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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
A$$A$$IN's Guide To Making ZZT Games A$$A$$IN 15.48 Help
A$$A$$IN's Guide To Making ZZT Games 2 A$$A$$IN 60.98 Help
A-wars 1 ZAPPIN' ZAOS!!! 20.37 Action
AAAAAAAA dessgeega 1.65 Experimental
aag2 Wong Chung Bang 32.72 Adventure
aag3 Wong Chung Bang 44.66 Adventure, Comedy
Abandoned Games gingermuffins 254.21 Compilation
Abandoned Games Asiekierka 36.98 Compilation, Incomplete
abbloipp Lemmer 9.4 Toolkit, Utility
The Abnormal Dimension The Green Herring 75.16 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete, Puzzle
Acabee John Raptor 17.49 Adventure, RPG
Ace Man Tracy Lee 2.31 Action
Acecaves Prakash Padole 34.75 Adventure
Aceland Prakash Padole 39.81 Adventure
Aceland: Special Edition Demo Prakash Padole, Snorb 26.48 Adventure, Demo, Remake
Acequeue Prakash Padole, Zinfandel 1.04 Comedy, Other, Parody
Acorpom ghettoflower 7552.38 Experimental, Trippy
AD&D The Dark Quest SirNewton 20.89 Comedy
AD&D The Dark Quest (Fake) Gramma 0.79 Comedy
Adam Land Nivek 28.72 Adventure
Adrenalin (Demo v1.1) THMiles 11.26 Adventure, Demo, RPG
Adrenaline Arcade 1: Mine Mayhem Brain Bomber 27.51 Action
Advanced ZZT Novacainn 12.59 Other
The Adventure of Bertil end13 17.52 Adventure
Adventure of Bob Erik Sagen 27.14 Adventure
The Adventure of Sam SAM VINCI 14.24 Adventure
Adventure of Sam Celine Kalante, ChocoboKick, Kjorteo 40.34 Adventure
Adventure Part 1: The Adventures of David Daron Tony Rivera 54.4 Adventure
Adventure Part 2: The Journey to Ang-Mar Tony Rivera 57.34 Adventure
Adventure! ZZT Land! Unknown 9.64 Adventure, Incomplete
Adventure.INC Socks 8.65 Action, Demo
Adventure/RPG Funpack SAM VINCI 55.69 Adventure, RPG
Adventure: The Lost Gems Snika 113.43 Adventure
Adventures in Jaconia (Original) Lord Kadro 48.49 Adventure, RPG
Adventures in Jaconia 1-6 Lord Kadro 180.15 Adventure
Adventures in Jaconia Remake Kadro 15.52 Demo, Remake, RPG
Adventures in OakTown (v1.2) Shaun Taylor 51.29 Adventure
Adventures in OakTown (v1.5) Shaun Taylor 48.41 Adventure
Adventures in RyanWorld (v1.1) Ryan Williams 7.17 Action, Adventure
The Adventures in the: Tower of Darkmarth Walter Flood 26.26 Adventure
The Adventures of Batman & Robin Unknown 7.18 Adventure, Fangame
The Adventures of Billy Nagroc Demo breakout 16.21 Adventure, Demo
The Adventures of Bob Booth 21.47 Action, Adventure
Adventures of Buzz Ultra BIll Meeks 6.95 Adventure
The Adventures of Calvin + Hobbes: Part One Mike Fennell 3.54 Adventure, Fangame
The Adventures of Demon Pogie in the Forest of Bleagh Agent Orange 58.62 Action, Adventure
The Adventures of Demon Pogie in the Forest of Bleagh: GM Release Agent Orange 63.83 Adventure
The Adventures of Duke Pitfall AJJupiter 14.46 Adventure
The Adventures of Future Deg Part 1 Unknown 5.92 Adventure
Adventures of Jan Wayne Fritz Herzman 16.48 Action
The Adventures of Kurie Cat Part 1 - Demo Raichu 29.06 Action, Adventure, Demo
