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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Author KB Genre
I Am a Living, Breathing, Walking, Talking Zebra Fart (v1.1) WiL 21.13 Trippy
I Am Not A Hero Zanno 10.39 24HoZZT, Contest, Dungeon
I am saaaa [remake] Viovis Acropolis 16.31 Remake, Trippy
IaDarb Technology Magazine #1 IaDarb Inc. 23.29 Other
IaDarb Technology Magazine Issue #2 Preview Edition Relm the IV 18.23 Other
iBag WiL 3.14 Utility
Ibuki's Other 24 Hours of ZZT [Evil] Various, wayward 133.61 24HoZZT, Contest
Ice Station Zebra Bark P, MAFU 13.48 Adventure
Ick Scribbit 24.37 Minigame
ID4 Jeff Quirk 5.84 Action
ID4: Independence Day JWald90726 4.89 Adventure, Fangame
Idiot Police Demo Dr. Dos, SPAZM0016 15.21 Adventure, Demo
An Idiot's Guide to Magic EvilMario 22.45 Adventure, Demo, Puzzle
Idiotic Kung Fu RPG Maullar Maullar 40.59 RPG
Idiotic Kung Fu RPG (Demo) Maullar Maullar 22.47 Demo, RPG
IDKFA #1 ("ZZT Games") THMiles 15.16 Magazine
IDKFA #2 ("Hardcore ZZT") THMiles 12.84 Magazine
IF Mag Issue 1 Hydra 43.43 Magazine
IF Mag Issue 2 Hydra 67.61 Magazine
IF ZZT Logo Animation Hercules, Venom 1.46 Engine
iFantasy 3 Hydra 32.92 Magazine
iFantasy 4 Hercules 76.46 Magazine
iFantasy 5 Ethan Hunt 44.77 Magazine
iFantasy 6 Flatcoat Lab 41.81 Magazine
iFantasy 7 Anthony Testa, BlueMagus 44.45 Magazine
iFantasy 8 Hydra 57.03 Magazine
iFantasy 9 HM 31.74 Magazine
iFantasy 10 Bob Pragt 93.52 Magazine
iFantasy 11 fejjy 60.81 Magazine
Igl00 Magazine Issue 1 Igl00 10.19 Magazine
Ikari Warriors SKC Soft 11.86 Action
Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road SKC Soft 11.7 Action, Remake
Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue SKC Soft 20.1 Action
Ikari Warriors Part One: Escape From The Jungle Danny Knapp 17.08 Fangame, Shooter
An Ilford Conspiracy Toby Norfolk-Thompson 29.05 Adventure
An Ilford Conspiracy (earlier build) Toby Norfolk-Thompson 28.7 Adventure
The Immortals (Demo) Griever 17.71 Cinema, Demo
Imp World 1 Fx Fox 9.06 Adventure
Imperial Enslavement DarkhawkK 6.73 Adventure, Fangame, Sci-Fi, Space
The Imperial Wars J. Miller 20.69 Adventure, Parody, Shooter
Importance of Being a Junkyard Metalman Operator Viovis Acropolis 13.23 Demo, Trippy
Important Life Lessons 1: Watch The Skies Nuero 12.07 Cinema
Impossible Maze II Flimsy Parkins 13.12 Maze
Improbus ZZT File Manager Improbus 31.57 Utility
Improbus ZZT File Manager 2 Improbus 59.12 Utility
In Dreams Flatcoat Lab, Madeku 33.84 24HoZZT, Adventure, Contest
In Search of the Unknown Marcus D. Gregio 15.61 Action
Income and Stuff Master Raze 146.63 Compilation, Puzzle
Income Demo Master Raze 16.25 Comedy, Demo, Puzzle
Incomplete Garvinash 14.37 Other
Incomplete Games Various 703.69 Compilation, Incomplete
The Incredible Building Hydra 9.53 Puzzle
Independence Day TChiaramonte 3.25 Action, Fangame
Independence Day Jeff Quirk, JWald90726 5.68 Action, Fangame, Remake, Sci-Fi, Space
India! (Get the Bags, Boys!): Wicked Edition breakout 19.99 Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Zebes Simon Mime 24.12 Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Lost Crusaders FunkMeister 47.36 Action, Adventure, Fangame
Indiana Jones ZZT SNARFOOGLE 17.59 Adventure
Indiana Jones: The Search For King Solomon's Mines Hydra 55.7 Adventure
Indigo Sprite's Inn-Turns 1-4 LowerVP 8.25 Cinema, RPG
Indy Jones in The Lost Forest of The Ancients Unknown 15.57 Adventure, Fangame
Indy's Climbing Expedition ZZTechno 13.72 Adventure, Fangame, Incomplete
