Other
The Rose WiL 50.39 Cinema
The Rose of ZZT Demo Version TheBigtimeDude 4.81 Action, Adventure, Demo, Experimental
Rose of ZZT improved demo TheBigtimeDude 5.27 Action, Adventure, Advertisement, Comedy, Experimental
The Rose Part 2: The Stones WiL 23.69 Cinema
Rotten Robots Caspar 43.86 Action, Adventure
Rotten Robots 2: Revenge of SID Caspar 35.62 Action, Adventure
RPG RADICAL8 8.34 Adventure, RPG
RPG _God_ 11.6 Demo, RPG
Rpg Battle Engine DemonManDante 5.78 Engine
RPG Demo _God_ 47.09 Demo, RPG
RPG Engine NinjaC86 11.53 Engine
RPG Game Building Tools poliey999999 4.79 Engine
RPG Toolkit MiniRPG Takhu 11.05 Engine, RPG
RPG ZZT Scorch3000 113.31 Utility
RPGUnlimited Software Magazine Issue 1 Ace Bladestar, Sir Keath 6.67 Magazine
Ruffia Aaron Peterson 7.71 Adventure
ruffian flu Voighdt 1.55 Other
Rufus on Vacation Jude Tulli 18.53 Adventure
Ruined World: The Sequel to War-Torn Madguy 25.25 Demo, RPG
Ruins of ZZT Dr. Dos 19.15 Adventure, Contest, Ludum Dare
Run Run Devin Holl 5.29 Action
Run Run Run! Ajc1490 9.54 Adventure
RUN SERIES YoungLink 91.79 Compilation
Run-On v unknown WiL 69.08 Arcade
Run-On v2.3 KKairos, WiL 64.77 Arcade
Run-On v2.4 KKairos, WiL 65.25 Arcade
Runner Dsone 24.6 Platformer, Puzzle
Runner ZZT Demo Dsone 7.64 Demo, Platformer
Runtime Errors Unknown 5.46 Help
Rup Pig Mrs. Clause 185.85 Adventure
Rush Tricky 21.14 Racing
Russian Sexy Boi DEMO Ando 23.36 Adventure, Demo
Ryo and The Master's Riddles (v1.1) MTK 16.29 Puzzle
Ryosuke Art _ry0suke_ 26.86 Art
Ryosuke's Upcoming Shit `99 _ry0suke_ 27.86 Demo

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