The Adventures of L. E. Phant Phish574 4.6 Action
Adventures of Link 2 Bitbot 63.36 Adventure, Fangame, RPG
Adventures with Neesboy Orange698 80.09 Adventure
AdversiTurtle Newt, WiL 32.86 24HoZZT, Adventure, Cinema, Comedy, Contest, RPG
Aetsch's BKZZT Collection Aetsch 10.77 Compilation
aetsch: collected art 1998-2002 Aetsch 29.01 Art, Compilation
After Pain Talks Scott Miller 27.54 Cinema, RPG
After the Accident ferkung 22.0 Experimental, Trippy
After Xavier: The Age of Apocalypse Brutalhulk 8.01 Adventure, Fangame
Aftermath WiL 27.87 Adventure
Agent Blue FYNDR 20.21 Adventure
Air Battle SPAZM0016 16.72 Shooter
Airport of ZZT Demo Agent Orange 15.89 Adventure, Demo, Incomplete
Airport of ZZT Demo '22 Agent Orange 19.95 Adventure, Demo
AJP Mitther 13.88 Trippy
AKFONT AKWare 7.15 Font
The Akim Magazine D. 17.53 Magazine
The Akim Prod Arcade v1.0 Dsone 22.5 Arcade
Akim Productions Comedy 24 Hours of ZZT Fall 2001 [Childhood] D., Dsone, Various 39.93 Contest
Akim Productions Comedy 24 Hours of ZZT Spring 2001 [Vegetables] D., Dsone, Various 92.75 Contest
Akim Productions Comedy 24 Hours of ZZT Spring 2002 D., Dsone, Various 40.06 Contest
AKMag #1 AKWare 18.89 Magazine
AKMag #2 AKWare 18.71 Magazine
AKMag #3 AKWare 18.72 Magazine
AKMag #4 AKWare 32.99 Magazine
AKMag #5 AKWare 25.71 Magazine
AKMag #6 AKWare 34.71 Magazine
AKMag #7 AKWare 34.0 Magazine
AKNeutron's Collective Works of BKZZT AKNeutron 36.84 BKZZT, Compilation, Contest
Aksana ZZT zzo38 20.8 Adventure, Puzzle
AKWare Tool-Kit V2.0 AKNeutron, Dunkinbean 3.9 Toolkit
AKWare ZZT Halloween Special Misteroo 23.52 Adventure, Cameo
Alex Yabb - When Darkness Falls Sepe 46.21 RPG
Algorithm Part 1: Disco For Justice! Aeris 137.1 Comedy, RPG
Algorithm Part 1: Disco For Justice! (joke) Drong 121.31 Comedy, RPG
Alien Evan Darrow 6.0 Action
Alien (1993-05-08) Evan Darrow 5.26 Action
Alien Adoption Agency poliey999999 10.39 Adventure, RPG
Alien Adoption Agency 2 Creative 10.69 Simulation
Alien Ambush (Demo) Mono 3.13 Demo
Alien Extinction T-800 9.66 Action, Adventure
Alien Planet Wajj 10.44 Action, Adventure
Aliens AJ Miller 5.13 Action
Aliens II DCM, Jed 5.67 Adventure
Aliens! GameMstr1 41.26 Action
Alpha Wars Parell 36.42 Adventure
Alternative 4-pack «Miakar», Knightt 67.98 Experimental
The Amazing Maize Maze Zinfandel 4.0 Action
THE AMAZING tURING MACHINE Flimsy Parkins 0.57 Engine, Other
Amegas - The Uprises' Title screen Music Aetsch 0.81 Music
American Society Apple McTom 26.23 Comedy
American Society Demo Apple McTom 13.25 Comedy, Demo
American Spy Demo BlacKat, JM 43.56 Demo
AMOEBOID Malingerer-Z 5.0 Horror, Sci-Fi, Story
Ana Benco 45175.51 Adventure, Puzzle
Anarchy HHZ 4.23 Action, Incomplete
Anarchy In ZZT Bark P 21.16 Adventure
Ancient Castle of the Dogs Newt 13.05 Action
Angelis Finale: Episode 1 Commodore 41.7 Action, Font
Angry Cave God eRN56 13.61 Action, Adventure, Contest
Ani-World Daniel 38.55 Adventure, Fangame
The Anilihator ZZTOmega 34.91 Action