Inedible Vomit Draco 38.16 Adventure
Infestation 1 coolzx 40.08 Action
Infestation 2 coolzx 88.42 Action
Infestation 3 v1.0 coolzx 59.76 Action
Infestation 3 v2.0 coolzx 77.54 Action
Infestation: Tower of Babel coolzx 23.48 Action
Infestophobia v 1.3 coolzx 21.92 Action
The Infuriatingly Vexatious Treasure of Uriah Madborogh Zinfandel 9.75 Adventure, Contest, Oktrollberfest, Puzzle
Inhabitant WiL 14.08 Experimental
Inn of the Cow Jay Shapiro, Nancy Babyak 29.7 Action
Insane Inc. Magazine 2: Road To Insanity Qwil Man 23.5 Magazine
Insane Inc. Magazine: SE Insane Moose 20.47 Magazine
Insanity AnthonyThW 28.12 Adventure, Fangame
Interactive Fantasies 3rd Birthday Interactive Fantasies 24.63 Magazine
Interactive Fantasies 4th Birthday Interactive Fantasies 71.99 Magazine
Interactive Fantasies 24 Artistic Hours of ZZT Various 316.15 24HoZZT, Art, Contest
Intergalactica - Demo Nuero 55.35 Demo
International Jetpack Conference myth, Rob Dubbin 20.34 Action, Adventure
Interstellar Police: Escape Stal' Prison Bob Pragt 40.55 Adventure
Interstellar Police: Escape Stal' Prison (Original) Bob Pragt 36.74 Adventure
Into the Forest I Go Snorb 273.46 Experimental
Into the Maelstrom Part I: Dry Gulch Whizzard 11.58 Adventure
Into the Maelstrom Part II: Hardpoint on Remulo III Whizzard 38.85 Adventure
Into the Maelstrom: Dry Gulch Special Edition _ry0suke_, Whizzard 10.75 Adventure
Into The Void: A Insane Moose 21.14 Adventure
Into The Void: B Insane Moose 24.09 Adventure
Into The Void: C Insane Moose 27.67 Adventure
INTRO 2 AXE PEN AXE PEN 13.79 Trippy
Invaders ZZT Daniel James, Lynx 7.51 Action
The Invading Dicks Demo Master Raze 18.5 Action, Comedy, Demo
Invasion Unknown 3.85 Adventure
Invasion ZZT JPI 101.65 Adventure, RPG
Invasion ZZT Revision Princess Alena 172.27 Adventure
Iron Safari gingermuffins 16.83 24HoZZT, Contest
Island Adventure Cam, Kevin Hall 4.57 Action
Island Adventure Darren Hewer 25.96 Adventure
Island of Doom Sam Hockaday 13.18 Adventure, Shareware
Island of Jerks 1 Aric McKeown 47.06 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Island of Jerks 1: Special Edition GameMstr1 67.3 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Remake
Island of Jerks 1: Special Edition v1.5 GameMstr1 156.09 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Remake
Island of Jerks 2: I Might be Crazy Aric McKeown 22.11 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Island of Jerks 2: I Might be Crazy (Preview) Aric McKeown 8.36 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demo
Island of Jerks 3: Not Again (A Musical) Aric McKeown 33.07 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Island of Jerks 3: Not Again (A Musical) (Preview) Aric McKeown 20.89 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demo
Island of Jerks 4: I Love the Cow Aric McKeown 40.02 Action, Adventure, Comedy
Island of Jerks 4: I Love the Cow (September 1994) Aric McKeown 25.6 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Incomplete
Island of the Dragon Warriors L4Suicide, Uncle Bubba, Wong Chung Bang 68.87 Action, Adventure
Island of ZZT Ajc1490 14.24 Adventure
The Isle of Death Marcus D. Gregio 8.8 Action
IsPoint Magazine 1 iskeith3 17.45 Magazine
IsPoint Magazine 2 iskeith3 9.77 Magazine
IsPoint Magazine 4 iskeith3 8.86 Magazine
It Degkdckan, LHS13 11.75 Fangame, Horror
It's Not Mine! wayward 114.7 Other
It's The End Of The World! Creator 27.36 Action
itsmehere's blaster engine itsmehere 0.7 Engine

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