Animaniacs Part Two Unknown 9.56 Adventure, Fangame
Animaniacs: Lost in the Water Tower Unknown 4.45 Adventure, Fangame
Animation Power Unknown 4.76 Cinema
Animosity Demo Master Raze 44.78 Adventure, Demo
Anole Man Matt Sagen 11.09 Adventure
Another Day At Work Tony Clifton, WiL 13.55 Demo, Incomplete
ANSI-DIGITIZER Jim Matczak 60.6 Utility
Anthropoid Nuero 103.66 Adventure, RPG
Anthropoid Demo Nuero 35.84 Action, Adventure, Demo, RPG
Anti Playing Software itsmehere 0.71 Experimental
Anti-Christ Pack Mrs. Claus, Ryan Reed 65.14 Minigame
Anti-Virus/Powell Farm 23 Sir Ohyagotme, Sting 14.02 Action, Adventure
Antivivistarism's Prequel To Neverending Boredom craNKGod, Viovis 10.53 Experimental
AOL Compilation Various 9191.07 Compilation
Aorta 19 Agent Orange 21.91 Art
Ape II: Return of Monkey Man Gabriel Rocklin 13.42 Adventure
APNDA Anthony Testa, kev-san, WiL 24.56 Parody, Trippy
Apparitions of the City kev-san 11.78 Art
Apud le Medius Res wayward 59.85 Adventure, Trippy
aquanaut (demo) triphEd 18.22 Adventure, Demo
Aradia DEMO Ando 13.91 Demo, RPG
Arcade BBS Remainders Various 28.67 Compilation, Incomplete
Area 51 MicroX32 6.24 Action
Area 51 Flaresoft 44.87 Action, Adventure
The Arena Herbie Piland 9.22 Action
The Arena ZZTurbo 5.56 Action
Arena 1 RinGames 19.26 Adventure
The Arena 2 Herbie Piland 6.33 Action
Arena 2 RinGames 50.41 Action
Arena: Gamer Demo El Capitan 16.25 Action, Demo
Areocon Kevin Vance 8.43 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest
Argue with a teacher simulator itsmehere 1.13 Simulation
Armor (v1.0) Andrew Barbieri 7.06 Action
Army Men Nixon 12.53 Action, Strategy
Army of Darkness Teraptus13 15.28 Action, Adventure
Army of Darkness (v2.0) Teraptus13 8.78 Adventure, Fangame
Art Fart 2: The Journey to CPU's Land! Eric Vealey 8.16 Adventure
Art Fart: The Shoe Heist Eric Vealey 8.11 Adventure
Art Juice Anarchy 16.2 Art
Art Juice 2 Anarchy 20.94 Art
art time Develin z3 25.84 Art
Artificer: Rise of the Techmagus Rithm Alfortele 31.68 Adventure, Fantasy, Shooter
Artificer: Rise of the Techmagus (v1.1) Rithm Alfortele 32.63 Adventure, Fantasy, Shooter
Artwork Collection v.01 Various 21.13 Art
Asbestos Vampy 55.79 Adventure
Asbestos 2 Vampy 56.08 Puzzle, RPG
ASC2BRD Aetsch 32.76 Utility
ASCII Chart Unknown 1.21 Utility
ASCII Maker Collection Anarchy 16.89 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 2 Anarchy 13.82 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 3 Anarchy 14.95 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 4 Anarchy 18.93 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 5 Anarchy 18.75 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 6 Anarchy 19.44 Engine
ASCII Maker Collection 6 Anarchy 93.95 Engine
Ascii Spy Quantum P. 51.8 Action, Adventure
Asher's Game Pak 1 Asher 36.66 Compilation
Asher's Game Pak 2 Asher 24.92 Compilation
Asmodeus Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 27.47 Adventure
Asmodeus (v2.0) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 27.85 Adventure
Asmodeus (v2.0.1) Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 26.72 Adventure
ASSASAAS dromme 19.35 Maze, Trippy
Assasin 1 & 2 Andrew Wagster, King Bat 13.59 Action
Assasin 1 (original) Andrew Wagster 5.36 Action
Assassin Demo psyK0 28.96 Adventure, Demo
The Assassin Episode One: The Black Knight Andrew Wagster 5.36 Action, Comedy
The Assassin Episode Two: Rise of the Condos Andrew Wagster 7.62 Action, Comedy
Assassin of Time Bubba, NMZMaster 13.24 Demo
Asteroids Dan X-scape Interactive 1.95 Action, Arcade
Asteroth Mag James Ramsey 19.5 Magazine
At Least We Have Hope (Modified) Flimsy Parkins, Zenith Nadir 40.62 24HoZZT, Contest, Mod, Trippy
At the Cinema Unknown 34.31 Adventure, Demo, Mystery
Atlantis TearDragon 25.65 Adventure
Atmosphere Palandinkht 4.91 Action, Adventure
Atop the Witch's Tower John Thyer 17.11 Adventure, Arcade, Comedy, Comic, Experimental, Fantasy, Puzzle, Story
Atop the Witch's Tower GB (v1.1) asie, John Thyer 90.65 Adventure, Arcade, Comedy, Comic, Experimental, Fantasy, Puzzle, Story
Atop the Witch's Tower WS (v1.1) asie, John Thyer 52.5 Adventure, Arcade, Comedy, Comic, Experimental, Fantasy, Puzzle, Story
Atrium (Demo) DrBlowhole20 5.71 Action, Demo
The Attack Andy Melius, John Fred Pope, Jordan Pomeranz, Kevin Clancy 6.35 Action
The Attack (SZT) Andy Melius, John Fred Pope, Jordan Pomeranz, Kevin Clancy 9.28 Action
The Attack 2 Andy Melius, John Fred Pope, Jordan Pomeranz, Kevin Clancy 5.16 Action
Attack of the Axodes Appliance 19.37 Action, Engine, Puzzle
Attack of the Killer Food (Modified) BenW, KKairos, Theta14, Zenith Nadir 18.22 24HoZZT, Action, Contest, Mod
Attack of the Killer Shrooms Ben Hoag 27.72 Action
Attack of the Mole triphEd 17.08 Action, Random
Attack of the Monsters Exmasteren 11.58 Adventure
Attack of the Smilies Booth 19.55 Adventure
Attack of the Snargles Brian McFee, Keebler 12.87 Adventure
Attack of the Snargles (original) Brian McFee, Keebler 12.87 Adventure
Audvisio Unknown 8.65 Adventure, Incomplete
August 2021 Weekend of ZZT [Memories/Regrets] asie, PogeSoft, WiL 15.69 Contest
Aura Dr. Dos 45.15 Action
Aura (Beta) Dr. Dos 45.36 Arcade, Beta
Aura (Incomplete 2004-11-13) Dr. Dos 29.55 Arcade, Incomplete
AuroraMag #1 AuroraSoft 46.54 Magazine
AuroraMag #2 AuroraSoft 49.6 Magazine
Austnet: The Chronicles craNKGod 26.74 Fangame, Story
Avarice Viovis Acropolis 30.54 Trippy
Avi's Warehouse Avi Schranz 34.58 Action
Avi's Warehouse 4 Avi Schranz 52.96 Adventure
The Awakening: Part 1, Ashen Todd Hoffenberg 18.05 Action, Demo, RPG
Awful Dates Done Quick: Samantha's Heart Freely Flies Away RT-55J 220.46 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest
AX Quest 1 AHMorrow 5.84 Adventure
Axe man! Avatar48 13.62 Comedy
AZAZAZA Bob Pragt, Commodore 12.74 Adventure, Incomplete
Aztec Insane Moose 21.94 24HoZZT, Contest
Azurit prebral 21.28 Adventure, Incomplete

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